GCSE/AS/A Level Results

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GCSE/AS/A Level Results

Post by adi_gallia »

I don't know how many of us are still in the Sixth Form or Year 11. But today I got my, slightly disappointing, first year Sixth Form (AS) results. I was wondering if anyone else wanted to share theirs. Also next week the people who took their GCSEs might want to share their results here.

So here are mine, at least they'll make some of you feel superior. xD

Communications Level 3: Fail

Computing: D

Further Maths: B

General Studies: C

Mathematics: A

Food Technology: C

Communications was a pass/fail thing, no grades. I didn't choose to take it, it was Key Skills, so I'm not really bothered at the result, I was quite annoyed that I had to do what was essentially English when it really isn't my favourite subject.

Further Maths was quite disappointing. I got a high-ish A in the first module, then got one mark of a B and then a mid-range C, I was really hoping I would get an A overall, but I suppose I had misplaced confidence in Further Maths

General Studies, wow, we did three modules of this I got 73%- B in the Conflict module. Then 90%- A in the Power module, which was my highest single result for me and then a hideously low 37%- U in the Space module, which was my lowest single result. Although I didn't really care for General Studies, if I had done better in that I could be sitting here with an A or a B.

Maths, well at least I got one A, something to be proud of I suppose.

In Food Technology I got a low B in the coursework and a high D in the exam, so I suppose it was only fair that I got a C, after the written exam I felt like I did even worse than a D, perhaps an E or a U, so it's good that I got a C, which I believe was my target grade, though it could have been a B.

At least I got high enough grades to get into next year. I felt kind of bad talking to the other boy in the Food Tech class who got like 1 D and an E I think, the rest were U.

So yeah, share your good (or bad) results here if you like, hopeful you will get a few more As than I did, or A* if you are talking GCSEs. :P
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Post by gomababe »

I don't think that's too bad adi to be honest with you. Congrats on getting the A in maths though ^_^. It's always a disappointment when you fail something but since you weren't too invested in the subject it isn't a huge one. Good luck for everyone else, I'm sure you all did well ^_^. And even if you didn't, it's not the end f the world ^_~.
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Post by sureq »

By form six do you mean your final year, or do you have one more to go?

And even though you may be disappointed you didn't do badly at all.

I thought I had done badly with my enter score for V.C.E (64% out of everyone in my state) and then I found out one of my friends got 19%. One of the guys in my level go 8%.

In my defense once I found out I couldn't do aviation my care factor dropped almost completely though. So that was 66% with no study at all. And I kick myself thinking that if I had of studied, I could probably have gotten high 80s easily.

Funny story. My sister did her V.C.E two years after me, the whole time making fun of how badly she felt I did. She studied her heart out when her time came, and then she got her score back - 66%.

Anyways, yeah adi, you didn't do badly :)
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Post by dandelions »

Quick explanation for non-English people: sixth form is the last two years of school, years 12 and 13, equivalent to 11th and 12th grade. At the end of year 12 you take AS levels and year 13 you take A-levels, and if you do well enough in your A-levels you can go to university. You take the last exams in June and find out your results in August, so you apply to university months before and they tell you which grades you need to achieve in the exams. People take between 3 and 5 ASes normally, and 2 and 5 A-levels.

With that said, I got As in my five A-level subjects (English lang/lit, Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths and History) so I am going to Bath in September to do Pharmacy like I wanted to :)
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Post by Spivsy »

I already know what gcse results I've got, none. Lawls.
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Post by Tom »

:( I'm so worried about my GCSE results. I can't seem to stop thinking about them. The only subject I'm really happy about is Maths, I'm pretty sure I got an A* in that, but otherwise, I'm extremely worried... mainly about English Literature and all three sciences. I need a B in physics, and at least one other science, to carry it on until A level. I think I did horribly in both physics and biology, though. In some ways, I wish results day would hurry up. In others... I don't.

