Snow and Zombie Peophins

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Snow and Zombie Peophins

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Image Image
Snow and Zombie

Snow could have been so much better. The things that bother me (and they REALLY bother me!) are that odd mass of snow on its neck (seriously, WTF?) and that they didn't do anything with the tail (had potential, and snow is far too hard to believe in this shape even on a fantasy critter). Otherwise, it's nice. I like the leafy mane (what's there of it anyway), the face plate, and the colors in general.

Zombie is actually really nice. It's pale, it's creepy, and it looks suitably dead and cut-up. There's enough variation in the colors to give it some interest, but there's minimal clashing (maybe the mane and body clash a touch) and not enough color to kill the "dead zombified" look. I really love those eyes and the crackled face plate. If Zombie were a color I fancied personally, I'd want one.
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Re: Snow and Zombie Peophins

Post by Seerow »

I love the leaf mane and plate on the Snow one, though I agree, what the heck is up with that white blob? The only thing I can think of is that someone threw a snowball and that's where it hit.

Zombie is alright, though nothing I'd ever own. The cracked faceplate is a nice touch though.
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Re: Snow and Zombie Peophins

Post by Jessi »

Ugh, i was thinking Snow was quite lovely til you pointed out the blob, Fjorab ;_; It totally ruined the whole image for me, which is sad, because I think the leafy mane is really, really beautiful.... but does look awfully ridiculous with the lump on the back of the head.

Zombie is all right, I like how they made the face plate sort of decomposing, but I think it had a lot more potential. It would have been nice for the end of the fin, for example, to look a bit more tatty and rotten; it would have been easy enough to do while using the same image and without messing up anything customization-wise. I'm strange, and I rather like the color of the mane here too xD

I must say, though, this outfit is just too adorable:

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Re: Snow and Zombie Peophins

Post by Usul_Princess »

Jessibean wrote: I must say, though, this outfit is just too adorable:

That's what I said too when I saw that! Awwww....

As far as the colors, they're pretty minimal. But I was surprised they weren't like snot and glowing or something.
They're both okay. That snow-blob thing looks kinda like a drawing goof, more than intentional. Although I would give almost anything to see the color Zombie pre-Neo 2.0. Everytime I see another zombie pet released I'm kinda sad because this color had so much more potential beforehand.
I forgive this color day though. New peophins are too pleasant for words. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll put all 3 of mine on free training :)

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Snow and Zombie Peophins

Post by Veo »

The Zombie had so much more potential - more scars and patches of mismatched skin, chunks taken out of its tail, missing parts of hair - lord, it just looks like what it is - a Peophin with a dull grey base and a (cool, but limited) cracked faceplate. Lamezors . . . smooth otherwise, no clashing. Just . . . weak. :<

Also, what the HECK is up with that chunk on its head on the snow one?! *stares* Did they want a mutant Peophin and stop 1/3 of the way through after deciding it was too much work?! *startes some more, blinks* Oi . . .

(Veo wanted a Mutant Peophin. *sadface*)
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Re: Snow and Zombie Peophins

Post by clsimmons1985 »

Ok so they released the two colours I was hoping for... And neither came with clothing? I'm dissapointed
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Re: Snow and Zombie Peophins

Post by Cyaneus »

I'd really like Zombie if it came with a tattered shirt or jacket. It's not bad the way it is, just a little naked compared to the others of its kind.

And that checkered dress and bow ARE really adorable. If I had a Peophin I'd try to snag those right away.
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