Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

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Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Jessi »

It's been AGES since I started a pet picture thread here, so I figured in honor of the forum upgrade and move, we're in need of a new one! So without further ado, here's my kids!

(oh... very picture heavy, sorry. ;_; I take big pictures, and lots of them xD)

This is a sorta-recent picture of the cat you all know and love, Wyn! Actually, the last time you guys heard me talk about Wyn a lot was probably this past spring when he was very ill. You'll be happy to now six months later he's completely healthy, happy, and bratty as ever!

This is FMD's fluffer butt cat, Alys. She's our chub maine coon who does nothing except act stupid all day. Really, that's what she does.

Guinea pig time! This is Mint, our year-and-a-half year old torti-and-white silkie pig. She's a total bitch. Really, she is. She bites FMD every time she picks her up xD

And this is Reese, our torti ridgeback. She's a bit of a chub, and not as bitchy as Mint - she's a bit more shy til you get her out of the cage, then she's a bit of a butthead xD

And now, the time you've all been waiting for... RAT PICS!

We must start with Kai - she's everyone's favorite. And this is one of my favorite pictures of her to date. Actually, I have about 50 favorite pictures of her, but this one is just beyond adorable. That's her sitting on FMD's shoulder. Look at her little hands ;___; Gah! Kai's a black veriberk rex for those of you that want to know, though she's become incredibly rusty in old age xD

That's Kuro(ppi), a black variegated on the left and Kana, an agouti hooded on the right. Kana, along with Kai, were our first rats and are our two old ladies. Kuro's actually one of the younger ones, but she's a year old now and INCREDIBLY big. Poor Kana has had surgery to have tumors removed, and now she has another that we're opting not to have surgery on ;_; But she's still fat and happy and healthy and in charge of the cage - she's always kicking the other girls' butts!

That's Tomo, our beige hooded, but she hates getting her picture taken xD So here she is, hiding in the wodent wheel and eating some kiwi you can't see.

This is my Brie-bear <3 She's a blue agouti hooded and my little angel. She's a bit of a brat - she used to sneak out of the cage and make HUGE stash piles of anything shiny she could find, so when we cleaned this room we'd find all sorts of surprises xD Now she just lazes around a lot, but we love her anyway <3

This is one of our two new, recently-adopted little babies! This is Zygs, although we call her Ziggy - which has no relation what-so-ever to NC Ziggy (in fact, we almost didn't name her Zygs because of Ziggy, and I knew I'd pretty much only ever call her that xD) We THINK she's a blue berkshire but her fur seems to have silver ticking in it to me... Lindsey disagrees, but Lindsey's a turkey. She's a total nut - Zygs, not Lindsey, that is. She loves to tease the cat, to run around and play, to steal food from her sister. She's going to give the big girls a run for their money when she gets out of quarantine!

And last but certainly not least is our other new baby, Leaf, a little himi girl. She's absolutely adorable and so incredibly gentle and sweet. She just wants to cuddle and kiss and takes a lot of grief from Ziggy (her sister xD). But we love them both so much already.

And.. and we have a budgie, Hal, but we don't have pics yet ;_; when I take some I will add them. So.. for now, that's it! :D


One last Kai pic xD
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by KauKrazy »

That's beyond adorable.

*Goes to look for pet pics*
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by gomababe »

This is not technically my cat, but since my family is getting him should anything untoward happen to my grandparents I thought I'd post pics ^_^.

This is Simba, he adopted my gran after my aunt and her husband split up. He's technically the son of the cat that adopted my gran over my aunt about 6 months before that {I couldn't find any pictures of her, shes camera-shy}. The two of the mlook very much alike though {save for Nala having a pink nose and being smaller} so this should gieyou an idea of what she looks like too.

Another pic of Simba, this time it's at a party and he's smells food, namely chicken nuggets, as this was taken not long after the buffet opened for the night.

He's a very affectionate sort, always meowing to get clapped and huggled, especially if you smell of food. He hasn't quite mastered the fine art of jumping on door handles to open them yet, so he just sits outside meowing until he's let in.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Cranberry »

This is my 18-year-old cat, Patch. At eight pounds, she's the smallest pet, but is the boss of all the animals -- even the dogs don't mess with her.



Patch and Biber (RIP, bud) with the horse I set clothes on (I call it my clotheshorse ;)):


This is Allin, my brother's cat, on my lap. He loves lying like this:


Allin with Biber:


My malamute/collie, Scout:



And my brother's pit bull, Jade:


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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Culex »

oh it's just Millie

Thor wasn't given enough attention. He 'dies' so that you pet him.

Thor spies on you.

Thor gets tired of having pictures taken of him after his bath.

Thor sleeps.

Thor laughs at a haircut.

Thor sleeps again.

Can you find the dog?


In the end though, Thor loathes you.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Mac »

ooh goodie I love pet threads <3

alright so... in total we have two cats, two rats, a snake, and a fish.

sadly I have no pics of my fishie, but he's a betta named England (I... like naming fish after countries. I dunno why.)

then we have the cats. prince is my little boy kitty and I love him to death <3 he's the blackish/grey one. ginger is the other one, and she's very obviously the runt of the litter (they're actual siblings)... she's kind of... really stupid.

Image princey in a dress... (that I used to fit in!)

Image d'aw.

Image this is prince in a nutshell.

Image sorry I just love this one

Image together!

Image she's meowing.

okays, after the cats we have my two lovely rats, Scarlette and Evette (I know it's spelled with a y but I don't like that.) Named after Miss Scarlet and Yvette, the maid, in the clue movie.

Image this is the only at least semi-good pic of Evette, from the day I got her. now she's um... much bigger.

Image scarlette the day I got her =]

Image from last halloween.

and then we have my darling little ball python, his name is Time Warp... after the time warp. uhm. yes.

