Thread of Joy and Candy

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Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Joey »

Actually just candy. Halloween has got Candy on my brain, amongst other Halloweeny things, so I wanted to see what types of candy other NCers like to get around this type of year.

Personally I don't actually eat most of my candy. I like Trick or Treating just for the hell of it and usually let most of my candy sit around for years until I find it again and am grossed out. In general, I'm not that big on chocolate unless it's Snickers or Reeses. Then I freeze them and can eat them all year. Candy corn is also classic, I eat it all so it never lasts. Stuff like lolly pops and Jolly Ranchers. I love Jolly Ranchers. Gummy things I'm not a fan of, especially the weird body part shaped things that are specifically for Halloween. They're funny and all, but I hate the way they taste. I also hate anything with mint, but that's just my hatred for mint.

So for those of you who have Trick or Treated and/or still do, are you a candy sorter? That was always one of my favorite things to do, pour out the entire bag and sort through the night's haul.

And what about candy for you Brits?
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Jessi »

I always sorted candy, then traded with my friends xD My absolute favorite are always Reeses cups and sweettarts, so i was always gunning for those.

You know what I hate? When you get those damn peanut butter candies wrapped in plain black or orange paper. Nasty ;_; Or when you trick or treat at the one old lady that gives you 15 cents instead of candy...
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Kari »

Oh, I sort EVERYTHING, especially candy. Don't ever open a large box of colored candy, I'll sort it before I even think of eating it.

When I was a kid, I gave all the chocolate stuff to my mom and kept all the rest for myself. I went ToTing last year for the first time in 6 years, and had a blast. I think the ratio of older people to little kids was darn close to even in my area. I forget what I did with the candy, I probably ate most of it except for the Raisinets (gave those to my 11th grade history teacher)

Overall, I love Butterfingers. Other chocolate stuff I have to be in the mood for, and dark chocolate is a dislike unless it's mixed with raspberry filling. I also love white chocolate, which everyone thinks is weird. And I'll eat most non-chocolate candies, including those hot ones. I used to dump full fun sized boxes of those and eat them, scaring everyone. Candy corn is my second favorite holiday-specific candy, and I'll try to hoard it, but it usually goes stale.

I don't really like gummies, unless they're sour. Laffy Taffy has horrible flavor choices, and I usually donate that to the elementary school.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Mac »

I've stopped trick or treating cause it's just not fun for me anymore, but I do love going to friend's houses and giving out the candy, and usually we just watch movies or something (this year it's borat + hair + hills have eyes 2 + tommy).

When I used to trick-or-treat, we would get tons of candy... our street's pretty empty halloween night, and we have a lot of old people that would get like, SO EXCITED if they got trick-or-treaters. they'd buy like full-size candy bars, and since we were the only people coming to them we'd get like four a house.

and I'm a huge sorter. my favourite candies would be skittles I think, I also love razzles but no one gives them out anymore. =[ the only think I don't like were those like... almond joys? and baby ruths. hate those.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Monkeyguy »

I don't trick or treat anymore, but I love to raid my sister's candy bag. Candy Corn is my favorite, peanut butter cups are good too. I could eat an entire bag of Cinnamon Imps and plain chocolate (any variety) is always nice.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Kidnemo »

I don't think I've ever trick or treated properly, certainly not in years and years.. I love the idea of candy sorting though :P

My favourite um.. candy *wince* (I hated how all the British people said candy in Burton's Willy Wonka) is probably Aero or Galaxy, I love Kinder Buenos too though... oooh no my favourite is Lindt Lindor.. so creamy and just.. yum.

Sweetie-wise I really like those.. 'wire' things; I think they're called that, you get them in pick 'n mix things, red or green.. all long with white stuff in the middle.. you know what I mean.

I made myself want sweets.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Gibblywibbly »

If the world tasted like Butterfingers, I'd die a happy person.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Seerow »

Hehe, we (I'm a triplet, so we meaning me and my sister and brother) would sort out our candy into chocolates, gummies, hard candy, suckers, and the like. I was never a big fan of the hard candies or gum, but my sister was so we'd usually swap.

"I'll trade you three jolly ranchers and the butterfinger for your hershey and M&Ms."

It would take hours.

My mom would sit there and silently laugh at us.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Ugh, candy corn, icky icky poo!

My little sister and I used to go to older friends' houses (parents would drive us) and get UNICEF money and some candy. I don't remember what all my favorite candies were back then, but I suspect it's much like today:
I like: Kit Kat, Reese's anything, Starburst, Skittles, M&M, gummies, mild candy bars (Whatchamacallits especially, and Three Muskateers back then too)
I don't like: Candy corn (ick ptooey), cheap nameless candy (yucky gritty peanut butter things and fruit flavored hard candies with gooey middles), most candy bars with obscene amounts of chocolate and sticky messy caramel (though rarely I'll be in the mood for one)

I think it's "technically illegal" to trick-or-treat door-to-door here in the USA after you're 18, and it's certainly not allowed (again technically illegal) to do so masked over 18. But my first and only REAL t-o-t run was done the year I turned 18, and I thought it was fun. My younger foster brother and I were in similar robes with a glowy mask, but his was a silly grinning ghoul, and mine was a werewolf. I still have my mask and wear it whenever a chance arises for some fun with it. I'm in the process of painting some red and black on it for added effect.

