The Subetan Economy

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Re: The Subetan Economy

Post by Wingsrising »

shaelyn76 wrote:Alright. I hate the autopricer for one simple reason: People autoprice without actually checking the items that should be more expensive first. Some irritating person puts a r98 that is priced at 5 mil into their shop and decides to undercut for a quick profit. They price it at 2 million. If nobody happens to snap that item up in the first five minutes it is in the shop, chances are decent that someone will autoprice their shop and have that same item. Now the price is drastically lowered and every single person who has that item in their shop and autoprices will only continue to lower the price until it is relatively worthless. Now, with all that said, I agree that taking away the autopricer would be the worst thing Keith could do for GA sales. I would hazard a guess that 95% or more of the current GA holders use the autopricer more than any other feature given by the GA.
The thing is, this happens without the autopricer, too.

I get as frustrated as the next person when I'm trying to sell something at 8 million and someone comes along and prices it at 2 million. The thing is... if it were actually selling at 8 million, than the 2 million one would get snapped up so fast that the underpricing wouldn't matter. If it stays long enough that more and more 2 million items appear, than it was overpriced at 8 million, not underpriced at 2 million. Stuff is worth what people will pay for it, not what people want to sell it for!

But it's true that if it weren't for the autopricer, I wouldn't use GA medals.


Everyone who wants to see higher payouts for games should note that this causes more inflation, not less.


I'm not totally sure what to suggest. I think the thing that really hosed the Subeta economy was the introduction of the legendaries and there's nothing to be done about that now... taking them out of circulation would, I suspect, only make the problem worse.
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Re: The Subetan Economy

Post by Huggles »

I think it'd be nice if there were some weapons to fill up the vast gulf between legendaries and everything else. Most weapons that come out aren't even given stats. I can't remember when it started, but the "Wait for V2" mantra meant that even if a weapon was shiny, it was utterly useless. I like for each of my pets to have weapons that have decent stats and match either their looks or personality, though it doesn't have to be a 50/50 split. Make weapons work, make the item image pretty, and make them into pretty wearables.

For the rest, I don't know. I hate the restocking system on Subeta only slightly less than the one on Neo. I think the idea itself is inherently and fatally flawed. I like games. Games are neat. Neo without restocking and however many hundreds of games it has would have been sweet. You'd trade your time, effort, and skill for money. Unlike now where you trade your time and extreme luck for money someone else spent more time, effort, and skill earning. The random restocking made it more annoying and less profitable, but you'll still at least make double or triple or quadruple the amount you would playing games with all other things being equal—the stock market, food club, etc.

Clean slate, I would like to see a system where you can earn both items and/or money from games in addition to quests, and battling. The battle coliseum is woefully short of opponents for that to happen. And fun. I know, I know. Fun will be added in V2. On both Neo and Subeta, and all other pet sites I know, battling is tedious and painfully predictable. Player vs player combat is also pointless, since all it comes down to is having an older pet with higher stats and more money then your opponent.

In short, I dunno. I think more things to do with all those items would help considerably. The fragmentizer helped. Having the recycle beast ask for more items more frequently helped. Human avatars helped tremendously, at first, but then we ended up with lots junk clothing. A gallery spotlight like Neo has would help. Maybe some sort of game involving your HA and what you wear might get people to use wearables they might not want otherwise. More, or ANY really, official spotlights or special awards would be better all around anyway.

And maybe it's just me, but Subeta seems to make a whole lot more items than Neopets does too. Neo's big enough to absorb, 30-40? new items a week, but Subeta is still small enough where a seemingly small change can have a huge effect.

Oh, and minions. It's always, always bugged me on Subeta that to get a different color of a minion I love, Subeta has to create a new similar species that I may not like at all. I know it's always been that way and no doubt some people think it's swell, but it sort of beats down any attempts at the self referencing recognition that petpets get on neo. Kadoatie. Spardel. Slorg. Yeah, I know even I complained about some petpets getting much more site attention then others, but if you've played Neo they're instantly recognized. That's the one in this game or that. Or the one that always shows up somewhere on the site. Minions are pretty, but so are petpets. I guess what I'm saying is that it was easier to think of petpets as lovable little companions whereas minions aren't given much more significance than items. What does that have to do with the economy? I don't know. It just bugs me is all. So there.
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Re: The Subetan Economy

Post by Jessi »

i agree with all of your points on the minions, Huggles, even if it has nothing to do with the economy ;D I just think minions aren't given.. importance the way petpets are on Neo? Petpets have their own games, have their own colors/rainbow pool, have their own pets, have been in plots, have stories all over...

