Free pencil Sketches! ^^

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Free pencil Sketches! ^^

Post by checkers »

Welcome to my topic! C:

I don't have any sketches for references sorry xD I want to draw free sketches for you guys (adi_gallia might post a limit as to how many pictures I draw will be scanned because he is the one that scans ^^; pics can be of anything, but I prefer not drawing backgrounds/scenery as they're hard, I don't mind drawing say; A person sitting against a tree)

You may ask me to draw anything! I will have a list of first 5 people to ask, and then gradually the list will empty and I will move onto the next 5 posters, you are allowed to post if the list is full, but please just be aware that you'd would be after the listed ^^ Thanks. ;D Please do post, I'm not harsh so I will attempt anything.

I'd like the format of your post to be along the lines of:
  • Poses:
Something like, Ref; Image Link of who/what I'm drawing, Pose; Sitting under a tree reading, Other; Could you have them reading *book title here* and maybe looking sad.

Please go into detail, more detail you explain better the picture is! ^^ Thankyou!

1) Seerow
2) None
3) None
4) None
5) None

User List, clickable name means finished with URL and Italic means I'm scanning it today.
Please PM me when you have saved image to your own computer so that the list can get free spaces!
  • Please note!
    These may take a few days to get uploaded, they will NOT be in colour I repeat NOT because I can't colour :x and finally I might not pick you, not because I don't like you because either: Your image is too hard orr I have too much on my hands I will probably tell you, but just incase I forget!
Users I've drawn for:
Officer 1BDI
Last edited by checkers on 14 Oct 2007 09:22 am, edited 4 times in total.
Officer 1BDI
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Re: Free pencil Sketches! ^^

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Would you please draw a sketch of my tiny toymaker, Siðe?

Poses: Sitting with a few of his toys scattered before him, maybe with a hammer in his mouth.
Other: If you could keep his head tilted to the side like it is in his Subeta picture I would love you forever. ^_^ I'd kind of like both eyes to be the same size, though. :p
Reference: I've never drawn him myself, so this'll have to do.
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Re: Free pencil Sketches! ^^

Post by Seerow »

Want to draw my Glacier Tigrean, Ishka?

Poses: Umm whatever pose you feel like drawing her in.
Other: You can find info about her on her lookup, and if you have any questions futher just ask. One note though: As you may notice, some of her pics she has wings and some she doesn't. The markings on her back can come out to form sort of ghost wings though she can't use em to fly. So you can draw her with or without wings.
Reference: There's tons linked on her profile. Click.
Writing: You can include her name on there if you wish.

Thanks :)
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Re: Free pencil Sketches! ^^

Post by checkers »

TestName I've drawn yours! ^^ I'll get Adi_Gallia to scan it later :3 I originally I had Sioe sitting down with the hammer in his mouth, but I didn't think it looked right, since Antlephores with mouths are creepy x) (hasn't ever seen one) and the pose was awkerward, so I decided to play it safe with a good classical Bambi pose, sitting on the ice (Well, Sioe is on the floor)

I hope you don't mind that I didn't include many of the toys and such, I included; A Doll, A Ball, Scissors, Paint, Paper and a Paint Brush. xD You'll understand when you see the picture, he was supposed to be in a room in the dark then you walk in and turn the light on and he puts on an innocent face.

Hehehe. -Edit later with picture shrank that clicks into full-size!
Now, onto Seerows! I'm not quite sure what pose I'll do for you really, I'm sure something will hit me. *puts on helmet*
Hehe there you go! ^_^ enjoy, I might CG it if I get time next week if you want, hope you like it the pose was hard to do but I think it came out alright, chibiness = < 3
Last edited by checkers on 13 Oct 2007 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Officer 1BDI
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Re: Free pencil Sketches! ^^

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I originally I had Sioe sitting down with the hammer in his mouth, but I didn't think it looked right, since Antlephores with mouths are creepy x) (hasn't ever seen one) and the pose was awkerward, so I decided to play it safe with a good classical Bambi pose, sitting on the ice (Well, Sioe is on the floor)
Oh, good! I was actually going to ask you for a "Bambi on the ice" pose, but I couldn't find a good reference picture. That sounds a lot better than the hammer idea, anyway. I can't wait to see it. Thank you so much. :mrgreen:
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