Election 2008!

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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Kari »

Yay. Though I wasn't watching any of it because I was in class, I was refreshing CNN.com instead. My class was basically all yay to some degree. I heard bits of the speech from one of the computers, that was what made it feel real.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Joey »

So I'm keeping an ear on the news, and they're saying that LA and SF haven't yet sent in their results for Prop 8. Which is good news I guess. It's heartbreaking watching this...
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by gomababe »

Oh thank you to whatever dieties are up there! I didn't stay up to see the election coverage or Mr Obama's speech {which I am being told was absoutely amazing} but I am very, very pleased about it all ^_^. Let's hope that the Democrats can at least mae up for some of the mistakes that were made by the previous president and help move America forward again. What happened to Proposition 8? I hope it never passed because if it did I will be ROYALLY pissed {and that's coming from a UK national}.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by bonecrivain »

As far as I can tell, the results are still only halfway in, but "Yes" is staying pretty steadily on top. And that sullies what would otherwise be an amazing night.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Huggles »

Hah! He won Ohio, thanks to me. I'm sure. It's very depressing to see the gay marriage bans. Last time around, my vote cancelled out my mom's. D:
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Seerow »

Whoot Obama :D My mom voted for McCain and I voted for Obama, so she was watching the news all night waiting for Indiana's vote to be decided. I meanwhile was doing a paper so I couldn't join her with popcorn sadly.

While it doesn't affect me directly, I'd be pissed if Prop. 8 actually goes through. Its depressing that its still winning :(
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Jessi »

So I was very surprised (and happy) to see that INDIANA - freaking INDIANA - got called for Obama! VERY awesome!

And I can't believe MISSOURI - frekaing MISSOURI - is UNDECIDED still! Amazing! (Edit: Since I posted this, Missouri has been called for McCain with 100% of votes in - however, it was pretty much tied all the same. In MISSOURI. This is still amazing to me)

And I thought his speech last night was amazing ;_; Watching it was a little difficult for me, because my parents live like, 20 minutes from Grant Park, and I so badly wanted to be in Chicago and BE there instead of stuck in my red state hellhole (HEY! At least Douglas County where we live went for Obama by like 80%!) But it was amazing. I'm so excited about all of this xD

I was very sad, however, to see that prop 8 is still winning this morning =/ It's not over yet, they keep saying it's too close to call... come on, all you No on Prop 8 people, let's get your votes counted ;_;
Last edited by Jessi on 05 Nov 2008 03:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by TCStarwind »

When I left for school, Indiana was still uncalled. An hour later, I get to school and Yahoo says it's blue. XD I don't know how accurate that it, though. It still says Georgia is a battleground rather than red. :/

And prop 8 is depressing. D: "Hey, let's all vote to take rights away from people!" You'd think it wouldn't even be an issue in this day and age, but noooo.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Monkeyguy »

Woohoo for Obama!! My dad owes me a dollar. :) Also disappointed about the gay marriage bans. People suck.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Jessi »

I rewatched Obama's speech from last night, knowing now I'd be able to pay more attention to it because i'm not running around cheering, and it's just so amazing.

Here's a link for anyone who missed it and wanted to see - or who saw it and wanted to watch it again!
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Sparrow »

Great speech! I missed it last night because I was studying for an important test. T_T I also watched McCain's concession speech just now, and a more dignified way to concede I cannot imagine. I can't believe, however, that some people in the crowd booed when he said he wished to congratulate Obama on his presidency. People suck. X)

Not being able to vote no on Prop. 8, I can only wait nervously and hope that people have more sense than I give them credit for. Seriously, how such an outrageously bigoted proposition made it to the ballot is astounding. What's more, I can't believe so many people voted "yes." :x Hang in there, everybody.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Officer 1BDI »

CNN's still not calling Prop. 8 even with 95% of the votes in, but as things currently stand it's winning at 52%. There went my good mood.

(Seriously, who votes Yes against this kind of thing?!)
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Jessi »

I'm trying not to let Prop 8 ruin my mood entirely. They still say it's too close to call. I'm being unnaturally optimistic.

That, and I truly believe that Obama is going to bring a lot of change for GLBT people in America. We've had 8 years of... what was basically oppression under the Bush administration. This entire situation with Florida, and... and the other state (...I'm still sick, I just can't remember) and California really, really does suck. But I really believe things can only go up from here, once Obama is officially in office.

ETA - rofl, 78% of the Jewish vote went to Obama. YAY JEWS! I can say that xD
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by gomababe »

It's depressing that Prop 8 was even still winning from your previous comments. Let's hope that enough 'No' people came out and voted at the end of the day to put it away for good {though why do I get the feeling that they wouldn't have?} As I said before, I'm not even American and the bigotry surrounding this is making my blood boil. Maybe because I've experienced it all in my own, beloved, country *sigh*. Bigots are bigots, no matter where in the world they live.
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Re: Election 2008!

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Jessibean wrote:That, and I truly believe that Obama is going to bring a lot of change for GLBT people in America.
I'm seriously hoping for this too. His stance on gay marriage crushed me a little (civil unions are better than nothing, but "separate but equal" and all that jazz), but a small part of me hopes he was just playing lipservice to the fraction of the populace who yearns for "traditional marriage." Either way, I think it'll largely come down to the Supreme Court Justice(s) he instates; that's where I see this all ending up down the line.

Incidentally, I heard from another forum that absentee ballots haven't been counted yet in California. I can only hope most of them say "No."
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