Subeta has SO many minions, and I don't think it's even possible to pick which ones are the 'most popular' to narrow it down to which ones would make better features. They're not really given anything to do except look pretty - which is nice, but kind of boring. I think a lot of it goes back to Subeta is a pet site that isn't focusing on pets anymore - I mean, just look at the cash shop. Everything that's been added lately are avatar wearables. And we still don't have pets to wear with our avatars, which I think is utterly frustrating - that was the BIGGEST thing we suggested when Keith asked us for our opinion on putting the focus on pets when the avatar system started, and we still have nothing. Instead we have paint and PETA ripoffs.

I'd really love to see wearable pets on our avatars. And I'd love to see something happening with minions to make them a bit more worthwhile around the site - because if the minions are, the pets will also get a bit more attention too. Sadly I don't see it happening any time soon.
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Re: The Subetan Economy

Post by Huggles »

Well, I also like to think of it this way. What happens when Neo releases new items centering around, say, the gallion? Hey look, a gallion toothpick! I must have it! Whereas if you just release a bunch of toothpicks, no one gives a crap. Oooh a yo-yo with a jubjub on it...yay!

But on Subeta, if it's not a wearable and not a minion, it might as well not exist. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to get color themed items. That can work fantastically with clothing. But everything else? Do we really need 10 different versions of the same decorating frosting you can't use for anything? Not even decorating cakes? Or beach chairs, or ice cream, or food in a green can, or radio controlled cars or elephant or bunny plushies that aren't even pet or minion related? It often feels like we're being inundated with items that no one wants or can use just so something can be posted in the news.
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Re: The Subetan Economy

Post by AngharadTy »

Well, the beach chairs (I think) and the radio controlled cars are both wearable. But that is a very, very good point. There are so many items that only have a use to trip me up in item hunt (I looooooove when it asks me for an item just released that day! yeahhhh!) or to be turned in for other quests. And for some reason, probably the quests, those are often the items that some dickface buys up and tries to resell for 200k.
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Re: The Subetan Economy

Post by Jessi »

The term dickface makes me laugh. Thank you for that, Ty.

And Huggles, that is very true. The random items on the site are often very, very boring, and very stupid. Now, some random items on both sites I collect for prettyness factor, but another thing that I realized about Subeta (..while I was driving around in my car yesterday, heh), is that they don't use anything that is 'associated' with Subeta in their items.

For example, on Neopets, you have a Tigersquash slushie. Or a chokato smoothie, or a tchea crepe. On Subeta, you only have cherry/lime/strawberry/orange/etc. Which is yummy. But why not use some of the stuff from the ikumoradee...however you spell it? I feel like there needs to be more stuff that makes Subeta... Subeta.

The world itself has no depth, and that really irks me. I think all these new NPCs really help show that - they're just... random people. They offer nothing about Subeta, and I would think if they're spending all this time making NPcs for every shop/game/what have you, they would have tried to make them unique, somehow. It doesn't help that the styles of the NPCs are so incredibly different that they don't even match each other, nevermind something very Subeta-ish. I'd really like to see more depth added to the world itself, so that random items can be a little bit more special, or have a little bit more meaning. Anyone can buy an apple pie, but why not a fuzzy fruit pie, or a spectrum fruit pie... hell, I even get irritated when the words 'pink' or 'blue' or 'rainbow' are used instead of 'dawn', 'dusk' or 'spectrum' - you have these words for your own colors, Subeta - USE them!

...Wow, this rant really belonged on the only thread, but it was a direct reply to Huggles, so I'm posting it here. Pretend that last part about items being more Subeta-related is related to helping the economy, somehow xD;
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Re: The Subetan Economy

Post by Fury From Above »

The constant deflation from so many autopricers makes restocking annoying however I think that in itself is kinda a game-and it makes sure the things are not grossly overpriced like on Neopets. But at the same time it seems to me that in some way this constant shifting of prices carries it's own consequences; I'm not sure since I'm fairly new to Subeta but that's not really healthy for any virtual economy.

Significance of an item may bring the prices of them up, but at the same time you have something to boast about really in your gallery.
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Re: The Subetan Economy

Post by Saturn »

I totally agree with everything Jessi said too - one big difference between Neo and Subeta, IMO, is that Neo feels like a PET site, while Subeta just feels like a game site that happens to have pets on it. >_> I'd love to see the personality of all those random NPCs fleshed out a bit more - maybe something similar to the Neopedia would help a lot - since a lot of them look pretty interesting, but we don't know anything about them other than their names in most cases. I think making items more Subeta-specific WOULD help the economy in its own way, because people would have a reason to collect otherwise-unremarkable items because they had their favorite pet/minion species on it, were related to an NPC they really liked, etc.
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