Chai and Dragon revamp (+ staff discussion)

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by bonecrivain »

Alright, let's keep the one-liners about fighting with Chimaera to a minimum and go back to discussing our reasons for liking or disliking the revamp/the possibilities of future revamps in a more detailed, informed manner. I really don't want to see this thread disintegrate into "YAY NEOCOLOURS SMASH CHIMAERA." So let's just stop that in its tracks. Rah's right; I was still tongue-in-cheek with the "Chimaera-hatred" thing and don't want to make this a super bash-fest. But apparently I need to quit saying things that aren't entirely serious, since they seem to be misunderstood.
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Post by Iggy »

First, this opinion is purely objective. If Chimaera, or anyone else is disgusted, feels bad after reading this, please PM me, I'll be glad to discuss it in private.

I had no issues in the past with Chimaera. I usually take everything she says to the second degree, something I've learnt to do here, a few years ago.

However, I do think she perhaps has a lot on the shoulders right now. She draws items, pets, she is co-art director with Kelpie, and she's an UA. That's a lot of duties.

I believe than her reactions are mostly due than she's tired of being criticized. Her calm and tact...sorta left.

Once again, if I insulted anyone here, I'm sorry.
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Post by Sarivonne »

You haven't insulted me.

Personally, I think she should take a breather and let the other staffers do some work too. Subeta will not die if she takes a vacation.

THIS is what got me though:


I loved spirit. He made some of the most wonderful, polite crits ever, and he got bashed. He was also once a subeta artist, so he KNOWS what to expect and knows art!

Alright..back on topic...grr..I'm trying...

...Can we lighten the BR dragon at least!? You can do dark and still see it; ie dm dragon

I JUST FIGURED IT OUT. Well, for me anyway. Dragons and magnus look like the same species in that shot, just male and female!

I just realized that the dragon and magnus have the same exact legs as the mortiking there too.. blargh
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Post by Katy »

I just realized that the dragon and magnus have the same exact legs as the mortiking there too.. blargh
I didn't notice it until you mentioned it, but they do have mortiking legs! I really don't like that, it looks like some kind of genetic breeding program went horribly wrong between those pets.

Also, a bit of the dragon is so dark that you lose detail. The galactic serpenth is even worse though.
"If I could be a bird, I'd be a Flying Purple People Eater because then people would sing about me and I could fly down and eat them because I hate that song." Jack Handey
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Post by Sarivonne »

Okay good, I'm not the only one who sees it x__x

Blargh. It's getting harder to tell them apart, I swear...
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Post by Huggles »

I tried very hard to read this entire thread, I really did, but just couldn't make it past page five. I have little to no emotional investment in this topic and the issues raised therein. Therefore, if Bon or Figgy tells me to go big, green, and super elastic sweatpantsy, I will. Happily. This isn't directed solely at this thread, but the entire Subeta sub-forum, nor is it meant to single any one person out.

Huggles says:

Neocolourers: Try not to be too much of an ass just because you can here.

Everyone else: This is <strike>Sparta</strike> Neocolours!

Have a nice day.
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Post by Figment »

I agree with Huggles. Just because we aren't at subeta (where any negative discussion is being shut down pretty quickly as far as I can tell, as I wander the forums in my BB quest for 100 posts) doesn't mean we need to degenerate into random flaming. It's one thing to post thoughtful analyses of somebody's actions, quite another to insult someone personally. Let's try to keep it to the former and away from the latter, please. A lot of things that are being said about Chim are blatantly hurtful, I think, and really are making NC conform to what they've said about us on the subeta forums.

I don't defend her actions -- I think that users should have a say in drastic changes made to pets -- but neither do I feel the need to repeat that same opinion over and over and over unless I've got something new to add. Really, let's try not to inclusively bash everything about a person just because of a few bad decisions they've made.
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Post by Rajface »

Rah wrote:Thanks for the lovely Chai comments guys :) I'll be working on the BR and GY this month I expect :) (I'm not as fast as Chim though!)

