The Golden Compass

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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Slugawoo »

Bahhh... I hope you people are happy. xD I now have to get this/these books. And that's saying something, because I hate reading books. x: Ebay, here I come! If it's as anti-church as everyone seems to describe, I'll probably enjoy it.

I'll have to go see it, too. No big deal, it only costs $3.50 to get into the movies here. If not for the story, for the pretty. ;3
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Cranberry »

I should warn you, though: The first chapter of The Golden Compass is confusing, and I know quite a few people who stopped reading right away. Once you get to chapter three or so, though, Pullman starts to really explain things, and it's fascinating. I love the books, and I'll be so disappointed if the movie sucks... although after watching all the trailers and featurettes and hearing how involved Pullman's been all along, I'm not terribly worried.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Goldenchaos »

I really hope they call it Alethiometer and not Golden Compass in the film itself.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Lolliruss »

I don't know why, but I'm not really looking forward to this film. Perhaps I'll like it more when I see it, but right now all I'm hearing about is what they've apparently changed. Still, there are some things to look forward to - Iorek is awesomeness!
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Goldenchaos »

They -have- to change somethings. Even with the changes (Such as not going in too deep with the whole anti-christianity/religion/whatever thing and what not that was in the book), die hard christians are still intent to boycott the film. And, much like every other movie based on a book, it wont be exactly like the book, so not everyone will be happy.

Im watching it because I love the books, though I hated the ending..I hope it does good at the box office. I want to see what they do with the later half of the series, especially when they really dive into the anti-religion dealings.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Cranberry »

Things always have to be changed for movie adaptations. What matters is whether or not the writer and director are respectful of the original source material (the Harry Potter movies, Stardust) or dislike it and make extreme changes (The Dark is Rising). The Golden Compass so far seems to fall solidly into the former category, with Pullman involved every step of the way. It's also not like the ending's being changed, just moved -- kind of like what they did in the Lord of the Rings movies.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Officer 1BDI »

danceu4ia wrote:NO!! They changed the bears voice!!
I tried to go into the trailer with an open mind, I really did.

What "brilliant" mind at the studio decided they desperately needed to change Iorek's voice? I'd like to give him or her a swift kick in the ass right now.

I don't think it'll ruin the movie for me, but I'll be desperately clinging to that original voice in my head, because that was the voice that came to mind when I finally got my hands on the first book a few months ago.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Twofold Black »

Hmm. I love Sir Ian McKellan, and I love Iorek Byrnison, but I don't think these great tastes are going to taste great together. Sir Ian will pull it off, but not as well as the right voice actor for the role could have. Oh well -- I smell DVD extra.

And it's called the alethiometer. SAY IT RIGHT, NICOLE KIDMAN.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by MileenaHuggles »

Daww. Ian is very huggable, but I definitely do not see him as a polar bear. It just doesn't jive. Perhaps a velociraptor with a monocle, but not a bear.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Cranberry »

There were sneak previews of the movie on December 1 (it opens December 7) in 800 cities across North America. There was actually one on my little island, but we had a big snowstorm and I couldn't get down to see it. I've heard very good things from friends who made it to the screenings in other cities, though. One girl, a major fan of the books, said that Dakota Blue Richards was perfect as Lyra, and that the movie wasn't missing anything important from the book. I can't wait to see it!
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by danceu4ia »

Well now that my church wants to boycott it, I just HAVE to go! :twisted:

I hate it when they do that...AND they are basing their opinions on an old man who has never read the book. Nevermind that the Catholic News Service has no problem with the movie. :D

ANYWAYS...I'm hearing from early reviewers that Ian McKellen actually does a good job, and Rotten Tomatoes' trailers seem to prove it!
I apologize for doubting you, almighty Ian McKellen

BTW, for all you book nerds out there...find your daemon at:

I found it quite amusing, actually. It came up with the animal that is usually associated with me; the fox. ^^
31 animals for you to be paired with, as well as a unique name. I had WAYY too much fun. :D

EDIT: ANNNDDD... apparently the first 5 minutes are exclusively on Yahoo! HD ... howVideo=1

*goes to watch*
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Monkeyguy »

Hehe my daemon is a mouse named Xanthia. I'm going to watch the first 5 minutes now! I actually have Friday night off so I might go see it then if the rest of my friends are free.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Huggles »

Eeee! It just so happens, that by some glorious magic I'm off opening day. I get paid that day as well and can drag my dad to see the last matinée.

Gods dammits! My daemon is Luthews the monkey. How sucky.

Hah! I took it again since the questions are dumb and got Elleron the tiger. Woot.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Cranberry »

My daemon is Remis the fox. Cute. :)

I watched the first five minutes, plus all those other clips... I couldn't resist. They were all great, and the daemons looked amazing. I have been waiting for this movie for literally years and can't wait to see it on the big screen, although I'm dreading going to the theater here. The crowds here are the worst of anywhere I've been (and I've seen movies in Montreal, Toronto, NYC and Los Angeles). Almost every time I go, some idiot sits behind me and talks through the whole movie (especially if it's a big movie that will draw a lot of younger people, like this one will). People answer cell phones, kids swing their little legs and repeatedly kick the back of my seat, teenagers yell "funny" comments at the screen... I usually avoid opening nights and shoot for a mid-week late show, and even that only works sometimes.

Anyway. I think I'll read the book again before I go. It's been so long that I can't remember all of the details, and I want to see how the book and movie differ. I've heard that not much was changed, except for a scene order switch (the bear fight happens before Bolvangar now) and Billy Costa replacing the character of Tony Makarios (which actually works fine for me, and will make Lyra's quest even more meaningful to her).
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Teragram »

Thaleron the Lion, kind of awesome.

Looks totally fun and spectactular. Honestly, I didn't get into the books too much, but I think as a movie it'll kind of be simplified and visually awesome, so it'll be more fun. I mean, I'm sure the books are better, but I think the movie will be more sparkly, pretty, and easy. I think the whole family might go on Christmas eve, we always go to a movie and we usually pick an action-adventure one which pretty much everyone can enjoy.
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