Any good NEW/UPDATED guides for customizing lookups?

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Any good NEW/UPDATED guides for customizing lookups?

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

(from new Editorial)
Are there any plans to add seven year shields to our User Lookups? I understand that the artists have been way too busy with the new site content and wearable items to probably even think about drawing more shields. I was just wondering, because I'd like to have visual confirmation of my standing as a long-time Neopian. The little date on my User Lookup just isn't big enough for me. ;) ~forevernat
*headdesk* We know. We're so embarrassed about it we just want to crawl under our desks and die. We're constantly saying, "Gah, we really need to do those!" but then it's always trumped by something like plot prizes, etc. We also have a feature in mind for shields and we don't want to waste art time doing old versions when they could be working on new ones, but we haven't had time to plan that out yet, either. ;_;
OK, at least THAT'S been announced now. So, do any of you know of any good CURRENT guides for userlookup customization? I'm quite a bit past 6 years on Neo now, so I've been thinking of putting up something different for my shield, at least until the new whatever-they're-planning is implemented.

And I really wish we could cover our pets with OUR art. I'm STILL unhappy with the mass bastardization... er... customization-revamp so many pets received. Mine weren't hit hard (although I still don't like the new Uni's off-balance pose and freakish expression), but I still really feel for those whose pets were absolutely butchered.
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Post by yvonne_l_d »

You could try some of the links here:

I haven't tried any of them, but hopefully one of them will have useful information.
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Post by thelonetiel »

I meant to work on my guide, but then my laptop's charger broke and I don't have any of the stuff on this computer. I have a new one ordered, but it's put a hamper on my plans.

I need to finish it by the 18, so it won't be too long if I get started. xP

The only guide I've heard of is one on Sunnyneo, but I haven't looked at it. And the girl who claimed to use it had some major problems and some really wonky codes, so I don't think I'd recommend it.

You're welcome to decompile some of these lookups of mine (at the bottom of the page) if you need a place to start, they're pretty basic though.
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

For win! Thank you both so much! I may soon have to change it to look better, but my main account no longer has the outdated "6 years" shield nonsense. :)

One of the links-from-a-link sent me to a page where it was fairly easy for me to figure out the styling/coding for the shield even though the positioning was different. It was just a matter of defining the exact location in the "style" (through calculated trial-and-error because of what I mentioned above) and then div-id'ing it with the image URL.
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