When I lived in my dorm at college, we had oodles of fun. I don't know how I managed to have my werewolf mask there, but I did, and the 4th floor had a "haunted house." My husband (back then, new boyfriend) and I got to take over a bathroom at the end of the hall, with a strobe light. He didn't have anything and so just ripped up some old tatty white bed sheets. We startled some people pretty nicely. :D The next few years, I helped with things like that and passed goodie bags to my friends. Despite the close quarters and people acting stupid on a regular basis (including a roommate or two), dorm life there was good.

At my last apartment, I had my first and only real trick-or-treat visitors. I don't know if I'll have any this year. Probably not, but I might hand some neighbor kids some goodies. I'm trying to think of things that have SOME kind of nutritional value, are terribly yummy, and aren't likely to cause allergy problems.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by shaelyn76 »

I am waaaayyy past Trick or Treating age so now my husband and I just impose a candy tax on our kids. We take a few pieces from their buckets and then eat whatever we have left at home that didn't get given out. I'm not a big fan of gummy(except sour patch kids...yum!) and I'm allergic to chocolate (I break out in hives if I eat more than like 1 small candy bar a day) so that leaves me with hard candies. Love the cinnamon disks and the butterscotch ones.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Alicorn »

Oh how I loved Trick or Treating. I still wish to Trick or Treat. I love dressing up and getting free candy. But as I get older, the less likely it is I'll get candy unless I have kids with me...and I don't want kids with me, blah. But the good thing is now I have money and I can hit up the candy sales after Halloween, muhahaha!

Anywho, I sorted my candy as well after my parents checked it. Whatever I didn't like went to my brother, sister and parents and I kepted what I liked. And my candy always lasted me into the next halloween cause I never went through all of it. My problem was I went into different moods of the sort of candy I wanted. It's still my problem now. I'll see candy and buy it but then not want it anymore. ^_^" But my all time fav candies are Starbursts (so much love for them), Reeses, Milkyways, sour gummy worms, poprocks and bubblegum. There are other candies I love but those are defently my top favs. I'm a big chocolate nut so I like anything chocolate almost...defently when it's chocolate and carmel. I'm all hungry for candy.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by daisybell »

I've never ever been trick or treating. Or done anything very much at all to do with Halloween.

I don't think there's really any special Halloween chocolate or sweets in the UK for this time of year- except the usual ones which are repackaged and sold in small versions and in orange and black wrappers. We do have Bonfire toffee for Bonfire night, though. And toffee apples are around in supermarkets.

I'd kind of like to try candy corn, just to know what it's like. It might be available and I've just never seen it, I suppose.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Spivsy »

I've never been trick or treating, I see it as a form of begging. I just steal sweets from any party I go to at the time. And sweets are sweet, unless they're sour- in which case they suck.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by gomababe »

Never been trick or treating in my life, then again I live in the UK and its only recently that it's become a big thing. The types of thing I'd get if we did do that sort of thing would be mnkey nuts, apples, oranges, Opal Fruits {I refuse to call them Starburst Dammit!}, mini Mars bars and Milky Ways, the Harribo gummies {I would likely give all the sour ones to my little brother}, maybe a mini Galaxy if we're lucky, that kind of thing.

Well, that was what my younger brother came back with when he went trick or treating when he was 16 {I was apparently 'too old' to go round with him even though his berst friend was only a year older than me ¬_¬}.
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Re: Thread of Joy and Candy

Post by Phibby »

I don't trick-or-treat anymore, but every year I do my best to go all out and make Halloween awesome. I've been bad these past few years and haven't done much because of school, stress, etc., but this year I've had more time to really rock the crap out of it (this year's jack-o-lanterns are going to be awesome).

As for candy, I only give out chocolate. No sour stuff (though I love it so), no fruit-flavored candy, no brandless "random bag o'candy" crap sweets that nobody ever eats: just chocolate. Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Crunch, 100 Grand, Kit Kat, Three Musketeers, Reeses, Butterfinger (eugh, but they're for the kids), Baby Ruth, and any other chocolate that catches my eye. Chocolate was always the candy my sister and I looked forward to getting in our t-o-t bags, so I figure it's my duty to pass that along to the next generation. And I don't give it out, but I do love candy corn, although it's not really something I can sit and eat and eat like M&Ms.

I don't get that many t-o-ters, relatively speaking. Part of it's because, duh, I'm in the South, where Halloween is considered "Satanic" instead of pure, unadulterated awesome. Part of it's because a local park holds this huge party thing for kids on Halloween that pretty much everyone goes to. So kids who ring my doorbell are treated to three pieces of candy and my complete respect for actually t-o-ting. It might seem like a lot, but there's always a ton left to snack on when it's midnight and we're watching horror movies.

As for sorting candy, I don't think I ever did. I just rifled around my bag/pillowcase for whatever candy I was in the mood for at that moment.
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