Anyu Revamp, 4 Choices!

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Anyu Revamp, 4 Choices!

Post by checkers »

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The Anyu is being Polled on a Revamp or Not. [[TWO MORE HAVE BEEN ADDED IN NEW* POLL]]
What are you thoughts? I like it a lot, Thought the body looks a little too plump, a bit thinner and it would be great, I love the extra detail added to the Anyu, I like the leg thingies a lot, reminds me of Digimon and the eye fur is a vast improvement though the Nose darker colour being removed isn't good, and I can't see a tail which annoys me, Anyu are lovely species and I know Aaron loves them.

Chai? What was I thinking? once I typed Chai I just kept typing it gahh >_> I get confused, it looks like Rah's art anyway, :P Like the other species, a little plump but an amazing revamp. It is Rah's work right?

I like the brown nosed, both same bracelette one.
Last edited by checkers on 14 Dec 2007 09:58 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Possible Chai Revamp!

Post by Slugawoo »

I think it needs to be tweaked a little, but other than that, I think it looks great. Not that I care, either way, as I don't own or want one.

I think they need to put the brown back on it's nose, make the paws a little bigger, and make the eyes a little less feminine. It looks girly to me. Other than that, looks more like a polar bear than the old one, so it's good.
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Rah »

You guessed it, it's the work of me xD

It's very cold in the Arctic Frost! The Anyu needs it's blubber xD I really don't think I can thin this one up, it really is meant to be a rotund kind of bear :)

The tail is still there, but the perspective has changed so you can't see it in this version :) It would definitely be there though in coloured versions that showed its bottom!

The brown on the nose, well, I tried it, but it looked odd on this Anyu for some reason. I might try adding it back in, but I really prefer it without the brown nose. Maybe because of the term 'brown-nosing' xDD
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by checkers »

I love it, just *shudder* without a tail visable it makes me cringe looking at it now, I just want to see it. Brown Nosing, ew. D: Now you've made me not like the old ones nose :p I just need to see tail. Tailss.
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Chandi »

And I was just thinking the other day man, I wish the Anyu got revamped so they'd make a Glacier version of it... Positive thinking pays off! :D

I always think bear limbs look funny, specifically their legs, but I know it's just their anatomy. They're funny, cute creatures (until they eat you). If you're going to try adding brown back to the nose, maybe start at the nose and go down around the mouth, instead of starting above the nose? I see why you didn't add it, the brown added around the eyes probably conflicted with it and made it look cluttered or something.

Though I'm not 100% sold on the wrist/ankle bands with wings. They've turned from a part of the anatomy to a worn object. And I can't decide if I like the two patterns together.

Overall, though, I have confidence Rah will tweak it well, she always does. Thank you thank you thank you for bringing this to a revamp! (And cookies if you make a grizzly polar bear Glacier version ASAP. :D)
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Tiki »

I like it, but I still voted for the old because I think it needs a few tweaks.

I'm not sure what you mean by the perspective changing, the bear is literally in an almost identical pose as the old one. Even a slight hint at a tail would work.

The fur above the ankle rings is awkward and makes them look like they're cutting off the circulation. Either tone down the fur above, or add fur below them- right now the paws look smaller than they actually are, and naked, because of the fur seeming so off balance.

And I do miss the brown nose. :( I just think it sounds silly when your reasoning is that you think of a phrase, and not simply due to an artistic choice... but I guess as the artist, you do get to make that call.

Edit: I didn't even notice that the ankle band patterns don't match, so I guess that's another distraction I don't like as much. XD

Overall though, it's a definite improvement.
Last edited by Tiki on 13 Dec 2007 06:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Monkeyguy »

As an Anyu owner I am really dissappointed by this.

I don't mind the plumping up, but now it just looks top heavy. The chunkier legs of the current version work better. I really don't understand the collar being added. Normal bears don't have them, the old Anyu didn't have it, and I just think it is a detail that is overused on pets in general. I also think that the rounder ears of the current Anyu look better than these on the new version.

The ankle wings look like fancy bracelets as opposed to an actual appendages now, which is bad. The swirl near the eye is also very feminine now. Also it just doesn't look like an Anyu without the brown nose area.

The art is nice, but this isn't what I wanted when I created an Anyu.
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Seerow »

I adore this! Excellent work as always Rah :D

I like how the brown leg markings are now bracelet-thingies! However, I think the fur on the bottom edge of the bracelet should be fluffier or something. It looks a little odd to have the leg be fluffy up until you reach the bracelet, then it suddenly becomes smooth. Big fluffy bear feet please :P
I think its eyes need a bit of work. I'm not sure exactly what needs to be tweaked, maybe just made smaller? They really pop out and they are kind of freaking me out heh.

I usually don't like "fatter" pets, but it suits this pet. After all, you don't see skinny polar bears most of the time. Lack of tail doesn't bother me either, because of the angle you wouldn't see it.
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Rah »

Tiki wrote: I'm not sure what you mean by the perspective changing, the bear is literally in an almost identical pose as the old one. Even a slight hint at a tail would work.

