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Re: Giveaway

Post by Alicorn »

I agree with all that has been said here. I was on when the giveaway happen but I have missed giveaways before by real life getting in the way and I was bummed I missed it but shrugged it off, no big deal. I also get bummed when I miss the real high rarity stuff but then get something I really like so I forget about the high rarity stuff. I just always enjoyed looking through, seeing if I could get something I liked.
Now of corse you can't please everyone, like people have said here. No matter what you do there is going to be unhappy people that will complain about something. It's really hard to please everyone at once, even when you try. If you think that doing no more giveaways would be for the best, go for it. Just don't announce it to people, like cranberry said. If they ask why there hasn't been a giveaway, just tell them you feel its better we don't do one because it tends to be unfair or whatever. Something like that. Stopping it because of the complainers only keeps up the complaining and then you get people that are againest the complainers. Which I find doesn't really help anything. So I'm not upset about there being no more giveaways, just the way its being done.

Also Ty, what happened to you in Kindergarden, sort of happen to me too. Well it was 5th grade and it was a few students that wouldn't keep quiet. So the whole class suffered with the punishment of no more either no or delayed recess(sp?). And this happen queit a lot because the kids just would never get it. Or didn't care because the whole class suffered with them. I think the teacher was the type that wasn't enjoying being a teacher too. ^_^"
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Mayhem »

I wasn't able to be online for the giveaway. It sucks! Oh well, it's just a game.

I really don't know who to be more mad at: the complainers who ruined everything or Keith for being so supremely immature about it. And just after how we were all complimenting him on how well he was handling the enderdrama. Way to go!
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Re: Giveaway

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Keith actually mentioned in one of the "We're Sorry" threads that he is eventually going to hold another giveaway, but he's going to do things differently (he didn't specify what). Let me see if I can hunt down the quote.

ETA: Not the thread I was looking for, but the same idea:
Keith wrote:I said in the news comments (and another thread) that we can try it again around christmas time.

I think that I've got an idea on how to work the future giveaways so they are more fair.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by mellaka »

AngharadTy wrote:
Iggy wrote:
Also, I just checked Crown of Ultimate Evil and I'm guessing they gave those out again last night? They're down to 5 mil now.
Nope, they actually inflated,since I sold mine for 3.2,and paid 2.5 for it.
Okay, someone needs to notify me when the price of this drops below, like, 3M. ;P I don't search for it often enough, apparently. I've never seen it below 5.
I remembered that someone here wanted one, which is why I mentioned the price, which seemed low to me. Last I checked it was about 10 mil, and I remember it being 40 mil too, so 5 mil sounded cheap to me.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by klaatu99 »

Regarding the complaints, I say here again something I said some time back about the way the trivia contest was being run. If there's jut one or two complaints, that's probably a case of someone complaining just to complain. But if there are hundreds of complaints, perhaps that's a clue that something is indeed broken and needs to be looked into.
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Re: Giveaway

Post by bluelightning »

I missed most of it coz I went out to buy electric. Bla. I got a few cheaper things, but I really don't see a reason to complain. I think it's totally lame to complain about something happening when you weren't on and missed it or that they didnt get whatever... it was FREE. People will complain about anything

The only way they could make it fair is if they released fewer items and made it last all day. Like instead of throwing 20000 items in at once, throw in 1000 each hour or something. And even the items out so the rare stuff is spread throughout the day
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Re: Giveaway

Post by DoMeRight »

Maybe if the giveaway was advertised in the news a week or even two weeks in advance with a round about time given as to when it's going to start, like:

"To show our appreciation to all of you for your continued support of the site and it's staff, Subeta will be having a giveaway on December 23, starting at 6pm Subeta time."

Maybe that will stop a lot of the people who complain that if they had known there was going to be a giveaway they wouldn't have gone to their Aunt Bertha's for eggnog or whatever, and missed out on half the giveaway.
I know it's advertised at the top of the site that there is a giveaway going on, but I think it would be better if it was announced in the news before hand.

Just a suggestion.:)
Personally, I'm just happy they have giveaways. I'm happy when I find a Slots Spork in the donation center, doesn't mean I'm going to pass up an Icekiss for one, but yeah.
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