Congratulations to both of you, by the way. My brother finally finished his A levels this year (it was his third), but erm, I think you probably did much better than him, Adi. ^_~ Hehe. He's getting his results mailed to him, so they should arrive on Saturday.
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Post by ladynight6 »

dandelions wrote:Quick explanation for non-English people: sixth form is the last two years of school, years 12 and 13, equivalent to 11th and 12th grade. At the end of year 12 you take AS levels and year 13 you take A-levels, and if you do well enough in your A-levels you can go to university. You take the last exams in June and find out your results in August, so you apply to university months before and they tell you which grades you need to achieve in the exams. People take between 3 and 5 ASes normally, and 2 and 5 A-levels.

With that said, I got As in my five A-level subjects (English lang/lit, Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths and History) so I am going to Bath in September to do Pharmacy like I wanted to :)
That sounds really confusing... I'm glad the IB isn't that confusing...Even though it can be.

Congratulations to both of you, those sound pretty good. And congratulations on getting into Bath, Jazz! :) My family is trying to get me to apply there.
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Post by dandelions »

It's fairly straightforward once you're actually in the system :) They're just end of year exams, really, only they're taken all over the country.

Come to Bath, anyway!
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Post by ladynight6 »

dandelions wrote:It's fairly straightforward once you're actually in the system :) They're just end of year exams, really, only they're taken all over the country.

Come to Bath, anyway!
Oki. Well I'm looking more at Canada right now, so we'll see if I even end up in the UK. ;)
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Post by Aaron »

eep. I wasnt too sure if I was happy with my AS results, but here they are:

Maths - A .. I was expecting it tbh, I got good marks in all 3 modules so yeah, happy with that one :D /nerd

English Lit - A .. This I was not expecting AT ALL. I was almost certain about dropping it next year, because I thought it would probably be a b at best, was expecting a c really.. Its a bit annoying really, because I really wanted to do the other two subjects, and so doing so well in this, and pretty badly in Biology especially, I'm all confused :s think Connexions will be having to sort me out lol..

Geography - C .. To be completely honest I wasnt expecting this, I thought I'd get an a or b so a bit disappointed. Its salvage-able though because in the modules I got an a, a b and then an e, so I think if I retake the bad paper it could bump me up a grade.. So not tooooo bothered..

Biology - C .. I know I'm not that great at Biology compared to some of my friends, and I did struggle this year, but I do enjoy it most of the time. The modules were b, d, d which is a bit pants.. I don't know, this has left me all confused now.. :s

So yeah, not massively bad, but I just wish I could have got the a in Biology and c in English, would have been a lot simpler for me hehe.. Bleh, I'm just going to try not to think about it until I go back, and just go to Reading Festival and get veryveryvery drunk, and then talk to my teachers see what they think and everything in september.. Then try and figure out what the hell I'm going to do subject wise next year.. Sorry this is long I'm rambling :P

Congrats to everyone else who got their results yesterday too (and good luck for GCSEs next week! :D )
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Post by Mindless »

I'm still surprised it's all over. Every year you hear the reports about the all important A-level results day looming and I never figured it would actually get around to me.
I got 6 As in Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry, French and General Studies and am now going to reapply for Maths. I had accepted a place at Imperial but it's just too close to home for comfort.
I also did a STEP papers in Maths and got 3s (which aren't entirely bad; the grading is S,1,2,3,U with S being the best and U being a fail) which means I may have to resit them if I apply to certain universities.
I'm still nursing exhaustion/hangover from last night but I've already started digging through the paperwork for my application.

Congratulations to everyone else who's gotten results (especially A2 - no more school! I keep forgetting that) and good luck to those who have GCSEs to come.
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Post by Fury »

A big congratulations to you all! Make sure your parents/loved ones buy you many presents.
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Post by Catwhispers »

I'm copying what Suttle has just said and hope that everyone gets the grades they dreamed of. From what I've seen already, you all seem very clever. I'm sure those still waiting for their results will pass with flying colours. If not, don't worry! These days you can study until you're old. There's no age limit to making yourself just that little bit wiser, you know ;)

Good luck everyone! *gives hugs all round*
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Post by covet »

A grades in maths? You people terrify me.

I can't believe my GCSEs were 10 years ago now. :/
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Post by sezrin »

It seems further maths is a common subject... When I did it i was one of only 6 people in my college that did. For the record I hated it and came out with a C...

Anyway, I'm now in the middle of my exams - the joys of post graduate study with it's weird time frame.

Congrats on everyones results though, all seem pretty good in my mind.
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