Editorial Time!-split 2/16/09

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Post by Jessi »

adi_gallia wrote: I don't think anyone who knows how to play Neopets would honestly fall for a scam like that.
You have a lot more faith in people than I do xD The little 'zapped by the petpet lab' thing has never bothered me, probably because I'm not an elitist. If the petpet lab had zapped Ileysia's petpet into a faerie kadoatie before I bought one, damn right I would have kept it. I could care less about that little message there.

I think the way they handled the little talisman in the cash shop thing was very, very professional, so that pleased me. Not that I cared about it at all (I didn't), but they did a nice job with the situation.
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Post by EofS »

adi_gallia wrote:But that could be done with any item, you could say you will give them a FQD if they send you a PB first. It's still a scam, either way no one should believe them. I don't think anyone who knows how to play Neopets would honestly fall for a scam like that.
Because they have no proof that they have an FQD, but the petpet being attached to a pet is 'proof' that it exists. Except that it could be zapped.
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Post by dandelions »

Also, I do sort of think that it's only fair to distinguish between say, a real Marafin which sells for 20m np, and a zapped one. The first shows you've made a substantial amount of money, while the second just means you're lucky.
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Post by Danish »

I wonder what the new paint brush will be. Neovia would be nice, but they do already have Krawk clothing from there. Maybe they'll finally release the Lutari Paint Brush colour?
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Post by adi_gallia »

I thought that when they said October it was a clue for Neovia. The way they hinted made it seem like we should know, when it could be Altador, which they mentioned in the question, Neovia or Lutari Island.
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Post by Nogitsune »

I also enjoyed the editorial, particularly on that one item that seemed to give an advantage in the one game, though I can't say I'm sure I understood their answer on that one entirely. They seemed to be saying that tough the item gave something of an advantage, you already had to be skilled at the game to really get any benefit out of it. I still don't think that makes it right. It's like with Lutari Island. I mean how isn't paying for it an advantage? Users there get to play games no one else can, surely they must be able to make more np a day than a regular user could?
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Post by Ailiel »

There's already a Neovian Krawk outfit, I think they said that they didn't want to do something that already has clothes or has the potential to limit clothes. Unless they just mean mutated that way... but there's already mutant pets.
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Post by Jessi »

Sorry to bump an old topic, but I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet:
How come in the Neorules it says "You may not discuss religious stuff" but yet you have an emo Usuki? I'm sure that, if someone made an Usuki of another religion, they would get frozen. So why do you have emo Usuki? And SO many Neoboards are "Emos come here!" Why don't the people who create those boards get frozen? I am not expecting a reply, but I REALLY hope it gets answered! Thanks for your time! ~[username removed]
Did... anyone else crack the fuck up when they read that? Because I did. I laughed and laughed. And laughed some more.

Oh, and I think TNT answering by quoting this:
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
was brilliant.

..Now I want to watch Princess Bride.

Yeah, so, who wants to join my Church of Emo?
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Post by Iggy »

Yeah, so, who wants to join my Church of Emo?
Is that one of these silly religions where I follow you blindly and give you 150% of my income?

...count me in!
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Post by Huggles »

Ahh, bless the n00bs, for they bring us joy.
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Post by Bif »

Ahh, bless the n00bs, for they bring us joy
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Post by uberstav »

TNT tells us that we cant talk about religious stuff...YET they have a nun usuki..the CHRISTmas PB...etc.etc...i don't think ive ever seen such a walking contradiction before
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Post by Cranberry »

Oh, don't start that argument again (I lump it in with the "pets in plots can be married and have babies, so why can't mineeeee?!" complaint). TNT is responsible about this stuff; if they have a Christmas item or a married plot character, they're neither going to be shoving religion down anyone's throat (or telling them they'll go to hell for whatever reason) nor roleplaying their pets having sex. They can be trusted to handle this kind of material in a proper way, while users in general cannot.
Last edited by Cranberry on 16 Sep 2007 07:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jessi »

Cranberry wrote:Oh, don't start that argument again
I second this. if I knew mentioning something funny in the TNT would start a "OMG TNT IS SO CONTRADICTING!1" debate, i wouldn't have posted it >_> I was just posting it cause... you know.. emo religion.
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Post by gidget »

Cranberry wrote:Oh, don't start that argument again (I lump it in with the "pets in plots can be married and have babies, so why can't mineeeee?!" complaint).
Absolutely ditto!

I also lump it in with those who whinge about the Tombola man having giveaways and begging for np. Just no... :P

And yes, jessibean, I laughed quite heartily when I saw that particular editorial question. :D

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