Image once again, from a while ago... see his little emo tears? that 'smudged his eyeliner'?

Image you can see his markings better here.

so that's my little zoo =]
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by ladynight6 »

Eeeeee pet thread!!! :D
Ya'll have such cute pets. *tries to cuddle laptop screen*

Here are a few of my dog Peppi, she's a mix of two different terriers.

Here's Peppi right after she's woken up. But it's hard to tell, she looks permanently sleepy. I think the age is getting to her.

And it's Peppi again with shorter fur though. It was her summer 'do. She hated it...
We loved it. :)
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Alecko »

I've currently only got my cat (well, she's really meant to be my family's cat but it's pretty much accepted that she's mine). She still lives with my parents and brother as I can't bring her up to uni with me though I wouldn't have the heart to bring her anyway even if my landlord did allow it. I miss her more than I miss my parents. xD She's called Socks, is 9 years old and is basically a stuck up little cow who gets away with everything.

Socks trying to eat the camera.

Just being cute.

My favourite picture of her though resizing killed it.

I'll be getting some budgies when I graduate but that's still a year away. Drat.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Slugawoo »

Eep. ;_; Seems I'm going to be a bit late with new pictures. I haven't taken any good pictures of my pets in ages. But when I get back home from this horrible place, I'll take some new ones. ;3

Anyways, until then... Here's a Zeeky-kun.


I'll post pictures of Ichi and Gus-Gus next time. They're far more adorable. ;3
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Zap »


This is our Collie mix, Rex. He's pretty huge, but he's really, really sweet. He'll be 11 this December.


And here's June, another Collie, who we got from my aunt just about four years ago when she was a pup. She came to us after we lost our other two dogs and we were looking to get another dog so Rex would have some company. They get along really great for the most part, though I often see her bossing him around. :P

She's lots of fun to take on runs, as you can probably tell!


This is my baby girl, Vixen. And here she is, in my bed, ha. :P


This is Daisy/Daisybell.

She's earned the nickname "Rocket", however, as she's so fast when she starts running in the yard.


This is her brother, Magic, who's found a comfortable spot for a catnap in this picture.


... Maybe too comfortable...


On my desk, hanging out with me, and laying on my dirty shirt. =P


This is Oksana. She's totally black except for a little spot of white on her tummy. This is from when she was a kitten.

She's lovely; very sweet, and very talkative.


This is all of them when they were little, and they're asleep in a pile in my mom's room. D'aww.


This is Princess. Excuse me, your highness, you're shedding on my clean clothes!


Eeee. Twin loaves. This is Smoke and Mist. (Highly original names, yes, perfect for such a picture though!)


This is their mama, Shadow. Also called Shadowbean, Queen bean, Beanbag and simply Bean.

She's very bad about begging for food. She'll stare at you, meow, nuzzle you, and put a wet nose on you if you don't feed her.


And here she is, making sniffies with Magic.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Kidnemo »

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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Mac »

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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Elzaim »

Oooh! Pet pictures!!

Here are my two kitties. I love 'em to death and wish I could get more. :P

This is Jasmine, but we call her 'Jazzy'. Shes a beautiful torti whom we adopted from a shelter and she's almost 2 years old. She was dumped as a kitten and got frostbite in her left ear, so it's all wrinkly at the tip.




This is Kiwi. She's our 'baby' and we've had her since she was 8 weeks old. She's a dainty (6 pounds!) calico and she's about a year and a half old.




And here are some fun shots of them:



Image Princess of the clothes pile

Image ROAR!

Image Getting a bath from Big Sister

Image Snoozy-time snuggles

And here a a few pictures of some of my fish:

Image Zenith, my mustard-gas plakat betta

Image Yue, my copper masked plakat

Image Suoh, my red/copper super-delta betta

Image My 10 gallon fish tank with cories, glowlight tetras and one betta.

Image A couple of my glowlights :)
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Arviragus »

YEY a pet thread!

I'm a bit of a bettaholic (as my roommate would attest) and despite living in a "no pets" apartment building, I somehow still manage to have 8 fish. Ah, well, they're quiet, don't shed, and I don't have to worry about them running away or pooping on the floor.

This is Astakides, my only girlie betta right now. She's a bit of a stoner, but I loves her dearly.

Another picture of Asti. She kinda looks like an alien in this picture I think.

This is Caradoc. Little turd won't sit still for a picture, so the focus is off :(.

Caradoc again. This fish is SO ANGRY. His tank is on our kitchen table and when we sit down to eat dinner, he flares and flares and flares. My roommate loves him, though.

A rather poor quality picture of Zodiac, or Captain Half-Beard. He's got a birth defect that left him with only half a betta beard, so he's REALLY hilarious to look at when he flares.

Zody again, showing off his lack of beard.

Squishy, aka Squishyfishy or the Squishmonster. I got this guy when I first moved away to go to university, and he's stuck by me since. He'll be three in October :)

"Mom, why you take picture of me? I sad :("

I've also currently got a black devil crowntail named Dante, but I can't get a picture of him worth crap.

Here, now, are some of the fish that I've loved and lost.


Naiad. This little girl was so funny; I had her tank on my desk, and I would often put my orange Eeyore coffee mug up next to it when I was working on something. I'd often look over and find her doing the "I'm a sexy fishie" wigglebutt dance for Eeyore. Made me laugh everytime.

Last but not least, my Jester-boy.

Not shown: I've got a trio of white clouds that live in Squishy's tank. Stupid fish won't sit still for a picture at all, though.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Jessi »

Zap wrote: Image

This is their mama, Shadow. Also called Shadowbean, Queen bean, Beanbag and simply Bean.
I'm pretty sure that cat is meant to be my soulmate. *nods*
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