Tyrannian Day Predictions

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Tyrannian Day Predictions

Post by Nogitsune »

Tyrannian Day approaches. Neopets once created pets of this colour on this day. I don’t recall there being a new one last year, but it might be possible this year. So what pets can’t be painted Tyrannian yet?

Bruce Image
Buzz Image
Chomby Image
Gelert Image
Grarrl Image
Grundo Image
Hissi Image
Kiko Image
Lutari Image
Ogrin Image
Pteri Image
Ruki Image
Tonu Image
Wocky Image
Xweetok Image
Yurble Image

The Chomby, Grarrl, and Tonu are perhaps the least likely to ever receive this colour – though in theory a Tonu could be turned into a wooly rhino. It’s a bit hard (though not impossible) to imagine how you’d make a t-rex and apatosaurus more ‘primitive’ but it probably could be done.

There has been an unreleased Tyrannian Buzz for a while now, though whether this bug version of the Terminator will now be used is uncertain. A Tyrannian Pteri along the lines of an archaeopteryx would be cool. A Tyrannian Bruce, Gelert, Hissi, Ogrin, Wocky, or Xweetox could be interesting. Given the treatment the Yurbles and Lutari got after the revamp it’s unlikely their Tyrannian forms will be impressive, which is a pity. A Tyrannian Kiko could be nice or could be hideous. I’m not sure what they’d do to a Ruki or Grundo.

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Re: Tyrannian Day Predictions

Post by champagnesoup »

I'm thinking that pets with simple lines will look best in a Tyrannian colour. I think the pets that would work well are Tonu (I don't see why they wouldn't become Tyrannian, Tonu make me think of African rhinos more than anything), Buzz, Gelert, Wocky and Ruki.

I'm intrigued as to what they could do to a Ruki - pre-customisation they could have done an insect trapped in amber! I'm not too hot on prehistoric animal species but I think insects could look good in a Tyrannian style.

Oh, and I think we'll probably just get the one colour, though I couldn't say what. I'm surprised there are so many pets left, though then again Tyrannia as a land is pretty ignored. A map revamp a la Haunted Woods and Terror Mountain would be nice!
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Re: Tyrannian Day Predictions

Post by varii »

I think the only would I would be interested in is a Tyrannian Wocky. Although looking at the only two Tyrannian pets released in 2.0, probably not. I know not many people here liked it, but I will never forgive them for auto customising the Tyrannian Aisha.

I just hope we get some cute petpet colours, really.
rei @ neopets

Re: Tyrannian Day Predictions

Post by Pyrostatic »

I'd love to see a Gelert, considering the good streak the artists have had going since Lupe day. c=

Chances are we won't get one though.
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