Various nondescript christmas related thread.

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Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Spivsy »

What's everyone hoping for/asked for this christmas?
I asked for a psp, and other stuff.

All of you, yeah and you over there pushing buttons and pulling levers pretending to work, share christmas related stories.

Oh, and decorate this tree. If the tree is left undecorated, elves die.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Aurinona »

My list is pretty boring this year, and is mostly stuff I would buy for myself except that my relatives have been harassing me for gift ideas - a fire safe, bookshelves, some movies and DS games that my sibs could buy... it's really hard to come up with things I want these days.

Except for yarn. I always want more yarn. :D Wonder if my husband will get me a gift card to the store I like, or if he'll decide that it's a bad idea to feed my addiction. (Hey, I've been good, I'm using some up for Christmas gifts...)
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by oogabooga »

I never know what I want for Christmas. And now that I have all the Discworld books (except Making Money, until it's out in paperback) I can't ask for those either. People will probably give me gift cards again, which I hate, because if I didn't know what to ask for I don't know what to buy either. But I suppose I do make it hard.

I think I said last year or maybe the year before that I never get tired of Christmas music. Well, that was before I worked in retail. I still like the hymns, but I've started singing to myself to block out the radio whenever "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" or "Jingle Bell Rock" come on.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Fury »

I always feel guilty when people buy me things, even if it's presents at Christmas time, so I write up a list of books, games and DVD's and just say 'Get me whatever you want off of that', LOL. Boring.

I love buying things for other people though. I've spent pretty much all of the money I've earnt since October on Christmas presents.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Kari »

For my presents, I point my mom to the wishlist that I've made over the year, and my friends get a list of manga that aren't on the list and I don't own any volumes of. It's a good way of preventing duplicates. I believe this year I'm getting most of the Full Metal Panic! manga along with the first season boxset, a wallscroll, an artbook, and two figures (maybe my mom was going for a theme?)

Oh yeah, and the Wii that my mom's been fooling with since September. It's technically mine.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Monkeyguy »

I don't know exactly what I want this year, but I'm sure I'd be able to find something at Best Buy so I've just told everyone to get me gift cards. Hopefully I'll get enough to pay for at least half of a new computer. I'd also love to have a Kindle from Amazon, but I'm sure no one is going to spend $400 on me.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Dollfie »

I'm not expecting much of anything this year. I assume it will be like the last few years and that's fine by me. I wouldn't refuse a graphics tablet tossed my way though. I blatantly threw that suggestion at a certain person who I'm hoping will come through for me. If not then I need a new sketchbook badly.

We used to have huge Christmas dinners and family around and gifts. I was a spoiled rotten child but now I spend any extra money around the holidays on my kitties. They may even open a present or two... they sure have torn up the box I had my new speakers in anyway. I suppose it was practice.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Jamie »

Money. That's what I want.

But really, that's only because I don't want/need anything else at all. Except for a car, but I really want to save up for that myself (where the money comes in). Not to mention I need my P's as well before I can legally drive a car by myself, so...

Most of my friends and family will still insist on buying me a lot of little things. Mum refuses to let me just have money, so I picked out a belt and a blanket to go with the money, that should keep her happy. and my grandmother almost always gives me a MASSIVE bar of toblerone (ohgodyes!), which makes me quite happy and sick come Christmas Day.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Jessi »

Mostly, i asked for kitchen gadgets for Christmas. I want a new, nice stainless steel cookware set, a stand mixer AND a new hand mixer, a new electric skillet that's submersible (mine isn't, and it's a pain in the ass to clean!), and... stuff like that. I also asked for some movies and video games, and the Art of Ratatouille.

I'm not very exciting for Christmas, heh. I just want kitchen stuff. Want to cooook.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by KauKrazy »

I always have such hard time thinking about what I want when people ask me. Basically, I can buy the small things that occasionally pop into my mind myself (like a soft-cover book or a new scarf), and nobody can afford to buy me the big things that I want (like a week-long trip to somewhere where it's warm and sunny, or a car). So I really don't care much about what I'm going to get. Anything that shows the person has been thinking about me and knows what I like is fine. I just mostly want to get a nice quiet work-free time, with family and friends, nice meetings and good food, no quarrels, some snow, and time to sleep until 10 AM, and Peace on Earth and good will and such.

But I loooooove to make presents myself, I usually start planning in October, and right now I've pretty much bought everything already. I only need a thing or two for my Dad. I love to think what people might enjoy getting and spend hours contemplating on that.

Oooooh, and I just wanted to add that a massive bar of Toblerone is such a good gift idea :P
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Huggles »

Last year I spent around $150 on Godiva chocolate bars to give out to my coworkers. It wasn't planned or anything, or even all at once. I bought like 10 when I saw them, planning to eat them ALL myself, then gave some away, and then by the end of the week I had bought 50 for $3 each. Yay me. But um, I want tons of things. My dad offered to get me a wii, but I had to decline and ask for money to pay on either my credit card or my student loans. I don't really play the games that I have anyway, because I feel guilty about not doing more important stuff like making money or learning stuffs. Bleh. When did I grow up?
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Mayhem »

I already got what I wanted most, which was a Ferret Nation for my rats.

Other than that, I have no idea what else I'm getting, since I really didn't ask for anything. I'd really like a new digital camera or a Wii (I bought a car and sold my Wii as part of a down payment, lol), but I highly doubt I'll get either.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Strawberry Limeade »

I'm buying myself a PS3 for Christmas and getting several games as gifts. Unfortunately, I'm working on Christmas, so I'll probably be up just long enough to test them all out before I have to leave (and that day at work will be a very long one). But the day after Christmas is my day off, so it will be spent in my pajamas playing Heavenly Sword, Guitar Hero III, Lego Star Wars, Uncharted, and Ratchet and Clank. I also asked for some shows on DVD, and some Bose headphones so I don't have to hear the stupid guy who sits catty-corner from me at work humming and singing to himself for 5 hours straight. I swear, one of these days it's going to be too much for me to handle, and I'm going to leap over the cubicle wall and smack him.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Slugawoo »

I didn't ask for anything this year, but my mother knows I live pirates, so I'm sure I'll be getting the new PotC DVD. Other than that, I want a PS3, Resistance: FoM, and the new Ratchet and Clank game. But that's a good $500 there, so I couldn't ask for it when we're so low on money. I'll probably just buy it myself when I get my refund check next semester. My mother will kill me for "wasting money" but I needs my Insomniac games.

And I'll be buying gifts for my dogs, like I do every year. Chewy treats and whatnot. New tags and collars, too. And I might buy some more live plants for my fish tank. ...But no gifts for my human siblings, they've been complete jerks this year. ;3

We'll be going to my grandmother's house on Christmas Eve for dinner and presents, like always.
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Re: Various nondescript christmas related thread.

Post by Alicorn »

My fiance started Christmas shopping even before I got up with her, which was in september. So we are all done with our shopping. She made a good chunk of them. She makes her own jewerly so that covered a good basis of it. I'm making a couple of gifts myself. Doing a cross stitch thing for her mom and making her a frame.

As for what I want, I'm only asking for a few things. My fiance and I asked for a LCD tv for christmas and we've been told we are getting it so I kept my list small. I just ask for a couple gifts cards (for clothes, books and movies), POTC: At World's End, The X-men movies, a couple of Sims 2 games, a few cds and a few small things for a stocking stuffers.

This is the first christmas I get to spend with my fiance so I'm real excited about christmas this year. We have a couple of family get togethers we are going to before christmas. Then on christmas we are going to her nana's. So it shall be lots of fun! ^_^
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