Taking one art request

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Taking one art request

Post by dandelions »

I would like to do one art request, but there's a catch: since it's free, I'm only going to do one I like the sound of. So ask for whatever you want - Subeta, Neopets, something else - but be aware that just being first to post won't necessarily mean I'll do yours. Equally, this means that the topic probably won't be closed after the first reply.

(If you want to make me more likely to actually complete it and it's a non-neopets image, then commission me :P)
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Post by Aqua »

Oh, I'd be interested, if you decide my request is something you want to do. :D I have a couple of characters you could choose from I like quite a bit, and the latter doesn't have a ton of art..

The first is.. Aqua. XD I dunno how she'd be to draw but I can't imagine anything being hard except maybe her hair (which people bug me about). She's a water elemental and rather short (2'4).

http://aquamizuko.deviantart.com/art/Su ... a-57356939

The other is my dragon character, Morithias (shown in av).. He's more complex and probably has the most thought out story of any of my characters, but I find him fun to draw.. He's a guardian of time.

http://fatal-mantis85.deviantart.com/ar ... e-42227089
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Post by adi_gallia »

I would like you to draw my Angelic Darkonite, Hymn, if possible.


I would like him to be anthro, well kind of like how some Royal Neopets are/were. Basically he would be wearing a white robe, like a church choir boy. Kind of like this. He should have a ring through his lip as he is a "rebel". I would preferably like him sitting down on some stone steps looking not too pleased as he hates being a choir boy. His minion should either be cupped in his hands or dangling from his finger and a consoling looking Grigori should be floating by his side.

I know it would probably be easier with references, but you wouldn't believe how crap I am at drawing stuff, so basically you would be the first person to draw it if mine was picked. If you choose this and want to ask any questions I could answer them.

edit: got rid of my stupidness >_>
Last edited by adi_gallia on 23 Aug 2007 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AngharadTy »

I too have an application for fun!

Delgado is my spectrum kumos. She's somewhat vain (though not haughty about it, just prideful) and very girly (her minion is sparkly and pink, she loves ponies, she has a pink fairy doll), but she's also a history buff, and she likes to read thick (boring) books while sipping tea. At least I imagine her sipping tea, which is odd, because my pets aren't anthro, but... *coughs* She also likes keepsakes, things that might not be worth a lot but have stories attached to them. And she's romantically affiliated (hee) with Deschain, who is a spiky rat thing.

She's not customized at all, except that I don't think the rainbow aura background is necessary. I was considering giving her spectacles for reading, but I'm not sure; she may be too vain. I suppose her eyes could have pupils (instead of being gray spheres) but I'm not picky on that count.

Firefox is convinced that "sparkly" is not a word. I'm miffed.
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Post by Huggles »

Then I shall make you an offer you cannot refuse! I would like you to draw Neocolours, my spectrum ghostly. I will also pay you one million sp..!

I'd like him surrounded by the five balls of crazy matter that have eyes. One should be drooling and another should be blowing a raspberry. The rest would have eyes that look like this:

Code: Select all

^^   oO    ><
Neocolours would be holding a mismatched pair of dripping spectrum eyeballs to where her eyes would be and giving a nice big toothy manical grin. Kind of like this, but holding the eyes between her thumb and index finger.

Now refuse! I dare you! If you don't do it, I may be forced to and nobody wants to see that.
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Post by Illuen »

I'm not going to enter into this, since my request is pretty dull, and all, but I was wondering, could you possibly PM me your prices for commissions? I love everything you do, and would love a Jassy original.
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Post by gomababe »

Ther are so many good replies already, but I might as well give it a shot.

I'd love to have some proper art of my Reborn Serpenth, Quezalocetyl. His lookup is here:


I'd love to have a piece of art of him like the picture I attempted, only better :oops:. Basically he's a reborn serpenth but instead of being red and having fiery wings, he has a white body and specturm wings. His personality isn't fullly fleshed out yet, but I'm working on it so that it fits in with the story I've got going with all my pets.

Personally though, I'd love it if you did huggles' request rather than mines, after all Neocolours is suppposed to represent our community on Subeta ^_~.
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Post by daisybell »

There are already several requests here, but I'll add mine to the mix. I'd like a white bunny (or Daisybunny the plushie rabbit, of course you know who I mean since you gave her to me ;P ) holding a daisy. It would be nice if she looked calm, serene or pensive. Some lilac or lavender on the picture somewhere would be a bonus, otherwise I don't mind how you draw her. Thank you :)
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Post by dandelions »

For Aqua:
<img src="http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h320/ ... ithias.png">
I may or may not do others (though gomababe, I dislike any sort of winged serpents, be it Hissi or Serpenth, so if you want yours done you'll definitely need to change it :) And Huggles, try bribing me with something else.)
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Post by Aqua »

Eee, pretty Morithias picture. :D I love how smooth it looks as well. *saves* Thanks for drawing him.
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Post by Seerow »

Not really sure if this is still open for new entries, but I'll add my own to the runnings :)

Gyerlok is my favorite pet, so it stands to reason I'd ask for a pic of him. He's a Shadow (once they ever get released) Lutari. You can get more info about him on his lookup and petpage, but the general idea behind him is that he is a Dusk Mage and has control over some of the lesser elements of the night. What is unique about him though is that he ages along with the cycles of the moon. When the moon is new, he has the appearance of a young Lutari and as the moon gets nearer to the full moon, he is old and worn down, his fur scraggly with age. You can draw him in any time frame you want, youth all the way to elder. And since people seem to like drawing him in a sort of anthro form, if you want to do that that's fine though traditionaly he is the usual quad.
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Post by Huggles »

Something else? As in a picture or moneys? This means you refuse? For shame. Now I'll have to draw it in crayon and upload it for the world to see.

How about Smenkare swimming with her minion? I'll throw in another million sp if you draw her wearing this on a collar type thing around her neck.


Or a golden ankh. Whatever. *cuddles Morithias*
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Post by bonecrivain »

I'm fairly certain Jazzy doesn't play Subeta, Huggles. So I think she means alternate forms of currency?

And that picture is lovely, Jazzy! I adore your art, as you know.
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Post by Huggles »

Oooh. Hmm. I have no neo moneys left, methinks, and certainly no real moneys.
If you still play Neopets, I have one scarab ring, a healing potion x, a pirate usuki playset, and 34,513 neopoints. How about pets? You can pick from whatever I have except for my grey ixi, and royal kyrii.

Otherwise. I got nothing. My undying love and admiration?

Oh oh. You could draw me. I mean, Huggles. Just a fluffy harris like koala. Maybe eating candy or something.
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Post by gomababe »

That's no problem Jazzy, I'll see what I can come up with for a new request, if at all possible :).
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