Opinions, anyone?

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Opinions, anyone?

Post by ishieness »

I've decided against a Faerie Pteri...

But I still have the pet, and the name is too wonderful to give up.
'Aeries' needs a new look, and I don't know what to pick!

At first I was thinking of a Plushie Hissi, but I figured that It'd take me way too long. Then I saw the Faerie Techo... I'm in love! But does it go with the name?

Also, as dorky as it sounds, I'm liking the Faerie Tonu... Help!

Much appreciated! :mrgreen:
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Post by Cyaneus »

Hm, I think faerie Tonu are pretty underappreciated, and if you can come up with a good concept for one, it could be really neat.

(But I'm partial to faerie pteris myself.)
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Post by yvonne_l_d »

Any kind of faerie pet would be great for the name Aeries. I personally think faerie tonus are delightful, even though the current pose is not as fluid as the earlier pose. I also still like faerie techos, although they're not close to being as beautiful as they were before customisation.

On the other hand, if you decide you want the name to mean Aries, the zodiac symbol, you could go with a darigan ixi which looks like a ram. The name could also be for Ares, the Greek god. Dogs and vultures (mutant lenny?) are sacred to him.

But It sounds like you want a lighter type of pet, and a faerie would be more suited to that.
If you're ever in doubt, throw a pepper in the air. If it fails to come down, you have gone mad, so don't trust in anything.
- Gregory Maguire, "Mirror, Mirror"
On Neopets: yvonne_l_d
On Subeta: myshadowandme
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