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Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 09:08 pm
by Seerow

The second Priggle recolor came out, and I'm more impressed with the species each time. It's a pissed off hedgie, how amazing is that? Jeremy (who sends souls to hell pretty much) will definitely be coming one of these once pirates are allowed back on the island which better be soon darn it. I love the purple tail and the way the toes were done. The spines work really well here as a sort of ruff. The crown looking thing is also a neat touch. Love it!

The Velosotor is also a great example of the species. I've never really been a fan of them, but I wouldn't mind owning this. I think I would have liked the hands to be in a fiercer position. The webbing on the toes is greatly done, but I think it would be hard to run with that webbing on the legs :P The little light on the tail is a great detail.

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 09:17 pm
by hebdenhippy
I love the Priggle, the snarling expression is very well done and I like the use of colours. The purple tail is great and the crown is a really good idea.

I really want to love the Velosotor, since the species is one of my favourites, but the pose just seems really unbalanced to me - like it could topple over at any moment. Everything else about it is great, and the art is really good, it's just the pose that's putting me off.

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 09:26 pm
by Goldenchaos
I see whats off on the Velosotor..its the webbing behind its legs, it looks...-really- wierd and off on it..and doesnt make much sense..the art is nice though.

Priggle is nice looks like royalty

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:06 pm
by Heilos

They're both beautiful but I ADORE the Hydrus priggle much more then the velosotor 8D
The space is used so well oh the priggles art, love the pose, the face looks PERFECTLY ANGRY,
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the spines coming out from behind the head and the webbing on it's headpiece
Once the island is open up again im getting this priggle no matter what, I forgot who draws the
priggle but whoever you are I love you ;o;

I also really want to love the velosotor since I just LOVE it's snarling face and those teeth along with the body,
but the webbing on the back legs almost ruins it for me, it just...does not need to be there, plus I seriously
think having webbing there would hinder it's movement way too much even if it's hydrus based now
Otherwise the rest of it is wonderful.

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:09 pm
by Tom
For anyone who is a pirate and wants a hydrus pet, you can simply follow the link to Merena's quests and complete them:


Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:14 pm
by Heilos
OMG thankyou Tom =D I completely forgot what the link was to that <3

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:16 pm
by Seerow
Hagane does the Priggle, Heilos!

And thanks for the link Tom. Jeremy is a pretty Hydus Priggle now, and the quest only cost about 30K!

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:30 pm
by TCStarwind
Merana slowly feeds the potion she created to Muscovite and... BUWHAHAH Muscovite has been transformed into a Hydrus pet!
I had to get myself a hydrus priggle. Just had to. They're adorable. The little sea urchin on its tail is cute, too. And the crowns and spikes on its head are awesome. A fully wonderful hydrus pet.

The velosotor is similarly awesome, but would be even more so if it didn't have the webbing on its legs and tail. o_O Still nice, though.

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 02:15 am
by Pyrostatic
The Veolosotor is meh. There's webbing alright, and that's typical on a Hydrus pet. But maybe there's just too much of it that it's so distracting. The other thing I notice is the poor use of space. It's so narrow which is odd for a Velosotor, but maybe it's cause of it's angle? Regardless, I still think there's too much white space. But once I get past all that, I see a very nicely detailed and well-shaded dinosaur. I love the expression on it's face.

Now even though I'm biased with new pets, especially ones that don't interest me, I'm pretty impressed by this Hydrus Priggle. I love the everything about the face and the "mane" spikes. My only nitpick is I think the mane spikes should have matched the colours on the face and legs. But other than that, it's not a bad Hydrus pet. Not a pet I would ever own, but it's a nice addition.

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 02:35 am
by Iggy
My only nitpick is I think the mane spikes should have matched the colours on the face and legs.
Ahah. I think the quills remind me of the color scheme of the Handheld Hydrus Claws, which I found a cool touch! I like it better than just brown spikes, because it doesn't have a lot of patterns. So, I like it better with than without these


Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 02:51 am
by Aisu
I LOVE THE PRIGGLE SOMUCH. Definitely my all time fave Hydrus pet! 8D The frilly spine things are brilliant, the pose and expression are so lifelike and emotive, and the pet is beautifully drawn and colored!

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 03:38 am
by Usul_Princess
The hydrus Priggle is probably the best drawn pet on the site. I don't care for the species much, but....this is in a league of its own. So detailed. I like it's "forehead", it reminds me of a triceratops crown. I'm also a sucker for gradient shades, and different colors of brown make this pet look more superior than the normal Subeta pets.

I don't care for the Velostotor, the only color I truly like is Chibi.

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 04:43 am
by Mistress Morbid
I love the idea of the Velosotor, but it's executed so poorly! That's the most awkward positioning and use of space....the horns almost look like they're cut off at the top, and I agree with everyone about the weird leg webbing. Lovely artwork on the face, it's juts a shame they didn't make it more of a profile instead of such a head-on shot.

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 05:00 am
by Jessi
Full size Hydrus Priggle for those that want to see :3 I adore this angry little beast, and it has definitely convinced me not to get on a Priggle's bad side. My Glade Priggle, Constance, is supposed to be royalty, so I think I might have to have Lindsey give him a custom design with the Hydrus Priggle's crown - it is my -favorite- part of the pet!

I really like the Velosotor, but I'm another who thinks the webbing on the legs is just... odd. Also, MM, I totally see what you're saying about it looking odd since the face is profile but the body is head-on.

Re: Hydrus Priggle and Velostotor

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 05:12 am
by Enriana
I don't like Velosotors and this one is no different. It looks really awkwardly posed/drawn - not to a degree that it's awful to look at, but I'd never own one.

The Priggle, however, ROCKS SO MUCH. I am now adding "Hydrus Priggle" to the list of my possible 12th pet species/colours, because omg that is just the most awesome pet ever. The pose, the expression, all the details.. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. My only complaint is that its body looks really dark - but it's not so dark that I can't see it, so I'm all good. The sea urchin tail is SO AWESOME. Man, it's totally my favourite Hydrus pet, hands down.