Holiday Name Changes

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Re: Holiday Name Changes

Post by Jessyta »

Again, I insulted no one. I see a LOT of people that regularly post here that are far more insulting and condescending then I was in that post.

You may not think it was necessary, however you weren't the one being talked about.
Joey wrote:Oh please. If your post wasn't meaning to insult FaithHeart, then what point were you trying to make exactly? Luxe had already addressed the misunderstanding. I suggest getting over it.

Sarcasm's just how I work. I could always just lock this if you have nothing to contribute.
So it's cool for NC staff to be condescending and sarcastic toward me.. .but if they think I am doing that to others I get jumped on?

Thanks for reminding me why I stopped coming here. Lock away, I don't give a fuck, I said what I wanted. :P
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Re: Holiday Name Changes

Post by Joey »

Hey, don't dish it out if you can't take it. Remember that this thread was sinking to the bottom before you came here trying to pick a fight.

So much for taking the high road, eh?
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Re: Holiday Name Changes

Post by bonecrivain »

Jessyta, I can understand taking offense at the "conspiracy" charges; however, these charges were debunked in my opinion, and they didn't seem likely to become a further issue until you resurrected that discussion. I just reread the entire thread very carefully, and I agree that certain people's tones weren't optimal, but this is a rather large change that is upsetting people, so that's to be expected. Fighting fire with fire isn't always the best option, and in this case, you're not helping yourself. It would be better to come in and say, "Hey, this is why I made that thread on Subeta; it bothers me that you're saying I was doing ___ for ____ reasons, because ____ was my actual intention." Then if anyone comes along and throws mud at you, you come across as the better person.

With that said, you are being a little harsh, Joey.

If the harsh back-and-forth comments continue, I'll split and lock them. I think the main name change thread should remain open, because there's plenty left to discuss. For example, has the change to Morostide been addressed sufficiently (or at all?) in the news? Have there been any developments or changes to make it seem more like a special Subetan holiday than a renamed Earth one?

I've been far too bogged down in real-life things lately to properly formulate my own opinions on this change; I think since we're in the middle of the now-Morostide celebrations, it's still relevant to talk about what's happening.
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Re: Holiday Name Changes

Post by Kamil »

Since this thread's back from the dead, and in an effort to un-derail the discussion: here, my thoughts, let me show you them.

The short answer: I'm refusing to use the new name. Simple, and it keeps me happy. ^^

Longer answer: I think the biggest problem, and I think it will be for the worse, instead of for the better, will be people screeching because you left off their holiday.

But, "No!", you say, "This will make that better, because we're rolling holidays into new celebrations, and so there are no more individual real world holidays!"

Might want to tell that to Talk Like a Pirate Day and Octoberfest. Because if ever there were two holidays who were a natural fit to be rolled together, it was those two. And yet, all that happened were they got new names.

And then Halloween came along, and it's got a new name too. But it's still Halloween, and everyone knows that.

Merena Kills and Eats a Large Bird, Along With Other Fall Yummies Day will also surely be American Thanksgiving, just as Calvin Gets Drunk Off His Ass to Celebrate a New Calendar Year will be New Year's Eve/Day.

But see? That's the thing. The real world celebrations aren't going away. They're all just getting new names. And when one comes along that doesn't get a new name, and isn't tossed into the blender for the few blended celebrations -- those people are still going to be pissed, and they're still going to throw a fit.

The Month of Celebrating Shinwa Gives Free Stuff Out for a Month will be easier to pull off as blended, because everyone has pretty much already been doing that already in the real world, by wishing others "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". So that one should be simple, for everyone concerned.

But the rest, especially holidays with major religious/spiritual significance are going to be holy hell to blend together - and if done, will totally rob the site of the amazing multicultural feel it's had since the first day I signed up.

I know staff says it won't, but if the spirit of the holiday is kept sufficiently intact to keep the multicultural feel, then there's no way everyone and their dog won't know it's just a renamed earth holiday. And if it's changed enough to avoid that . . . then there went the ambiance.

But all of that aside, the reason given as primary is to avoid pissing people off by missing their celebrations.

But that will still happen, each and every time staff misses a holiday to rename/blend into another.

And this is supposed to be a ton of work to pull off.

So this is better how?
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Re: Holiday Name Changes

Post by Jessi »

Kamil, I think that's one of the clearest posts anyone's made so far about this whole thing - you pretty much said everything I've wanted to say this entire time about the whole ordeal. Go you <3
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Re: Holiday Name Changes

Post by FaithHeart »

Jessyta I didn't post anymore than I did to Luxe because I had already been enough of an ass about this. I in NO way feel you are a covert agent of mass destruction or whatever. As if you couldn't tell I was having a very bad day.
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Re: Holiday Name Changes

Post by Joey »

Yeah I was mean. Wasn't really in a mood for people coming in and starting fires, I've got enough of that offline. Anyway I'm done.

So back on topic, I'm still not feeling Morostide. They haven't done anything to build on this grand subeta story that would make everything ok. It's still just Halloween with a different name. Kamil put it brilliantly. Before they had a situation where a few people were pissed that their holidays weren't included, now they have a situation where a ton of people are pissed cause they just renamed a bunch of holidays and there will still be some left out. I'm still waiting.
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