And... Wiz quests have changed again.

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Re: And... Wiz quests have changed again.

Post by Sunwolf »

The Wizard appears to ONLY give out 10 pointers now, instead of 15 pointers. I had a few 1-item quests and got only 10 pointers. Even when I was fast with two items, I only got a 5 pointer. I'm also getting not just cheap "rare" items, but "normal" ones as well. And screw the three-item quests.

Bah. This means no more vending for me. Just when the machines were fixed, too! Vending is how I make 90% of my sp. Bad bad bad.
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Re: And... Wiz quests have changed again.

Post by Wingsrising »

Now, that's just STRANGE. I mean, this is going to cause inflation both of tokens in particular and across the economy in general.

I'm very curious about what the rationale for this is.
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Re: And... Wiz quests have changed again.

Post by Alicorn »

Grrrr, how annoying. Just as I was getting back in the groove of doing my quests everyday. I hated when they had the wizard ask for 3 items. Now they have it back, urgh! I'm avoiding those. Not only can it be slow goings with people with slow connections, I find that some shops load much slower then others. Then not getting 15 point tokens anymore, bah. I was spoiled with the 15 point tokens and getting atleast a 250 token out of a day of questing was great. Now we just get 10 and 5. I guess it's to make tokens rarer so that things obtained by tokens are made more rare. Just a guess really. Since they tend to stock the token shop with such small amounts now, because they want to make the items more rare. But I can't see how that helps anyone. Just makes it harder on people who quest for their earnings. That's how I do it. I can't and don't rs. I never had the flare others have to do it. So I avoid it. So I shall do the changed wizard, because I want to keep building up my sp so I'm ready for christmas. But I hope it returns back to the way it was. It was just fine the way it was. You don't fix something if it's not broke. [/ranting]
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Re: And... Wiz quests have changed again.

Post by 23639377 »

Oh no. Why did they do that? Most of my sP is gained from the wiz quest! It'll take more time to save up for a glacier potion now...
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Re: And... Wiz quests have changed again.

Post by shaelyn76 »

Well, when Keith said he was going to fix vending I never would have guessed he would take it this far. I find it completely stupid to only give out 10 point tokens and have some 3 item quests where it's impossible to even get the 10 pointer at all. Like several others here, I don't RS for my main source of income. I don't enjoy RSing. I find it tedious and stressful when there are more than 300 people online. I liked being able to come onto Subeta, do my Saggi and my Wiz quests, then vend my tokens and stock my shop all within about an hour or two. I made a decent profit and didn't have to live on the fucking site to be able to afford things I wanted. With the change in Wiz quests(and the subsequent drop in my ability to earn tokens for vending), I have less inclination to even play Subeta. Now my goals are almost completely out of my reach unless I choose to spend hours upon hours a day RSing. Vending is a vital part of the Subeta economy. Vending offers an alternative to RSing for those who don't enjoy waiting for a shop to stock and then fighting over the two decent items that show up. Wiz quests offered a chance to earn a good amount of tokens and a bit of sP to cover the actual quest expense before. Now Wiz quests just plain suck ass. I am becoming more and more disillusioned by Subeta by the day.
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Re: And... Wiz quests have changed again.

Post by Mayhem »

I agree with you, Shae. Screwing with the vending machines is what made me stop purchasing a GA. The only reason I kept getting one was for the autopricer and additional quests... why bother when vending is tedious now and quests have become a ripoff?
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Re: And... Wiz quests have changed again.

Post by Teera »

Hm. In the days before the recent change to Wizard, I was losing around 50-80k per 40-quest session(though I was still getting a whole lot of tokens, and I was only losing that much because I was hoping to get Subeautique stuff from him.) After the change, I've done two full sessions and made over 350k from both(I think I gave up on maybe 14 of the 40 quests total), and still got a ton of tokens.

I've found going for the three-item quests is the most profitable, as he's given me up to 58k. Single item quests seem to be the least profitable, as he's given me as low as 990sp for that.
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