Royal Yurbles

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Post by solarith »

The only one of these that is alright would be the Royalboy, though I usually like Royalboys better for some reason. I'll completely skip over the fact that they decided not to do a redraw type thing for Royal pets and try to evaluate them as a color.

The only thing I don't really like about the Royalboy would be the gimongous helmet. It just looks huge and ungainly. If I ever got one, I'd probably take the helmet off, and I think the boy yurble would look fairly nice with the curly mane-hair and the robe.

Though is it just me or do some of the recent hatwear things seem over-large for the pets? I mean I tried on that Blechy hat or whatever it was that they made wearable and it looked huge on my Kougra. Now these helmets look overly huge, as though they had to overcompensate for the ears and the original mane, since they weren't allowed to redraw it to fit properly. So to cover the mane/ears, they had to make the helmet overly huge to fit ... and it just looks goofy. Doesn't help that the wings on the boy's helmet are 5 miles wide.

Though I have to say I have an urge to draw the Royalboy Yurble with a properly sized helmet and a different pose, with the same outfit on to see what it'd look like. That curly mane looks like it'd be fun to draw.
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Post by Happy »

Utter crap.

Its so messy, cluttered and the colours don't match. The clothes, when looked at seperately I think would look okay but yeesh, as Symmie said, I really can't take these seriously.
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Post by FourEyes »

It does look kinda cluttered. =/ It's... shiny though. And I can't help but like shiny things.
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Post by Kari »

First thought: Huh, Norse-ish. I like
Second thought: LENS FLARE OMG (in reference to the over-shiny)

I wouldn't rush out and get one, but I don't mind their existence.
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Post by Marah »

*weeps for the death of the yurbles*
I weep with you.

If anyone would have told me we would have gotten Nordic mythology yurbles for yurble day I would have been so excited. Yurbles were my favourite pets.

But I don't like the execution, the items are drawn in a completely different style than the pets (the shiny bits have quite different lines around them) it is cluttered, and Gunhilde there looks like she is ready to start a fistfight instead of being a Scandinavian queen. (allthough I think they might have had some fistfights actually). I don't think the colour of the clothes match the colour of the yurbles, allthough I do like the colour of the male yurble. I also like the breaded beard, that is a nice touch.
I do have the feeling that the "beardy" part of the royal female is stuffed partly under the tunic, not sure if that is what is supposed to happen.

Maybe if the bits of clothing are put on the pets seperately they might look better, but should that be the idea of the paint brush? Put in as many items as you can?

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Post by Usul_Princess »

TCD wrote:
I was laughing so hard at this! I didn't think anyone remembered 'What's Opera Doc?' It's the earliest WB cartoon I can remember since I was 3 and very noteworthy.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

FC bets:
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

I was laughing so hard at this! I didn't think anyone remembered 'What's Opera Doc?'.
That cartoon is epic. Sad that you probably can't see it outside of a DVD anymore (I haven't seen an old WB cartoon on TV for ages. I hope I'm just looking in the wrong places, though); imagine how many generations are going to be deprived of classic Merry Melodies cartoons because of it. :(

EDIT: Horribly off-topic, but for those of you who haven't seen it yet, some kind soul has uploaded it to YouTube.
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Post by Huggles »

I can't help but comment on how bad these are. They look exactly like what they are, yurbles with ill fitting and ugly clothes pasted on. The faces and body parts don't look at all like they're a part of the Norse apparel. The color of the hair doesn't match the fur either, especially on the girl. Before all this, I was looking forward to seeing what would be done with the royal yurbles because of the lovely legendary petpet shopkeeper. Bleh.
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Post by kerg »

Well, these are my initial reactions to them.

First: 'What the heck, way too cluttered.'
Second: 'The roalboy's hat is kind of cool..'
Third: 'You know, you can't really even tell it's a Yurble under all that crap.'

Boo. I don't really like them. The art style is different from most pets, and it's a good concept, but they are still way, way too cluttered.
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Post by Mariko »

I like the clothes on the royalgirl and the beard/color on the royalboy... otherwise I think they are terrible.
1. overcrowded
2. clashy
3. why does the royalgirl have chest hair?
4. Yurble look pointy as a result of the redraws...
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Post by Danish »

By the looks of this the spiral pony tail hair things on the Royal Girl are removeable.
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Post by oogabooga »

Oh, that's good news. They look ridiculous.

I'd have kind of liked to be able to have the hat separately, though...
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Post by Jack Sparrow Wanna be »

Ugly, ugly and UGLY!

How can anyone own such an ungly pet.

They are both hideous.

Sorry for all who like them but just BLEH.
The names either Llama, Jack or Tasha
(my real name being Tarsha but I never use it xP)
Leave the purple pets alone! The orange spots happen to be one of the best contrasts in neopets :D
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Post by dandelions »

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