I do agree with some points here on some artists being unwilling to listen to crits, based on their own evaluation of themselves. I mean, sometimes they do produce spectacular artwork, but I liked the users having a say, it was what made us different. I got quite used to being able to pick out the legitimate crits and disgard the ones that wouldn't work. I wish it could go back to that way, but we are in changing times I'm afraid :(

So all I can do is concentrate on my own pets!
I agree with everything Rah said. The changes that have taken place- both within staff and in the general user population- have really altered Subeta's path, in my personal opinion.

Now, I'll admit that I do like the dragon revamp. This is not to say that I disliked the previous version- I liked that one too. That being said, I definitely see several things that I would have pointed out during a critique process (the sudden generation of wings and lack of whiskers the main points), but overall, it's really not so bad.
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Post by Mayhem »

I'm not agreeing with the Chimarea-bashing (a lot of staff is being really shitty lately, not just her), but something needs to be done. Out of all the petsites I like to lurk on, Subeta is - by far - the one with the most drama, and most of the drama can be deterred by a few more understanding people.

All I can say is, is if things continue this way, I'm not going to continue to play Subeta anymore, and then move onto different online time-consumers.

(Is it against the rules to put an image over your current's pet image on their lookup? If the Angelic Dragon turns into something like the current Dragons, I'd hate to have to find something else to turn poor Prusew into. I'd rather map the current Angelic dragon over the new one if I can. :/)
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Post by Rajface »

Putting an image of the old angelic dragon over the revamp (when it comes) should be fine. If it isn't, custom css shouldn't be allowed.
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Post by Slugawoo »

I think it should be okey. I know some of Vampire's pets use that code to cover their images.

As long as you arn't pasting an angelic dragon over a common dragon or something along those lines, you should be perfectly fine. ;3
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Post by klaatu99 »

Rajface wrote:Putting an image of the old angelic dragon over the revamp (when it comes) should be fine. If it isn't, custom css shouldn't be allowed.
I don't know if this would count or not, this is from the subeta forums.

We will no longer allow the use of "fake pets" on user profiles, whether you state that they are fake or not. This means that if you have links to pets that are NOT owned by you on-site, you may not use them, as it creates confusion amongst other users. Atop of unfairly claiming another user\'s hard work, such action would also be causing possible security compromisation.

Alright, to further elaborate on the subject, since some of you seem to be slightly confused. Users are making fake pet lookups profile links/images and trying to pass them off as their own. This is misrepresenting the true owner, color, and species in most cases, which devalues the corresponding potion and confuses other users. Furthermore, covering a pet\'s true color and species on it\'s actual lookup is just another way of cheating and is also going to be warned for from now on. However, you may post links to friends pets as you desire.
Would using old artwork count as being a fake pet?
Feed Us Please!

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Post by Sayle »

I'm pretty sure that notice was referring to the people who posted things in their profile in such a way that made it seem as if they owned pets they really didn't; for example, if I were to post a picture of an angelic keeto and write the name "Love" under it in a format that resembled the format my real pets were arranged in, when I don't really own that pet.

I think it's okay to cover up images as long as you aren't doing it in a way that misleads people into thinking your pet is a different species/colour.
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Post by Rah »

Putting different images over your pets image is fine, klaatu, as long as its the same colour and species (or the colour and species description isn't covered)

I personally have a chibi kora, but on her lookup i've drawn a picture of a chibi kora dressed as a pirate which covers the subeta image :) I believe that's fine, but say, putting a reborn sheeta image over your common swampie, including changing the writing below as part of the image, is considered cheating :/

Edit: Lol, I was beaten to it!
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Post by checkers »

Rah wrote:Putting different images over your pets image is fine, klaatu, as long as its the same colour and species (or the colour and species description isn't covered)

I personally have a chibi kora, but on her lookup i've drawn a picture of a chibi kora dressed as a pirate which covers the subeta image :) I believe that's fine, but say, putting a reborn sheeta image over your common swampie, including changing the writing below as part of the image, is considered cheating :/

Edit: Lol, I was beaten to it!
Hehe, I'd like to do that but with just flip rotates :3 I just don't know coding.

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