Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

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Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by adi_gallia »

[subeta]colour="graveyard" species="sheeta"[/subeta][subeta]colour="glacier" species="keeto"[/subeta]

I think the Sheeta is quite good, but it kind of creeps me out because it looks so weak and thin, which I guess is the idea. I don't know if I would ever get one because of the way it makes me cringe.

The Glacier Keeto...I have one word for it. Goldenchaos. The one she drew was so much better.


The actual Glacier Keeto looks so emotionless and not aloof enough. I don't like the huge chunk of ice on the tail either but the aura is nice.

Disappointed by the Keeto, creeped out by the Sheeta.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Twofold Black »

I'm disappointed by both of them. The Keeto just doesn't live up to Goldenchaos'. The Sheeta I have a problem with because (a) it just doesn't capture the mood of the original -- it seems way too happy to see me and for the wrong reasons; and (b) what the hell is wrong with its feet? If the pet is skeletal, the feet should be skeletal. Not pudgy. Ew.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Nectaris »

I quite like the sheeta, probably one of the few sheetas I do like. The way the feet look make me think of hooves, while they may not be a part of the species, I think it fits better than paws do, and hooves wouldn't shrivel.

I don't like the keeto personally. The first time I saw it, I thought it had two tails for some reason. The only thing I really like on this is the aura, and the eyes as well. Probably the reason GoldenChaos' wasn't chosen(if it was possible to be chosen) was because the pose is so much like the glacier celinox's. Even so, I do like GoldenChaos' more than the one they went with.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Fuzzy »

I love the head of the sheeta, but the thin body really creeps me out. If it was just a bit less thin, it would be perfect. The keeto isn't that spectacular. Something about it's expression seems awkward to me.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Aqua »

I prefer Keshi's Keeto to Nyau's, personally. :x I like the colours better and the head seems a bit odd on hers.

*likes the GY Sheeta, but not a fan enough of GY as a whole so probably will stick with her Reborn* :o
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Akjara »

I love the horns of the Sheeta, but the rest doesn't do much for me.

Now what's up with the hindleg of that Keeto? It almost looks as if it was sheered of or something. Like it's just missing. Because for lying on the side the back looks wrong...
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Twofold Black »

Nectaris wrote:Probably the reason GoldenChaos' wasn't chosen(if it was possible to be chosen)
It wasn't -- Goldenchaos isn't actually a Subeta artist at the moment, merely awesome.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Jessi »

I didn't like Nyau's Keeto at all, so I'm not going to compare this one to it. I will say, however, that I don't like this one either. The aura had so much potential, and its so light you can hardly see it. The face looks more 'blank' than 'aloof' - it looks high, almost. And the ice on the tail looks completely inappropriate - I know its SUPPOSED to have ice, but that looks more like it has a giant mat of hair in its tail.

I'm probably being extra cynical because I was hoping this would be the perfect color for Fabiyn - just like I was with the glacier montre - and its not. I also think its lame that they didn't want to 'revamp' the keeto, just touch it up - and yet, this Keeto doesn't really match the others very well.

The graveyard sheeta is... very lumpy xD But the horns are gorgeous (I assume Jill did this? I love the way she does sheeta horns xD) I don't really like it, but the art is very nice.

Edit - does anyone have a picture of the old graveyard sheeta saved? I'd like to compare them :3
Last edited by Jessi on 10 Jan 2008 04:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Seerow »

The Keeto reminds me of the Ruffie in that the majority of the pet seems to be this mostly blank back. The eyes really though the pet off for me, it makes it look brain dead. I rather like the black accents they kept, and the design on the back, but overall this pet is just boring.

I do really like the Sheeta. The head is adorable and the skinny body works for me. However, I think there should be flesh peeling off or something along its side as it seems to just be missing something.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Kidnemo »

Here you go Jessi, and just putting them together so I can decide what to think.
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I definitely prefer the clarity of the new one but I loooooved the old one and was about to get one. I do like the new horns and tail and adorably dead/floppy ears but it's so emaciated, kind of creepy. I used to love the eye scar on the old one but the new seems to just have a random lump of exposed flesh.. and half it's face missing, I liked how the old version wasn't too graveyard-y.

I think what I'm trying to say is that though the art is an improvement it's lost some character and I ultimately do not like the new one.

edit: I really really like the head of the Keeto, and the pretty back pattern but the rest is 100% meh.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by hebdenhippy »

The Graveyard Sheeta is brilliant! I know it's lumpy, but, it sort of works for a Graveyard pet. I love the horns and the tattered ears, and the fact that it's so scrawny. I'd get one if I wasn't so in love with my Graveyard Manchu (I have this "thing" against having more than one pet in the same colour)

As for the Glacier Keeto, well, I think it's alright, but it's pose looks a bit off, like it's twisted round. Because (going of the cat anatomy here) if it's legs are on the other side, it'd be hard to sit in such a way that it's front legs are flat forwards (if you get what I mean), that's just uncomfortable. I don't like the Keeto aura, so I'm glad it's basically invisible, but I understand that others will be upset. I quite like the back markings though ^^
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Arviragus »

Is it bad that the first thing I thought of when I saw the Glacier Keeto is "oh look, a whale". Between the very tubular body, awkward positioning, and stoned expression...yeah, no.

The Sheeta I do quite like, although I would argue that it does need to be a bit skinnier in the lower leg.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Mayhem »

I don't like either, but I like the Keeto more than the Sheeta. Not that that says much.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Huggles »

I suppose I'm in agreement with everyone who likes the head of the sheeta, but not the body. The horns and ears are quite nice, and I especially like how half of its face has rotted away down to the bone. The body looks wobbly and unstable, and not in the typically undead fashion. I'm not a fan of either sheeta really, but the glob of ice on the official one's tail should go, and I think it would look better standing.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Rah »

I adord the Keeto, personally. My little dog lays down EXACTLY like that, with her hind legs on one side, and her front legs all splayed out in front, so the pose looks very natural to me :) I love the ice hanging from it's fringe. I love that Keshi has kept the darker colour which isn't really on other glacier pets, but is kind of signature to the Keeto. I love how the pattern on it's back turns into icy swirls. This is easily my favourite keeto of hers so far :)

The Sheeta's head is amazing, and I love how Jill has done the ribs. I'm actually a fan of GY pets that have minimal gore, and this is similar to the GY kanis in that sense, which is the only GY pet I have.
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