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Halloween Pic Dump, anyone?

Posted: 01 Nov 2007 06:14 pm
by Mesmirez
I wanna see costumes :D surely nobody here's too cool to dress up? If you are, you suck at life, go away.

I was Mother War from the Black Parade Video. Geeky yet awesome :D .

Me, with my demon hound klonked out next to me. Uh.

Standing. Woo.

A bit too dark, but by far the coolest pic because of the orbs surrounding me. Whee, ghosties!

Re: Halloween Pic Dump, anyone?

Posted: 02 Nov 2007 04:45 am
by Wingsrising
I'm a bad, bad person.





Apparently Snopes is wrong... people DO torture black cats on Halloween. (Actually, they do it the day after Halloween. That's when the pet costumes are 50% off.)

Re: Halloween Pic Dump, anyone?

Posted: 02 Nov 2007 04:57 am
by Twofold Black
God, cats are so funny when they're just the right amount of unhappy.

You might want to check your shoes for hairballs before you put them on tomorrow. Kitty revenge is terrible.

Re: Halloween Pic Dump, anyone?

Posted: 02 Nov 2007 05:36 am
by Alicorn
Awww your kitties are so cute in their costumes Wings. Though they don't look very happy. Hehehe, my fiance bought a costume for our baby dog but we didn't get around to dressing him up this year. There is always next year to torture him (though he doesn't really mind it).
I also love your costume Mesmirez. Very cool! It looks great and very creative!

I was wanting to dress up this year but didn't really get the chance too. So I'll show off my pics from a couple years ago, it was what I was going to be this year if I would of been able to dress up.
Me as Marron Glace! And here is another one which is a bit blurry. And here is a pic for people to compare it too. My mom made the costume for me and I was so happy with how it turned out. I wore it to work and no one knew who I was but I didn't care, hehehe. He's from not a well known anime (The Sorcerer Hunters) so it didn't surprise me.

Re: Halloween Pic Dump, anyone?

Posted: 03 Nov 2007 02:31 am
by Mistress Morbid
I didn't do too much this Halloween, we went over to my brother's house and watched my nephews go trick-or-treating and gave out candy. It was nice, just kinda hanging out with my family and all. I didn't dress up or anything, just did some spidery makeup. Oh, and I've recently dyed my hair red too. ^^ I've had it black for like 6 years now and was getting kind of bored with it. xD



Re: Halloween Pic Dump, anyone?

Posted: 06 Nov 2007 09:45 am
by Joey
Since I'm pretty sure not everyone reads the Maple Story thread, I might as well post my costume here.
And this is what I was trying to recreate:

Admittedly not the best picture, as it was taken after a long day of pumpkin carving and mooching candy, with my lovely front porch as the backdrop. I'm gonna take more pretty photos when I finish the accessories for the outfit; along with the hat and gloves, I still need to make a new staff because the one I'm holding is from last years costume. (Man, I just photograph horribly xD)

Pumpkin pics are on my pumpkin thread.

Wings, you are a terrible person but those pics are sooooo cute!