Video Editing

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Video Editing

Post by Aaron »

Hello people, still lurking here :P

I need your advice really .. You may have seen my thread from a while back with my general camera woes - these were resolved with a card reader thingy.. now I'm feeling a bit brave and want to have a go at sticking my videos together and editing and whatnot, but I have absolutely NO IDEA where to begin .. I'm assuming you need some sort of program..? Does anyone know any useful (easy to use!) sites / free programmes to install, or general advice and tips? Anything you have to offer would be appreciated muchly. Cheers !
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Re: Video Editing

Post by Ailiel »

It's hard.

For awhile I was using that Adobe vid editing software with the horses and stuff, on my old laptop before it died that I uh... found somewhere on the internet, but to buy it would be major $$$ and I haven't found anything free that works at all. So I would be open to anyone's suggestions too. I know windows movie maker is a very basic software that comes with most windows computers, and if you're not trying to something really geeky complex like editing together Buffy fan videos or something... who would do something like that!? Just for home movies and the like, WMM oughta do you. And if you go forth into the world of more complex editing softwhere, well, godspeed, as it's just one of those things you have to muddle through and learn as you go, like photoshop (or as I imagine photoshop would be, if I used it instead of PSP).

Okay I decided to actually think about it, the Adobe software that I used was called Premiere. And it was actually working really well once I got the hang of it. It allows you much more control than WMM, but it has a learning curve to be sure. There were other softwares that I tried but I didn't like them as much as Premiere. But then premiere started dragging on my laptop, really bad, and the laptop wasn't even a year old. I don't know if it's because I "found" it or what. I haven't tried installing it on my new computer yet as I don't have a new monitor, or indeed a monitor that is less than ten years old, so editing Buffy videos would be a moot point as I cannot even see them on this thing.
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