KeyQuest Now Open!

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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Cranberry »

It's not bad, but I can't do the minigames, and not because I suck at them -- my clicks just won't register, or if they do there's so much lag that by the time they do register, the game's over. I end up with zero points while my opponents have, like, 15. A minigame froze on me during my first two-player game, so I had to leave, and I dropped out of a three-player game because I just couldn't take the lag making me lose every single minigame anymore. I may try again when it's out of beta (or when I get a fancier computer), but right now, it's just too slow for me.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Officer 1BDI »

The minigames seem to be bugged in general, at least on my end; I can't figure out what caused the spyders to drop in a specific direction (that might just be my own ignorance at work, though), I can somehow make a "perfect circle" in the petpetpet game without actually capturing the petpetpet I enclosed, and during my last KeyQuest match my nova pairing games seemed to lag a few seconds behind the other players'; stars were disappearing before I was even able to click on them. O_o

When I can play it, I actually really enjoy KeyQuest (woe is me who has never been exposed to Mario Party before), but the game crashes my browser half of the time while loading, and it only fully works about 5% of the time that I try to access it.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by daisybell »

I just had a go for the first time, and had got 3 out of 5 keys but then the game ended suddenly and I was returned to the main screen. I can only guess my opponent left or had a technical issue :/

It would be nice to play with some NCers, 'cause I know you're all good sports and won't drop out just because you're losing.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Fury »

Officer 1BDI wrote:I can't figure out what caused the spyders to drop in a specific direction (that might just be my own ignorance at work, though)
The direction of the Spyders' 'eye lights' determines which direction you will drop. :) The game seems to be full of bugs anyway, as I sometimes get stuck for no reason (even without the opponent grabbing one of those purple ball things which does freeze you) and a lot of the times, I travel really slowly and also, when I go to grab a glowing piece, my opponent seems to grab it out of my hands.

I'm still having a lot of fun with it regardless, even though my boyfriend's MacBook touchpad can't keep up with the petpetpet minigame... :P
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by daisybell »

I have managed to get to the end of three games, and got some nice prizes- I won once, though I thought the other player might be about to pull out since they were missing lots of turns. I also spent quite a lot of time being glitched/lagged out, or with other people leaving- though they might be being lagged out too. And often missing my turn if it comes straight after a minigame finishing, because the minigame lags.

And that music! It wasn't so bad at first but it just keeps going, and it's so similar- I can see why you all hate it so! I can't understand why they haven't put a mute button on- I'd live with the sound effects, but I don't want their music all of the time.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Bif »

There actually is a mute button. Click on your face in the chat window, scroll down and you can adjust the volume all the way down to mute.

I actually find is weird to play without the music, but that's just me.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I supply my own music, which I find much less irritating. ;)
The direction of the Spyders' 'eye lights' determines which direction you will drop. :)
That... makes a lot of sense, actually. Thanks.
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