RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Arviragus »

Achievement: I managed to land a job I love that's directly relevant to my degree. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, world who tried to tell me a kinesiology degree is useless :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by gomababe »

achievement: I've got my plane tickets all booked and I'm all ready to leave for Southampton airport later on today.

woe: I haven't heard back what day my interview is supposed to be yet and I'll have very limited internet access as my friend's router has decided to asplode {her fiancee can use his mobile to give us temporary internet access on the laptop}. I'm really hoping that the person who emailed me gets back to me by tomorrrow, otherwise I'll have wasted £255 of my parent's money ><.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

:) : I went to the beach with my friends yesterday and about halfway there we remembered that our other friend was there with her family. So we met up with her and got to use the hotel's stretch of beach and had a really good time.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »

So my car got towed from work today as it just failed to start after I got off. Apparently the security reading wire/computer/whatever is broken in the ignition and its just not recognizing the key, so it won't start. I didn't even know my key had a security chip in it 0_o So that has to be replaced, which will take most of this weeks /really/ nice paycheck to cover. I was looking forward to this paycheck darn it, it had almost 80 hours on it! I worked my ass off the last two weeks at work.

At least it wasn't the starter, this is cheaper to fix.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Seerow, you should know that any time you get a nice paycheck, something like this will happen!

...or if you're completely broke, something like this will happen xD

I empathize completely with you - I'm glad it wasn't the starter, yeesh!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

Woe. I may be losing Vision and Dental insurance next month. But I got new glasses/contacts and my teeth pulled beforehand (Thank God).

As for the rest of the major insurance...6 months -_- left. *depressed sigh*

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

I know the feeling. I think I went to the dentist every single month last year for something. My teeth are still sensitive to cold from all his meddling. They never hurt or bothered me until after a visit. My insurance ran out in January? February? I can't remember, but I have none now. Whee! I'm living life on the edge! But I broke my glasses a week ago and can't afford new ones, so I'm stuck using an ugly old pair. I have a bad habit of stepping and/or sitting on them. Don't ask me how. These I broke just by putting them on.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

:( : I spent way too much money the past couple of days.

:) : I had a freaking blast the past couple of days.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by WisteriaLynx »

I spent the last few days in NYC with a friend, and it was awesome. I bought many books (yes we went to New York and bought books instead of clothes/souvenirs), some of which are in various languages I'm teaching myself, and now that I'm back home with my dictionaries, I can start reading them. *cackle* The only thing that sucked was that the internet the hotel supposedly had turned out to be nonexistent, but oh well.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by bonecrivain »

Oooh! Oooh! Did you go to The Strand? I love that bookstore. I wish I'd spent more money there. I always buy books when I travel, even though I already have far too many and they make suitcases stupidly heavy.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by gomababe »

Well.... ended up wasting my time and my parents' money. Didn't even get to the goddamned interview {apparently the position was filled by the time the agency got back to me on Monday morning}. On the one hand I'm angry as hell and will get on the phone on Monday coming to demand my flight money back, on the other I'm about ready to give up on getting a job of any kind within the next two/three months {I'm overqualified for the stuff that doesn't need experience and don't have enough experience for anything else}.

On the plus side I had a good time staying with my friend again, we went to Bournemouth for the day on Wednesday to go to the Oceanarium {we met up wiith Lucy's friend and her daughter who ran around pointing to all the 'Nemo's' and generally being excited}. Pity we didn't take our swimsuits, it was a gorgeous day and we could've gone swimming if we hadn't thought it was going to be so miserable.

So yes.. going to demand money back for wasted time.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

:D : I had an AWESOME trip! I visited friends, rode a stubborn but pretty tank-built horse, visited the college campus from which I graduated in 2000 and also ate at my favorite steakhouse in that town, then went for the big event: Fanfest. Basically, a good bunch of Alan Parsons Project fans gathered in a nice historic bed & breakfast in a remote little town and had great fun. We had phone interviews with Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson, listened to a bunch of awesome music in surround sound (including Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon"), listened to some good coverband music, sang karaoke (even me with my awful singing voice), had way too much fun with a black trench coat Alan had donated to us for a grand door prize, and laughed a lot with some help from The Onion's printed paper. And two of my new friends went home with the picture I drew for the event. :)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by KauKrazy »

WisteriaLynx wrote:I spent the last few days in NYC with a friend, and it was awesome. I bought many books (yes we went to New York and bought books instead of clothes/souvenirs), some of which are in various languages I'm teaching myself, and now that I'm back home with my dictionaries, I can start reading them. *cackle* The only thing that sucked was that the internet the hotel supposedly had turned out to be nonexistent, but oh well.
What languages are those? Just curious! I always wish I had more time, so I could do what you just did.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by WisteriaLynx »

I'm trying to teach myself French, Japanese, Finnish, and Norwegian. Although the bookstores I went to (The Strand wasn't one of them; we just kind of wandered around various areas and went into whatever bookstores we saw) didn't carry any books in Finnish or Norwegian... sigh. Those are the two I need books in the most; I'm making so little progress in them. But I did find a wonderful combination textbook-classic screenplay in French in a used bookstore, so that makes it all better. ^^
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by EofS »

In case it's useful, the Finnish textbook I used was called From Start to Finnish (grooooan) and was by... Leila White, I think.

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