Customization Ratings!

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Re: Customization Ratings!

Post by varii »

Ugh. It's like Kittenwar, but without the cuteness and lol factor. It doesn't help that people entered a lot of barely customized (/ugly) pets. I can't imagine that people will be up for clicking through 100+ pets every week, so I don't see how this is going to work out in the long run.
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Re: Customization Ratings!

Post by Iggy »

This is my only customised pet.

I'd get a Cauldron, honestly, but it goes on the same side than the Minion does. All I need is a Purse of Despair, actually, but as I said, I'm not paying 300K for a restockable item.

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Re: Customization Ratings!

Post by adi_gallia »

I'm probably going to make this a daily thing, using my votes, but I have to say I'm not seeing much in the way of creativity. Like Wingsrising said, there isn't that much option to customise your pets with unless you buy NeoCash. I am seeing A LOT of pets that are wearing some combination of Altador Cup Background/Potato Sack/Wooly Hat/Wooly Scarf/Blechy Hat/Altador Cup T-Shirt. Some don't even bother with that and entered a plain pet with a red/blue/yellow/green background, or even just a pet wearing NOTHING (they obviously took off the clothes after entering or something). It's really boring seeing these and out of the 100 pets a day I only see two or three really good entries. The best I saw was a Darigan Krawk with a Halloween Krawk mask and a Royal Krawk robe.

I suppose this way is fair, but so far it seems like people with NC Mall clothes do have an advantage of some sort as seeing all the non-NC Mall clothes just gets boring as so many entrants wear them that the NC Mall clothes end up looking great.
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