RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Slugawoo »

Woe for me. My anole, Trogdor, is dying. He's so weak he can hardly move. I've actually got him lying next to me on some Mt. Dew boxes. Took him out of his tank cause the crickets were bugging him. Poor guy, if he had his strength he'd have bolted by now. :\ I don't think he'll make it til morning.

I know he's old, but this sucks.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Cranberry »

Aw, I'm sorry, Slugawoo... it's always hard when a pet is dying. Trogdor (the Burninator!) is an awesome name for an anole, by the way.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by checkers »

Sorry to hear that Slugawoo! :(

My grandad came round yesterday and gave me the hutch he was building (For Christmas, but I gave him short notice I wanted one xD like..4 days before hand) and he finished it on New years eve :), but only had time to bring it round yesterday, it isn't much diffrent to the design of Amy's old hutch (My Rabbit) but it is bigger and has a waterproof wood I think, and the outside has something put on it so it doesn't rot (the old shop bought one was rotting slowly due to rain etc;) so I wanted a new hutch for her for Christmas. I'm rather proud of it, since it was made in a short time by my grandad, who was an old police officer so he shouldn't have much experience building appart from being good at overhauling gardens :P I might post pictures of it in the Pet Pics! topic, with my Rabbit inside :P ^^

This isn't an Achievement or ToW but does anyone know the species(breed) of Rabbit (House-Hold) that is sorta grey/black/white and has sort of Einstein style hair (sticking up and fluffy) xD I saw some in the pet store, and I tried reading the sign but it was hand written and the womens writing was chicken scratch..
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by adi_gallia »

checkers wrote:This isn't an Achievement or ToW but does anyone know the species(breed) of Rabbit (House-Hold) that is sorta grey/black/white and has sort of Einstein style hair (sticking up and fluffy) xD I saw some in the pet store, and I tried reading the sign but it was hand written and the womens writing was chicken scratch..
I believe it was some lion-haired rabbit that we saw.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fever »

Woe: I just got home from getting all 4 wisdom teeth yanked. I look like I have a football in my mouth and I cant close my lips together . I swear my face doubled in size =(

Achievement: Surgery went well and none of the 'risks' happened. so.. yay?
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by nanabobo567 »

Glad to hear nothing went wrong. I, myself have said screw it, if it's growing in my mouth naturally it can stay there. My teeth end up crooked/popped from it? I'm just going to live with it. As it is, the orthodontist told me it was fine to stop wearing my retainer because my teeth wouldn't shift anymore, and I have a severe overbite now. What can you do?
Just so this isn't off-topic: A slight achievement. After having been dissappointed for Christmas, Nintendo gave me the best game ever for Virtual Console- Bubble Bobble! Oh, sweet, sweet joy, my childhood memories of a Commodore come flowing back like an Invader in a liquid orb, ready to be destroyed by the oddly coloured claws of an adorable little bubble-dragon...
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by KauKrazy »

Our dog died.

Two hours after everyone had lifted their champagne glasses to greet the new year, he died. He was a 12 yo German shepherd/Caucasian shepherd mix, with a heart as big as his body. We took him on the same day that I was graduating from junior high school, and having my ceremony - I couldn't wait for it to end because all I wanted was to get home and see the puppy.

The house isn't the same. When you get back home from work, you should hear someone coming to meet you, with a hundred tail wags and a happy expression. But nobody comes, and there's not a sound. The house shouldn't be quiet.

I have a Master's degree but this is something I can't comprehend, my mind just doesn't seem to accept the facts. My mind doesn't stretch that far.

