Terracoon Revamp

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
Twofold Black
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Terracoon Revamp

Post by Twofold Black »

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Well, it's not worse than the old one? I don't know. I don't care for it, but maybe I'm just not into that kind of thing. The art's definitely miles better. The outline seems weirdly heavy, perhaps because its coloration is otherwise pretty light or perhaps because its thickness is too consistent, and I'm no more in love with the anatomy of the hind leg of this one than I am with the same on the old version.
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Post by Mayhem »

I think it's loads better than the new one, anatomy aside. The fur is more detailed, which I really like. Is this by the same artist who did the Galactic Terracoon?
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Post by bonecrivain »

The tail needs to be several stripes longer. I think that's the main thing that jumps out at me about the new version. The old's definitely an improvement, though.
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Post by iceburgundy »

Ughhh. I do not like the face, at all. If the face were changed, I would love this revamp, but as it is the eyes look... like they aren't aligned right? I'm not sure what it is, but the face... no. The shading, yes, the outline, fine, everything but the face!
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Post by Cranberry »

The face is pretty good. The tail is cute -- I like it much better with stripes -- but it would look better a little fluffier, I think. I'm not crazy about the way the fluff sticks up on the chest, and the pet in general is pretty boxy... it gives the impression of being a square. It's a definite improvement over the old one, though.
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Post by Teragram »

Hmmm. It's still cute, and the art is better, and yet, somehow, it's not as cute...I mean, I didn't like the old one, so it's weird that I should be discontent with this one, but I dunno. I don't think I like the shading syle? And it does seem heavy. And also the new one looks a bit stockier, less quick and playful.
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Post by shaelyn76 »

I feel that it looks too Chibi now. It is like a pudgy toddler looking for trouble. If that is the look they are going for, well they hit it right on the head, but if not they missed the mark entirely. The body is too squat and the tail is too short. I much prefer the stripes on the tail as opposed to the odd looking tail on the older version, but it still should be longer. I commented on the news that I'd like to see what the Terracoon would look like sitting down as that may give the artist more room to work in so the body wouldn't seem so cramped. Either way, it still isn't on my list of pets I would consider if I had space so it really doesn't bug me either way.
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Post by Twofold Black »

The pose of the new one lacks spunk; the old one looks like a puppy that wants to play, but this one is just standing there smiling at you. Which, when I put it that way, is horribly creepy.

I don't know, this is basically okay but there are a lot of little things wrong with it, and they add up to something I don't much want to look at.

Edit: Also, the perspective is wonky. It doesn't look like it's standing on a surface that is angled with respect to the viewing plane; it looks like two of its legs are short.
Last edited by Twofold Black on 20 Aug 2007 04:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Goldenchaos »

I already posted what I thought looked wrong on it..I think its neck is too short
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Post by painesgrey »

just a few things i noticed on first glance:

- the pose is stiff and doesn't seem to have any "flow" or movement in it..

- the tail is just.. off. while i think the stripes are cute, i really don't like how each stripe is a "chunk" of different hair. it really doesn't flow and looks like different sections of hair plugged into one another (or that there are massive gaps in hair between each stripe).

- it has no neck.

otherwise, i think it's a great improvement.
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Post by AngharadTy »

It looks like its ass was drawn by a different artist.

The markings on the head match the markings on its back, but then the tail has lines delineating the bands, and why? That's kind of lazy.

The marks on the back are too perfect, also. Perfectly smooth lines marking out triangles. I'd like some indications of fur there.

And a neck would be nice.

Bonus points for looking like a Zigzagoon, though. But... only a couple.

I do like the face, and it is a vast improvement, but jebus the Terracoon was so fugly before, anything would be. It's still kind of a redundant pet. Oh, well.
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Post by Xelio »

I actually despite the new one. The tail is different and not for the better. It looks like it chopped off the lifeless tail from a coon-skin cap and attached it to its butt a la Eeyore. The chest sticks out funny with a bizarre tuft of fur and to me doesn't sit over the forelimbs correctly, which are wonky, though I can't put my finger on it. The hind leg's knee joint seems really big and too far forward and the face looses all its charm. Realism is nice and all, really...but not on a terracoon. I voted for the old one in a heartbeat.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Post by covet »

I wish the ass really was drawn by a different artist. It would be a great way to start out on the subeta creative team. "Hey, we don't think you're up to faces yet, but we have a few species needing new butts. How about it?"

Anyway. I don't like it, but I don't like the old one either. It really is a very 'meh' pet. The redraw could do with a session on the stretching rack and a little life in it's face. But I don't really mind what this turns out like, I can continue to ignore it as I did before.
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Post by Sunwolf »


"What's an ugly Zigzagoon doing on Subeta?" was my first thought.

The legs are too short like a wiener dog, the ruff on its back doesn't look attached to the rest of its body, the legs are awkward like it's standing on the side of a mountain, and it looks like a Chibi pet. Then again I've always disliked Terracoons, so I suppose anything is an improvement. I do like the raccoon-tail, but . . . Zigzagoon!
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Post by Sayle »

This was done by the same artist who did the Galactic Terracoon (Rah). :)
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