Possible New Aerie

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by Figment »

AngharadTy wrote:And I have other complaints, but they're already mentioned. Except one.

It's poo colored.
That is exactly what I thought. They've got the entire spectrum of "baby poo" covered in just one pet--impressive, almost, if looking at it didn't give me flashbacks to diaper changing days...

The "feel' of the pet has changed significantly from the last revamp to this one--the last one seemed more similar to the mood of the aerie. I don't really care--I've never owned one, and never will probably, but if I did I might be disquieted about this.

Other complaints have been covered pretty much. I don't mind it; the art's certainly better. The feathers sprouting from its ears bother me enormously. Are they supposed to be growing from the ears? Or are they a decorative shamanic frill? Because it's the only shade of green on the entire thing it really stands out and looks really odd...
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by Sarivonne »

I noticed the artist(s?) changed some of the issues people had with the first one, such as the way the first revamp looked like a dog with a beak and making the beak more eagle like. I do like it, but I cant say I like those spots. I love it when an artist goes the extra mile like this to make a pet look nice. As opposed to saying 'Well it's not this animal or that animal so deal with it'. I like the experimenting on the legs, even if it does look weird.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by Fury From Above »

I preffered the first one. It is not only much cuter but looks more unique and less generic as far as gryphon pets go(like the Eyrie). It's cuteness would appeal to the users who got it for that reason, much with the dissapointment with the Dragon and Paralix revamps.

This verson seems kinda...a tad unbalanced when it comes to the head and arms; and that tail needs to be shown off more because it's part of what makes an Aerie an Aerie and not a gryphon.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by TCStarwind »


I guess the original front legs are coming back. And I don't know. Asaide from the leg problems, I could see myself owning one of these (the redline Heilos posted was awesome). I don't really like the currant one or the first revamp. :/ Maybe I'm just wierd?

I saw people somewhere complaining about the tail feathers looking squiched, which could be remedied by curving them around to the front and having them obstruct its behind.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by Iggy »

Thing is, the Creative Department has stated than common pets aren't supposed to be 'cute'. And, that was what bothered me with the first revamp: it was cute, and has no reason to be.

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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by Cranberry »

I really disliked the first proposed revamp -- I didn't like the way it was sitting with legs splayed or the fact that it looked like a parrot rather than a bird of prey. The eyes were too small and the front paws too dainty. The new version has corrected those issues.

I like the bird legs, but they look too straight and stiff. I'm not sure how to fix that, but I do think they'd look better with the back talon that both the original aerie and the current one have (and that real birds of prey have). The back foot does look more like a human foot than a paw, which creeps me out. I like the rest of it, though -- the expression, the beak, the mottled fur, the earring (also a throwback to the original), even the color (and I always feel that common color doesn't matter much, anyway, when we'll have loads of colorfills and redraws to choose from). I don't think it needs too much work.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by WisteriaLynx »

Well, aside from being rather stiff and lifeless, at least the new art is pretty. However, it changes the feel of the Aerie greatly, and I don't plan on getting one with a Mystical-Plushie-slot anymore should this one go through. I liked the life and energy of the old Aerie, and this just happens to be a nicely-shaded statue.

I liked the first revamp a bit more. Sure, it was a little puppyish, but so is the current Aerie, and at least it looked like it was alive.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by Huggles »

Buh? The green feathers are just silly. It has plenty of feathers on it's own. Why does it need to tie some to it's ear? I also don't like the front legs. They look like regular feline legs, only colored in a way to pretend that they're bird legs. The hind leg also reminds me of an ape. I didn't like the boobies on the first one and the splayed legs were kinda awkward, but the tiny beak and head I thought were in keeping with the original design. The spots were nicer too. That doesn't mean I wanted one, I'm generally not a griffin fan, but there's more errors with the new one.

I'm just confused as to why there were so many fundamental design changes, even if whoever drew the first revamp can't do it now.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by lavender »

Oh good lord. Seriously?

This is awful. Every complaint I have about has already been said many times, so I won't say anything else.

Boy am I glad I never liked Aeries or planned on having one.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by cksp1d »

I love this new revamp. Sure there are some minor changes needed, but nothing much. I'm a huge fan of mythology and love griffons very much. And considering that the Aerie is a griffon I have no problem with it looking more like what it is. If this one goes through I would consider getting one (especially if the changes go through).

The last revamp was...hideous in my opinion. Didn't like a single thing about that one *shudders at the thought of it*
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by AngharadTy »

TCStarwind wrote:Image

I guess the original front legs are coming back.
Ugh, man. I didn't know (or perhaps, had deliberately forgotten) that this existed. I don't think that, with the age and quality of this art, it's a vision anyone is required to be true to.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by Seerow »

I really dislike how its going back to its roots. I mean, how many people on Subeta today even remember that one? A handful probably. The Aerie that just nearly everyone associates with Subeta was the one with feline front paws and no earring (even though I like the earrings). Remember how well the Dragon revamp went over with the users when it went back to its roots as well? At least this seems to be liked more then the Dragon revamp ever was, but still.

For the record, I liked the other version better since it did resemble a parakeet. It was more unique then eagle inspired griffons, though I can see how it was disliked because of it.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by Jessi »

I haven't said anything yet, because I was trying to figure out if I like it or not. I've decided I really don't.

It's hard for me to critique it right now, since Subeta's down and I can't actually look at the image, but the reason I don't like it is the same reason I didn't like the new Serpenth - it seems very un-Subetaish to me. It's too realistic and too heavily shaded and not in any sort of Subeta style. Also, I'm bothered by the beak, which seems to be very bulky. I know it's supposed to be a bird of prey, but... the beak just looks terribly awkward on its face.

I agree that if they're going to keep the bird feet, they need to put that back talon on - otherwise its front feet are relatively useless. I'd personally like to see the bird feet gone, however. It sucks, because I liked many parts of the first revamp, just not how it was executed, and I think it's kind of pissy that it was removed from the voting options all together - kind of like with the feli >> I adored the beak shape and the tail(s?) of the first one, and would love to see those executed again.

Iggy wrote: Thing is, the Creative Department has stated than common pets aren't supposed to be 'cute'. And, that was what bothered me with the first revamp: it was cute, and has no reason to be.
O_o If they've really stated that, then they're not doing a very good job. The common ruffie revamp was cute, the common feli revamp was cute. Several common forms of pets are cute. It seems silly that suddenly with this pet (and the serpenth I suppose), its a big deal. The pets are losing what makes them unique to Subeta - not necessarily 'cuteness', but just the overall style.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by hebdenhippy »

I really don't like it :/ I think it looks, well, ugly. The art is good and all but it just isn't a nice looking pet. It also looks very male, and I think the bird legs look really out of place, the lion-like paws of the first revamp looked much better, and also, Aeries have some pretty nice redraw colours; Angelic, Hydrus, Reborn and Darkmatter are all fairly nice pets, and I really don't want to see them get uglified with scaly legs. The feathers in its ear just look naff to me, I agree with Huggles, why stick more feathers onto a pet that's already covered in them??

I wish they had given us an option to vote for the first revamp as well :/ with a bit of boob reduction it could have looked really nice.
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Re: Possible New Aerie

Post by Jessi »

Wow, Rachel, I didn't even take the redraws into account -that's a good thing to point out. And most of those redraws are fairly new... the darkmatter and hydrus are particularly lovely, and I'd hate to see them get completely ruined =/ I wonder if Jag is keeping that in mind at all...
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