Everyone is is mourning.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fever »

Im so sorry to hear that. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. We had our dog for 13 years, and she passed away 2 years ago. It was the hardest thing I ever had to go through. It does get better, but I still miss her. She was a chow/lab cross and the most amazing dog. I am so sorry for your and your family's loss.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Cranberry »

Aw, I'm so sorry. It's really hard to lose a pet, and I know what you mean about not really believing they're gone. 12 years is a good long life for a big dog -- I'm glad you got to spend that much time with him.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by oogabooga »

I'm so sorry. I lost my dog just over a year ago, and I know exactly what you mean. I still miss him. I don't know whether having him for 12 years instead of 6 would have helped, or just made me that much more attached... My sympathies to you and your family.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by KauKrazy »

Thank you, your words mean a lot to me. 12 years is a long life for a dog of his size, the vet also said that. He was always a good-natured boy, never agressive or vicious, though sometimes stubborn. If he didn't want to do the thing you wanted him to do (go outside, come inside, move), he just wouldn't, he'd silently look at you, and half an hour later you would give up persuading him. He loved one of our two cats, the older one, they were practically raised together, and he'd groome him and sometimes even offer his food to the cat.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by checkers »

I'm so sorry to hear that. :(

Woe/Achievement: I got glasses today, yup. I'm extremely short sighted, I couldn't read the top, big bold line of the letters. So yeah, woe I have to wear glasses x.x but the good thing is I can REALLY see a whole lot better, it's so strange. You'd think buildings would look the same but the town centre has more detail than I thought.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

checkers wrote:I'm so sorry to hear that. :(

Woe/Achievement: I got glasses today, yup. I'm extremely short sighted, I couldn't read the top, big bold line of the letters. So yeah, woe I have to wear glasses x.x but the good thing is I can REALLY see a whole lot better, it's so strange. You'd think buildings would look the same but the town centre has more detail than I thought.
Haha I know what you mean. After getting my glasses just looking at grass was interesting because of all the new detail.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I have now GMed two sessions. The first session I GMed was difficult because I wasn't used to it and I sort of plodded through it. The second session, though, started at 8pm and ended at 4:45am. It was an unprecedented duration of roleplaying. And it was awesome fun times. The party was going through area 57 (six times more secret than area 51) and trying to capture aliens. What? A Vampire: The Requiem campaign can have aliens if we want! I on a whim decided to make one of the aliens a shapeshifter, though an animorphs-style shapeshifter rather than a "real" shapeshifter, and they were completely not sure which of the NPCs was an alien and which were humans. Good times.

Of course having my second session go so well will put me under pressure to make further sessions better, so yeah. Boo on that I suppose. But hey, I will do good and everyone will be happy :).

Of course, on the sad side, now, my friend Devi is moving away tonight :(. She says she'll be back in town every 6 weeks or so, but it's going to be so sad not to have her around :(.

However I have some sores on the corner of my lips. I've got no idea what it is but it seems to fit Angular Chelitis's description. But it's bad because it means no kissing cute boys :(.

Also I didn't die despite driving home on 1 hour of sleep. That was a big acheivement. But I had coffee so coffee helps.


Yay Anna posted and said how awesome it was to hook up! Cause it was awesome. You get on MSN more and we can arrange something else if you feel up to it. The whole GMing thing was more or less the thing I did with having Ken get captured by that wheirwolf, only with 6 people playing around instead of just one. Also I knew what I was doing, which helped :P.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Sagrei »

Monkeyguy wrote:
checkers wrote:I'm so sorry to hear that. :(

Woe/Achievement: I got glasses today, yup. I'm extremely short sighted, I couldn't read the top, big bold line of the letters. So yeah, woe I have to wear glasses x.x but the good thing is I can REALLY see a whole lot better, it's so strange. You'd think buildings would look the same but the town centre has more detail than I thought.
Haha I know what you mean. After getting my glasses just looking at grass was interesting because of all the new detail.
When I got my glasses I had something like five near-misses on the way home. I could read signs again, and instead of being uniformly grey the asphalt had all these interesting little rocks stuck in it. Combine things like that with my visually-focused magpie brain and the result is: CARS? WHAT CARS? OH THAT ONE I SLAM BRAKES NOW.

(The shocking bit there is that, knock on wood, I've never been in an accident. Not while driving.)

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