Glacier Pets - New Colour

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Elzaim »

Darn you Rah!

Even though I'm still really miffed at the angelic kerubi revamp, I have to say that I REALLY like the glacier kerubi... so much that I'm wondering if I should change my galactic torry into one. Gah! Why can't we have more then 15 pets?!

In general, I'm really in love with this new color, and all the redraws are pretty great - thought I'm not enamored by the montre. It looks to busy to me and overy-detailed. And again with the mouth. Common ones don't have them, and they had that 'uppity' look - so why do they suddenly need them now. Bleck.

That kumos is pure love. I think I'm going to get my little sister to join the forums here ('cause she lurks) and when she saw that kumos today she decided to change one of her pets into it. Now to get one of those potions...
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Post by Saturn »

Oh man, the Montre is LOVE. So so tempted to get one now...
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Post by Alecko »

My favourite is definitely the tempted to turn my Escalade into one. The Kerubi is absolutely gorgeous as well, I think it's just the pose that does it for me.

Like the rest but not as much, although the Montre's wings are beautiful.
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

The Montre's wings are beautiful, and so is its tail, but I don't really like the expression it has. It's not the "cold but confident" look I'm seeing on the other pets, and it looks more like the Montre's being miffed by some unseen annoyance. I'm also bothered by its front right leg; I want it to be straight, rather than coming down at an odd angle (which, looking back, is what I think bothered me about the Bovyne, too).

The Telenine is awesome, but I think my favorite of this batch is the Kerubi. I absolutely love the amount of attitute it is emitting.
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Post by Kari »

Out of the latest three, the Telenine is my favorite. The Montre looks nice with all the little extras, but I don't like the incomplete mouth line or the smug look. The Kerubi's look is even more smug or even bored looking.
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Post by FourEyes »

Oh my, these are just beautiful. But the facial expression on the Montre bothers me a bit...

Anyway, I will definitely turn my Keeto into either a Tigrean or a Sheeta. It will take me a while to decide...
...Oops. *searching for a smaller sig*
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Post by tallan »

Hmm. I'm with iceburgundy on Telenines - they usually look really dopey, but this one doesn't for some reason, which is great. Its cool, distant look is perfect.. I just can't help feel that there's something slightly wrong with the perspective. The body looks to me like it's straight from the side, but according to the head we're under it.. Erg, don't know the right terms. Every time I look at it I'm sort of waiting for it to fall on its side.

The Montre is pure awesomeness - except for the face and the legs. The face looks more "oh, I see what you did there" than aloof. And I'm just not fond of straightlegged..ness. I would've liked it more if it looked like it was going somewhere. But the wings and the tail are lovely.

The Kerubi... I don't like. Sorry Rah. *hides* (Btw - yay for Raven becoming all icy and pretty!) It looks fat and sleepy, no hint of elegance or chilliness like the rest of them have. I'm quite fond of standard pose Kerubis, but don't like any redraws except Reborn, I don't know why.

Chalk me up as one of those very tempted by the Sheeta. I had planned a Common one, but now I'm not so sure anymore. Gah.
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Post by Luxe »

I just sacrificed my chibi hipposaru for a glacier tigrean (read: I changed her. I didn't give her up). But I had a Tush, and they were so cute together!

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Post by Rah »

xD It's ok, tallan, you don't have to like the Kerubi! My pets often come out chubby - as much as I try to make them slender! I consider them to have more of a huge fat cat kind of coolness, rather than the graceful kind the montre and telenine has :) Like any minute it's going to get up and pad away from you, waving its tail in the air showing you its butt xDD


/end weirdness
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Post by Huggles »

I like the wings and the tail on the montre, but the body seems off. The neck seems stiff and the head looks like it was smushed onto the body. Plus, it looks like it might tip over at any moment. I like everything about the telenine except for the eyes. They look like "Oh crap! The fuzz! Run!" eyes rather than cool disdain. The kerubi I don't like at all. Just...nothing. Sorry, Rah. The eyes look too bulgy and the muzzle and neck bother me for some unknown reason.

Oh, and I still really hate when pets are drawn with toes, but no feet or ankles. I do not understand their weird Subetan logic.
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Post by checkers »

Woooooow! - Yes a bit of Woo and a bit of Wow in there ;D
If you don't want to read about my story thingy, uh I advise you to skip on over the first three paragraphs :D Thankyou!
First things first this is creepily good--- Like I explained to Rah earlier, I've been writing a story for my pets Cazzita and Wauhe, where Wauhe and Cazzita are on a quest to find the Ice Queen, former Ocean Queen. It started when the Tempest Wand was released.
Cazzita was supposed to be by a lake with her fable, Malcolm, when she fell into it (She's quite clumbsy) and when she was at the bottom she was able to find the Tempest Wand, and she came back home and told Wauhe about it (He researches things like this) then they found out it was the Oceans wand blahblahblah, and started a quest to find the ocean(queen).

Then I wrote some stuff on their battles/findings on the quest, and the DP's were released not long ago, so I fitted items in there into it like the 911 necklace and all the saphire stuff, because they're blue and shiny. Eventually they were supposed to find this queen, and she was a frozen skeleton. (From when the world froze over, the Ocean froze with it) but with these pet release I might change the ending, and that She(or possiably he) is alive, as either a Sheeta(Female) or a Montre(Male) in the colour Glacier, and they're told to give her/him the items, and turn back and never tell anyone of their finding.

...Problem is, Montre or Sheeta? I like the Sheeta because of it's Queen-Like pose, and the turning back as if she was disappointed they found her, and that she was telling them they're not wanted. But it's the lack of front-face that I don't like, if her head was turning back I'd pick Sheeta straight away. I like the Montre, so that's my alternate if I don't pick sheeta.
End of Three Paragraphs that you might want to skip over xD
---- Anyway.

I love the colour, it's just perfect! I'm glad that the icy place is finally useful, and I just all around love it. =D definitely will own one of these, not sure what species I might wait for more to come but Sheeta/Montre are winning me over as of now, Illumis has a chance also from what I picture. Telenine, Montre, Sheeta, Kerubi, Bovyne and Tigrean are good, the Kumos I'm not too fond of for the simple reason that it doesn't have much detail on it like the others. Bovyne just says 'My heart is as icy as my Stare!' <3

Kerubi and Sheeta have a disappointed, lifeless, immortal stare. <33<33
Edit: Oh, and I love the Icy Breath detail, it's beautiful. Species I'm longing to see like this are: Sage, Kora, Illumis, Tutani, Endeavor, Demi and Torrent. Probably some more but I can't think. x.x
Last edited by checkers on 07 Sep 2007 05:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Goldenchaos »

The montre looks a tiny bit tilted to the left..

And .uh yea, I wonder what these were all colored in?
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Post by Luxe »

Goldenchaos wrote:The montre looks a tiny bit tilted to the left..

And .uh yea, I wonder what these were all colored in?
I am pretty sure Jill still uses PSP, and pretty much everyone else works in Photoshop (everyone else, meaning the people who drew the other glacier pets). You already know DNA works in Flash.
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Post by Goldenchaos »

Ooh, thanks, Luxe. Never realized you could get Photoshop quality work from PSP.
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Post by Luxe »

Goldenchaos wrote:Ooh, thanks, Luxe. Never realized you could get Photoshop quality work from PSP.
Jill has the patience of a saint. I remember when she only worked in MS Paint and got amazing quality work. I...have no idea how she does it. ... e-28144180
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