Pitagora Suicchi!

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Pitagora Suicchi!

Post by Jessi »

I think it's been a while since we had a fun, useless topic about fun, useless stuff. So I'm here to share something fun and useless with you all!

When FMD and I were last visiting Ty, Derek and Ty were kind enough to share their like, 20 minute long video full of Pitagora Suicchi with us - or Pythagoras Switches/Rube Goldberg devices. I forget how Derek got it exactly - I think it was some episode of Naruto someone DLed and half the episode was this instead. Either way, we watched them and got a huge kick out of them (and this was before we had margaritas :P). It's a Japanese educational kids show that features uh, Pythagoras Switches predominantly, apparently. Out of boredom tonight, Lindsey and I looked them up to see if we can find any videos of them on Youtube - and we did.

Now you must watch it. Ten minutes of Pitagora Suicchi.


If you don't know what a Pythagoras Switch/Device is, you will the second you start watching it.

Trust me. You will be mesmerized for all ten minutes. If you're not, at least watch until the end of the 4 minute mark, when you can listen to some old Japanese guy sing in Japanese about the path of the marble.

Enjoy! You know you want to.
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Re: Pitagora Suicchi!

Post by Joey »

That is so awesome. Except now I'm gonna hear that jingle whenever I see one of those.

Two that I can think of are this one, a Honda commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UScbWzhieNc and this one, from the Mythbusters holiday special: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XAoN9eT9a0 The Mythbusters one isn't as good a cut though, as they don't show the whole thing. Still amusing though!
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Re: Pitagora Suicchi!

Post by AngharadTy »

I saw the post title and immediately got the song stuck in my head. And Derek's wandering off to pick us up some breakfast, singing "guuru guru" to himself.
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Re: Pitagora Suicchi!

Post by Kantark »

Oh, that is genius! And what a fantastic job - I'd love to be paid money to just spend all day messing around with magnets and ball-bearings and stuff :D

I'd never heard of the term Pythagoras Switch before but I'm familiar with the very clever Honda advert which was obviously inspired by them. Fascinating to watch, and it's now made me all nostalgic for my Domino Rally set. (And I have the jingle stuck in my head, thanks Jessi :P)
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Re: Pitagora Suicchi!

Post by daisybell »

It would be fun to have the space and the time and the stuff to try to set one of those up... I suppose settling for watching the final result without all the effort of making it work isn't such a bad compromise.

I'm going to mention another fun useless Japanese thing, Chindōgu. http://website.lineone.net/~sobriety/ is worth a look at to see some pictures, although they're not very clear. I think some of these were featured on British kids TV in the 1990s on a science type programme. Now I want some of the books by Kenji Kawakami.
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Re: Pitagora Suicchi!

Post by FourEyes »

If I remember correctly, someone else showed me this video a few months ago... If it wasn't the same video, it was the same show, at least. I agree with everyone else, this is just amazing. I wish all kids' shows were like this, really.
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Re: Pitagora Suicchi!

Post by Jessi »

AngharadTy wrote:And Derek's wandering off to pick us up some breakfast, singing "guuru guru" to himself.

I almost posted that part too, but I figured that could be our little secret ;D Or people can find it on their own if they're really interested xD But we found that clip and watched it, too ^_~

Oh, I meant to add - we had this conversation with Ty and Derek too - can you imagine being the person that screwed that up when it got set off? And then having to reset the whole thing? XD; I would get so frustrated with that job.
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Re: Pitagora Suicchi!

Post by Kantark »

Daisy wrote:I'm going to mention another fun useless Japanese thing, Chindōgu. http://website.lineone.net/~sobriety/ is worth a look at to see some pictures, although they're not very clear. I think some of these were featured on British kids TV in the 1990s on a science type programme. Now I want some of the books by Kenji Kawakami.
Ha, my ears fell off when I visited that website :P I think I remember some of those from It'll Never Work. The cat dusters are cute! (probably not very popular with cats though).
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Re: Pitagora Suicchi!

Post by anzuronamin »

That is awesome...though I must say: the people either get paid a lot doing what they love, or they have too much time on their hands.

I must go find the other episodes now.
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