Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

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Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by FaerieInGrey »

According to my records (and the birthday thread), it is the birthday of some version of Neocolours! Quite possibly the original!

I had a bunch of things that I wanted to say, but to sum it up because I know you don't want to hear my late-night babblings:

I can't believe how long I've been a member of these forums, and I'm not even one of the oldest members. When I first joined, I hadn't even met Jay in person, and now we're getting married. My life has changed completely from the time I joined the forum until now, and through the forum I've seen so many of your lives change, too.

The forum itself has changed, too. There are probably a lot of reasons, but I kind of think (this isn't founded on much but speculation) that when people left Neopets (because of anger at the changes, getting older, life issues, whatever), they drifted away from here. I'm sad to consider that I've drifted away, myself.

But um, yeah. I wanted to say that this forum has done so much for me. A lot of you are some of my best friends in the world. I miss talking to you and I wish we kept in touch better, because you're interesting and we've been chatting for so long that I really feel like I know you.

Happy birthday, Neocolours, and thanks for everything :)
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by bonecrivain »

Aw yay, happy birthday, Neocolours! I met one of my absolute best friends through this forum, and that alone would make me forever fond of it. But I've also been a member of NC for a very, very long time--for as long as it has been an actual forum--and I have so many memories connected to it. I haven't been nearly as active lately as I used to be, but NC will always have a special place in my heart.
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by Joey »

Man, these types of posts make me feel older then dirt D:

No really, grats on whatever birthday we reached this time. Many good times have been had, and I've met some of my best friends here. Go us!
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

YAY Happy Birthday NC!

I've been on NC ever since Sam had it as a journal-type thing where he'd post something and everyone would respond in this (eventually) hugelong page, before he expanded it to a more manageable and orderly forum. I've "met" many MANY fabulous people through it, some of whom aren't even posters here anymore but I still keep in touch through various means. I'm sure someday I'll meet several of you in person. You all are awesome! And wherever Sam is these days, thanks for getting us hooked on this place, enough to continue it beyond your hosting.
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by kuri »

Happy Brirthday NC *hugs*

I only lurk here now, but I still love this forum and the people in it ^_^
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by gomababe »

Happy Birthday NC *throws confetti around*. Man I've been posting/lurking around the place since the first forums if I remember correctly {wasn't around for the very start unfortunately}. I've seen some very wonderful people come and go throughout the years, and watched some of the drama unfold as well, but it's still a community I'm glad to have found, even if I am more of a lurker than I have been in the past XP;.
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by Jessi »

Happy Birthday, Neocolours!

You know... I'm NOT one of those people that has been lurking/posting since the very first forum or whatever. I only started coming here because Lindsey talked about it so much. In fact, I've only been here for a little over two years - I joined in March 06 but didn't start posting til the end of May. I've often been told people forget this about me, and that I'm now considered a veteran, so that makes me feel pretty good ;D

The funny thing is, I do not like forums. I never manage to post on forums for very long. Whether they're like the Neopets forums, or a forum like this. The forum I was on for my RO Guild, I only posted when I had to - which wasn't very often xD So I think it really says something about the community here, that not only have I been coming back nonstop for two years, but I also uh.. post a LOT. I'm not sure if having as many posts as I do is something I should be proud of, so I'm sorry if I annoy people xD But really, you guys are the greatest group of people I've had the pleasure of knowing on the internet.

Like Bon, I have met not just one, but two of my best friends here - and that's just getting started, because I love so many of you guys, and I've become so close with so many of you, and I adore talking to you all. <3 So hooray for Neocolous - the best place on the internet.

Oh. It's also FMD's birthday today too, so happy birthday FMD XD
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by WisteriaLynx »

Happy birthday, NC~ (and FMD)! Although how old is it, anyway? I've only been alternating lurking/posting since... um, eighth grade, so '03, I think? Definitely not since the very beginning, and I certainly haven't been a regular for that long. But I love this place. :3 It's the source of my Subeta addiction, and the only place on the internet I've found in ten years of looking that mixes maturity with a sense of fun and occasional insanity so well.
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by Riddler »

Aw, happy birthday NC! Also FMD! I think the forum's five years old now? Which is just awesome onastick.

I too was here from the humble movable type beginnings, though I think I disappeared for a bit and have slipped into lurkerdom since Neo decided to revamp the main thing Neocolours was made for. I've met some (okay, all) of my best internet friends here, and love the multitude of memories this place carries with it (I still smile at the thought of Sam leaving his italics tag open for a weekend and will probably never remember the right way to spell 'kuhn'). Meghan, you totally captured a lot of what I far-less-eloquently wanted to say. =P

Hey, do you guys still have massive MSN chats that last 24 hours all up? Or TeamSpeak? I hope I'll get to see more of everyone once I reinstall Messenger after my finals (no more timezone restrictions!).

Sooo in short, thanks to everyone for making Neocolours such an awesome forum! Someone still needs to win the lottery and make MM's dream a reality. =D
Thanks to Twisted for the awesome set!
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by FaerieInGrey »

I don't think there really are chats anymore. I've asked a few people and it doesn't seem so. I wish there were, though. I can't make them from my computer, but if I see you around on MSN I'll try and have someone else make one :P
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by Seerow »

Well, happy birthday to the much beloved NC (and FMD)!
Like Jessi, I never post much on forums as I usually just feel too embarrassed too but I've been posting here for awhile now and have never felt the urge to up and leave. I don't know many of you as closely as perhaps I'd like, but you all are great people and are loads of fun to talk to! So many fond memories come from here, the least of which being the Card Exchange and Secret Santas.

And heck, where else am I going to get topics about nipple piercings right next to a topic about a new Subeta/Neopet color :P
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by Jamie »

These forums raised me, haha. Quite literally, I was an annoying brat when I joined.
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by Huggles »

It's true, I was there. I think. My first memory of Neocolours was getting into an argument with Ziggy over the uni having a horse's tail. I remember a page or two long rant about the nature of real unicorn tails and being completely dumbstruck...Yet, intrigued. I stuck around to debate some more, even over whether or not we should have moderators at all on the new forums. In fact, I remember Jazzy being afraid to to be the first to post, wth?, on the new phpbb forums.

*huggles Neocolours* I wuvs you.
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by Kantark »

Happy Birthday, Forum.

You've been a source of amusement, entertainment, information and education to me over the time I've been here (which must run into more than a few years now). Recently, sadly, things have tailed off a bit - and I think this is probably due solely to changes at Neopets itself and a corresponding loss of interest in it. If only the Neo topics were as active as the Subeta ones are now *sigh*. Of course Neocolours is only as good as its users, and you guys are frankly the most consistently mature and entertaining forum users I've come across. Thanks :-)
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Re: Happy Birthday, Neocolours! (8/17/08)

Post by danceu4ia »

I can't believe I've been on here since 2006, and that's nowhere near some of the seniors around here. XD

This is the best forum I've ever had the privilege to be a member, not the most frequent posting member, but still. Here I saw the rise, (and fall) of neopets, was introduced to Subeta, got helpful advice for random techie things, a fun werewolf game or two, and free birthday wishes, and congratulatory statements on the RL board.

It's just such a great community around here...Happy Birthday Neocolours!

PS I'm also glad "colour" is spelled correctly if only in one little corner of the internet. XD
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