Halloween Costumes!

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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Alicorn »

That's a bum Huggles. I hope you could make it work. Would love to see pictures of it.

As for me, I'm excited I get to dress up this year. Last year I didn't get to cause there was really nothing to do and my wife wouldn't let me go trick or treating. I so would of if she let me, 24 is not to old. Well I refuse to think so. But this year we are dressing up and going to the local bar, yay! I was going to dress in my Marron costume but I find it to much work to do just for going to the bar. Plus no one would know who I was so it would be apperciated. So I think I might do a sort of Dark Knight Joker inspired outfit. I'm still cooking it up in my head.
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Joey »

I've decided to go as Mickey Mouse in his sorcerer outfit this year, to go with my planned pumpkin theme :D
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I'm going to be what I've been every year for 13 years - wearing my black cloak with black pants, with my white gloves and glowing werewolf mask. :) I love that outfit, and really it never gets old. Besides, it's only a few hours every year, and I'm not one to have one outfit that I'll only ever wear once if I'm happy wearing it whenever appropriate.

Plus I'm a grown-up, and there are laws and such that make some years not worth wearing it anyway if I don't have the occasion for it.

It'll get good use this year though, yay for haunted house with blacklight! :D
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Huggles »

So I wore my costume to work and our town's Malloween, trick-or-treating in the mall. I saw lots of cute kids, but didn't get any pictures. There'll be picture(s) of me and my friend Kathy, who dressed up as The Count from Sesame St., soon. I thought I was going to go the entire day without someone recognizing me, but someone at work asked me what my rank and squad was. D'oh! I was outed! Everyone else thought I was just a samurai, except for this weird lady who didn't even know what those were.

Sadly, there were several Hanna Montanas. *groan*
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Monkeyguy »

I went out today and bought some vampire fangs and a rather awesome jacket that I think will do nicely for my "Edward Cullen in the daylight" theme. My hair is nice and long, so I'm going to spike it up all crazy and then put body glitter all over myself.

I'm not exactly sure why I'm dressing up, just because I haven't in a few years I guess...
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Seerow »

Kyle, you HAVE to get a little name tag thingy that reads "My face is godlike and carved from marble". Please? I swear, every time she described whats-his-face she always compared him to a god carved from marble.

When I got to the part about the vampires sparkling I gave up on that series. But it makes on seriously funny Halloween costume!
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Monkeyguy »

Huggles wrote:Hah! I just looked those vampires up and saw the preview for the movie, series, whatever. They make me laugh. Does she'he write about them being all sparkly all the time? It's mentioned whenever someone talks about Twilight.
Yes the real reason vampires hide during the day is that they sparkle in direct sunlight.

Also, that is a good idea Heto! I'll think of something like that and maybe put it on my shirt or something...
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by bonecrivain »

I've moved the Twilight posts to this thread.
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Aurinona »

I went crazy and decided that I wanted to be a werewolf for Halloween. And that I was going to make it myself.

Did I mention that I have almost no sewing experience, have never tried to carve foam, and that this is my first attempt at making a costume (if you ignore an ill-fated attempt to be a twinkie for a Nuclear Winter (come as something that will survive the nuclear apocalypse) party)?

So, after some failed foam structures, several declarations that I was going to give up and start over AGAIN, and an ungodly number of hours of work...

I have a wolfy.

There are hands, feet, and a tail that go with it, and I'll have to poke my husband into taking photos of the entire getup.
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by roger9614462 »


Seriously Aurinona! It's the first time you sew something? It looks fabulous!
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Aurinona »

Thanks! Well, I'm sure I've put buttons back on things, and when I was little I would try to make clothes for teddy bears (very, very badly), and I guess I've had to seam up a couple of knitted items, but other than that, I haven't done much, and my seaming on knitted things tends to look ucky so I avoid it if at all possible.

I kinda cheated and mostly hot-glued the fur to the head (yeah, yeah, not very durable, and it would look better if I'd sewed the fur) because I wasn't really sure how it was going to turn out and wasn't going to spend ages on it if it turned into Suck, but the ruff is sewn on. Next time I do something like this, I'll hand-stitch the whole thing so I don't get stuck with unsightly joins. The gloves and tail are hand-sewn, and I'm pretty happy with them, though I popped a seam on one glove and ought to fix it sometime soon.

Here's the costume put together - weird lighting because of camera flash in a dark room, but oh well.

It was an interestingly educational project- I learned how to make plaster molds and cast latex for the nose and pawpads, how to make patterns for things, and my hand-stitching improved immensely from start to finish. :D
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Goldenchaos »

:D You should get an old pair of jeans and rip them apart at the edges and elsewhere to make it authentic werewolf.

It came out very good!

And what kind of foam did you make the head out of?
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Aurinona »

Goldenchaos wrote::D You should get an old pair of jeans and rip them apart at the edges and elsewhere to make it authentic werewolf.

It came out very good!

And what kind of foam did you make the head out of?
Well, sadly, I don't have any old jeans that actually fit. All of them are in smaller sizes, I need to start going to the gym again. =P Maybe next year!

The understructure of the head is high-density foam... the green stuff that they sell at JoAnn Fabric and Crafts. I used a combination of 1" and 2" thicknesses, but considering how much I carved things down in places, it might have been smarter to start with 1/2" and 2". (The thicker stuff was only for the muzzle.) I hear that some people have had good luck with white upholstery foam, and apparently some places sell "chair pads" for a reasonable price, but I always have 40% off coupons for JoAnn and keep going there for knitting needles and random art supplies.
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by gomababe »

Well, today we're allowed to dress up when we go to work. Sadly I don#t have my labcoats with me so I can't go as my usual mad scientist self {complete with charcoal stains, fake blood and frizzy hair} so I've decided to go as the stereotypical 'one day' writer {come on, Nano starts tommorow}. Got odd socks on, bags under my eyes and I'm taking in my evil muse for the day, complete with a note on the baffle board not to feed it or get it wet under any cirumstances. I've decided to just wash my hair and blast dry it with nothing to keep it from going mad as well {real writers have no need to do their hair apparently}. This should be a fun day, it's just a shame our customers won't be able to see us since they're on the other end of a phone *pouts*.
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Re: Halloween Costumes!

Post by Joey »

Heh, it's 1 am and I've already fallen asleep once tonight, and my costume has yet to be sewn. I'm gonna be amazed if I make it with a full costume and 4 pumpkins by tomorrow

Nearly four hours later edit: And I'm done! It was one of those things where it looked like crap until I finished and now I'm super happy with the results! I think my only problem was sewing on a sleeve upside down, but that can be fixed later, after pumpkins. Now I sleep, pics tomorrow!
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