Glacier Pets - New Colour

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Fever »

Huggles wrote:and it needs to have a giant toothy grin with frozen drool.
Oh that would have made it much better! I agree with this comment!
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Post by Sarivonne »

At least the face on the archan is not as funky as the reborn. It's the first Archan I can tolerate.

And I'm still rather confused by the shading. I'm so used to seeing DNA's crazy shading, but the Mortiking and Archan barely have any. But then again I've actually kind of liked those two, so I can't really complain.

The folds on the ghostly are lovely.
Last edited by Sarivonne on 10 Sep 2007 06:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wingsrising »

The archan looks like it has no bones to me, and the expression still looks stoned.

Hmm, except for the first batch I'm not loving glaciers much at all so far.
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Post by Jessi »

The Archan again looks awful to me. The position of its head is incredibly awkward with the rest of its body position, and its mane, instead of looking like it fits on an icy pet, just makes it look like its a lion with mange.

The Kanis looks really... ..just. bleh. The pose would be okay, except its face looks very simplified and very out of place, but the kanis is a pet I hate too, so whatever.

The Ghostly.. is a ghostly. No comment.

The only thing I like about these pets is their line consistency is the same as the Escalade's - which I don't feel are too thick, but NORMAL - and not disturbingly thin like the Mortiking and the Darkonite.
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Post by Elzaim »

I've never been a fan of the ghostly... so it's not a hit for me. I agree that it needs a big toothy grin or something.

The archan, is of course, just plain bad. It's head seems very wonky in it's shape, and the lack of fur poking out on the far-back cheek makes it's head looks disproportionaly small and as if it doesn't connect to anything. Just another bad redraw for a pet that's completely gone down the drain from the start.

The kanis however... I LOVE. It's the first kanis I've seen that I thought 'wow - I'd like to have one of those!' The pose is nice and the expression it has is nice. It still has a fluffy artic-bunny look, even though it's tushy tuft is frozen. Love it!
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Post by FourEyes »

The Archan seriously looks like it's smoking. ._. And the pose just looks so... awkward and stiff. I think it would be a little uncomfortable sitting like that...

The Ghostly is... meh. After seeing Huggles' comment, I want a Ghostly with frozen drool too. D=

The Kanis is... alright.
...Oops. *searching for a smaller sig*
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Post by ladynight6 »

I'm slowly starting to become convinced that the Archan is meant to look like it's smoking cigarettes or high. The tobacco companies are hard to work!

The Kanis is beautiful! Sooo cute! :D
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

I love the Kanis, too. It's mouth is a little strange (are those its teeth or is its mouth open?), but the detail on its tail is beautiful, and I adore the ice on its ears and chest. The Ghostly is cute (the markings are great), but I wouldn't want to pay the price of a potion for it. The Archan... goodness, where do I begin? I have yet to see a redraw of that species that I find more attractive than the common alternatives.
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Post by Kari »

The Kanis reminds me of the Sheeta, and it's the best out of these three. I like the smug bunny look.

The Ghostly is just there. I like the folds on the back part, but the jabot looks a bit plain.

And the Archan is high. Or maybe like a preteen girl that's going "Like, wuteva *snaps in z formation*" while blowing out smoke.
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Post by zebru »

Oh, for heaven sake! Archan looks like it was drawn in under five minutes, with a blindfold on. Its feet look like it's standing on the slope; mane, that could have been a frozen goodness looks like it's been sheared, face looks squashed and unfinished, head-ribbons are half their normal length, not to mention the odd size and pose of the ear behind the head. Just WTF?

Ghostly's head is a bit too plain but the robe with icicles is just lovely.

I like the simplicity of kanis. Snow white of the body really works well on a bunny and it's good to see pets heavier on frozen parts - water soaked ear tops are a great touch.
Last edited by zebru on 10 Sep 2007 10:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Snazzy reborn meepit by NyauNyau neopets * subeta
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Post by Sarivonne »

For a pet that's been getting a LOT of redraws lately, it sure is inconsistent... :/ I mean artists have to conform their style sometimes to fit the art of a retired artists'. Ie; Montre, Kerubi (done quite well I must say), the ghostly, etc. But the archan has kept it's original artist this whole time, but each time something is off, whether it's proportions or coloring or line art. It simply befuddles me. Again, I almost like the glacier archan, but only because the reborn was horrendous that this looks leaps better.

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we'll use the two sitting down poses for example. The BR looks more wolfish and elongated, while the glacier seems almost smushed. And now looking at the glacier with all the other pets, I see the shakey line art again. It's just not very crisp. I'm trying not to give up hope for this species. There's still hydrus and dark matter... though I worry since they tend to over do it on the black...

I'm still waiting for some legaica colors, too bad arbor seems pretty busy D:
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Post by tallan »

This Archan looks fat instead of muscly. The face is okay, but other than that, bleh. Don't like.

Ghostly looks more worried than snobby. With those outstretched arms, like it's searching for something that it lost.

The Kanis is okay, but I'm not a fan of bunnies, so. *shrug*

Seems like the only Glacier pets I like were in the first batch. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that not to remain true.
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Post by Goldenchaos »

Its looking like the pets are either hit or miss. I like the color itself, very nice
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Post by Xelio »

I really enjoy the shading on the Ghostly, giving it an iridescent feel. The marking on the side of the head is nice too, though I still think the skull symbol is too big.

I love the Kanis' tail, but that's about it.

The Archan however continues to disappoint. Totally reminds me of a die-hard smoker out in the frigid winter puffing away and that's not an image I'd want my pets to convey. Who knows though, someone else might.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Post by Mayhem »

None of these Glacier pets are doing it for me, either.

The Glacier Archan is probably the best Archan redraw so far, but I definitely agree, all of the lineart looks tremendously shaky. The shading is like she couldn't decide where the light-source is really supposed to be, it's mane reminds me of Aslan (LWW) post-torture, it looks like it's blowing out a lung-full of smoke, and ... wtf is up with the headacles? Why are they floating around, but have vertical icicles? o_O

I'm waiting on Legeica, Sage, Antlephore, Celinox, and Wyllop redraws. I hope that at least one of them, I'll fall totally in love with. XD
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