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Posted: 30 Jul 2009 01:51 pm
by Tom
I know that not everyone here checks the forums, so I thought I'd post about a very nifty site:

Everything here is legal for the site, and alongside the extremely useful book checklist are other such helpful features such as the autoquester, which brings all shop search windows and the quest page into one tab, plushie and beanbag checklists, similar to the book, listing the cheapest to most expensive of these items you don't have, and the auto collection adder, for those, like me, who find it a real hassle to add every single plushie/beanbag to your collections. I just wanted to make sure you're all aware of this, because I have to say, I think it's awesome. Check it out if you have time!

Re: Monoclide

Posted: 30 Jul 2009 02:11 pm
by Seerow
I just stumbled across that the other day and thought it was neat. The only thing I don't quite like about it so far is that it takes up a lot of room on my screen, but I'm sure that's something I'll get used to. The minion feeder (I've been putting it off for a long time, but I want those trophies) and quester ones are the ones I'll probably use the most.
Wish I'd known about the auto beanbag/plushie adder, that would have been nice when I was putting hundreds upon hundreds of those in my collection!

Re: Monoclide

Posted: 30 Jul 2009 02:22 pm
by TCStarwind
The quester and minion feeder look nifty. I may actually start doing quests again because of this. :D

Re: Monoclide

Posted: 30 Jul 2009 09:37 pm
by Mayhem
I was just thinking yesterday that Subeta really needed a way to add a bunch of plushies to my collection at once. Woot!