And I do miss the brown nose. :( I just think it sounds silly when your reasoning is that you think of a phrase, and not simply due to an artistic choice... but I guess as the artist, you do get to make that call.
Mmn, but personally I didn't think the tail entirely worked on the old one, it looked a little stiff to me. I really feel that if you could see the tail on my Anyu, it would mean it wasn't central to the back.
My reasoning isn't just about the phrase xD That's just an extra niggle. It was artistic choice, I said it just didn't look right! I think Chandi hit the nail on the head by saying it would have looked cluttered with the new eye markings. That was probably what didn't look right to me :)

But thanks, guys :) I really appreciate the feedback, and you know by now about my listening to crits n__n

Edit: Oh! I just remembered another reason I wanted to take away the brown nose - to further separate it from the Chai. I know it's just a little thing, but everything helps when you have to draw two bear pets :)
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Teragram »

I agree that the tail looked very funny on the old one, awkward, like it is peeking out because it's combed straight up at a weird angle, and longer than a bear's tail is.

And I can't believe anyone thinks it's chubby! I mean, it might be, but it looks perfectly natural on a big grizzly bear. It's anatomy actually looks right now, not a weirdly proportioned body with big legs, skinny didn't look right. I totally disagree that it it top heavy, rather, I think the older version looks like it has bigger legs than it really needs.

Even if I had slight problems with this one (I maybe agree about the non-furry paws) it's sooo much better by miles. I love the fur ruff thing on the new one, and it's anatomy is sooo much better.

Much love! Big scary weary bears are cute, it's cool that you captured that. I like the ornamental paw things-if we have to keep the ridiculous ankle wings, I'd much rather they have a logical reason. And they are much prettier.
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Monkeyguy »

Thanks for listening to everyone Rah, you really do take crit well. Do you mind if I do a crappy photoshop edit to the new version?
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Huggles »

Overall, it seems quite stiff. I like the new design, especially for the cuffs, but the wings aren't very good. They're not quite as floofy and stylistic like Subeta's huge flock of them are. I like the new cuff design, but they don't feel substantial enough. I think it's the way the fur comes over the top. It looks like a very thin piece of cloth instead of a sturdy metal bracer. The toes and paws also look quite small in comparison to the old one and bears in general. They're just too tiny in proportion to its body size. The eyes are nice, but the mouth and muzzle are off. I don't know how to describe it, but it doesn't look...I dunno, functional. I'd like to have the brown coloring back on the muzzle again also, or maybe making the cuffs gold and the paws brown to bring a bit more weight towards the bottom for more balance overall. I thought the tail should be visible at first too, but I suppose it makes sense for it not to be. I should know better with all the time I've spent watching bear ass being a druid in WoW.

Adding another voice the cacophony of everyone screaming for a polar bear in the news comments, I think the the anyu is the best bear pet suited to be the big brawny brute of the trio. The chai is is very cuddly and even has little heart shaped paw pads. The clawsion could be the sleek one because of its feline feel.

Although the new version is obviously better drawn than the old, I still think it has a further to go.


Edit: Yes, I want it to look more like the reborn one. Cranberry's sulking if it doesn't will be more legendary than any weapon on Subeta.

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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Enriana »

Pardon lack of full sentences, am tired.

Is very cute. Looks huggable and neat, instead of vaguely gross and forgettable. Agree about patterns on feet band thingies - I'd say choose one and stick with it. Also agree about them looking a little flimsy. Trust Rah to make it all good.

Don't see problem with brown nose lack, is small detail and it's not like you can't tell it's an Anyu. Tail makes sense, too - in my head, it'd start to form where the bum curves back. Could possibly make it so we can see edge of it, but also not a big deal. Might still be issues, but hearing the artist's point of view is helpful, I can picture what they're trying to do.

Love eye swirlies, makes me think of Death from Sandman, which is very good.

Vast improvement, definitely like. Almost considering getting one, which is saying a whole lot. Am excited to see how redraws are revamped.

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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Jor »

I think it's a very good revamp!
The face is great!
It's not needing a tail at all, it was odd looking on the old one..

The only thing I don't like about it is the under part: the feet/claws and wings...
The claws diffinetly have to be bigger!
I think if you erase the wings with bands and make the fur until the claws it will look great!

But you can't do that of course... then you will ruine the species.
I don't know how to solve that problem yet :P

You did a great job Rah!
I hope you can understand my English :wink:

EDIT: quick update in paint without ankle bands + wings
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Re: Possible Anyu Revamp!

Post by Mayhem »


I've never considered an Anyu before, but if it's revamped like that, it's definitely a contender. I CANNOT WAIT for the Glacier Anyu - it might be the one I use my bucket on! POLAR BEAR. Just please, don't make the wings into ice... make the bands into ice, but leave the little wings be!

I don't mind that there's no tail - you can't see bear tails at that perspective, and I've always disliked the tail on the old one. I like that they removed the brown from it's muzzle, and I love what they did with the eye markings. I really like the "ruff" around it's neck.

I think the cuffs around it's legs should all have the same design though, to give it a bit more flow. As it is, it catches me off-guard. :x
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