RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Feral Koala
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

Poor ratty. :(

I found my ds today. After months of speculating that it may have run off on its own back to Japan, I found it under the couch in the den I never go in. I hurried put in Metroid Prime Hunters and was thoroughly owned, by the freaking single player mode. Once I quit, I found a sensitivity setting in the options that leads me to believe the aiming was just off. I could only aim at about 4 different spots on the screen.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Hawk »

Today I was hungry and went to the snack machine. Normally when I go to snack machines I look for machines that might accidentally give me an extra snack, and I saw some Twizzlers (gummy strawberry things, for those of you who may not know what Twizzlers are. I don't know if they sell them outside of the US). Anyway, I put my dollar in and I did get an extra packet of Twizzlers. And then the machine gave me 55 cents in change for some reason. So I was happy.

An epic story. And my friends thought I was weird when I told them that I try to get extra snacks out of the snack machine. Does anyone else do this?
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by thelonetiel »

I got to go tour my favorite college Thursday and Friday - St. John's College up in Santa Fe. I'm kinda freaked out that there is this super fancy (and expensive, gawk) liberal arts college in the middle of my kinda dinky home state, but I'm really excited. They have an amazing Great Books program, which means essentially that instead of having pick-and-choose courses and majors every has the same classes, reading the "Great Books" - Aristotle, Plato, etc. So instead of Math, you read Euclid's original theories, instead of foreign language, you learn ancient Greek and French (and then translate original texts for better understanding)...

Anyway, I loved it. I really really hope I can get scholarship money to be able to afford it. I'm mostly ready for my college search to be over. xP

*hugs* Best wishes Jessi. I just lost one of my budgies to an ovarian tumor and it sucks. :(
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by TCStarwind »

Hawk wrote:An epic story. And my friends thought I was weird when I told them that I try to get extra snacks out of the snack machine. Does anyone else do this?
No, you're not the only one. XD The vendors once stacked extra cookies on top of the ones in the rows, so when you would buy one, another would fall out. I ended up buying three and getting two free. One of the new machines we got also seems to consistently give out two orange fantas even if you only buy one. You just don't complain about free food when you're a poor college student. XD
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Yeah, at work, whenever I was craving some kind of soda, I would get Sprite (though it's not as much fun without some flavoring). I usually got two for the price of one, and my coworkers were jsut as amused as I was, especially since I'd share. That Coke machine got to be too much hassle for other reasons, though, like lots of random leaking (woohoo for mopping up the kitchen every time) and the Coke vendors not wanting to restock it because we didn't have a big open convenient spot to put it. And they kept jacking up the prices (85 cents is fine for two cans of soda, but not for the singular one that it's supposed to spit out). So we've removed it.

Woe: I just found out that this week one of my friends was killed in a car crash. :( He wasn't super-close, so I didn't know until last night. But I did play laser tag with him every weekend where I and some of his friends work AND play...he did too, so it was really weird not to see him there. We talked somberly about him instead of playing a two hour stretch of laser tag. He had always asked if I was coming if I didn't show up on one of my regular nights. And since I had come and didn't know about it until last night, they had a free round of tag for me in honor of him.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

Holy cow, Fjorab :( That must've been a bit weird to find out.

However, I must comment on the cost of your soft drink rather than the admitted sombreness of death because I'm just that petty.

85 cents for a can of drink?! THAT THE HECK? No wonder Americans are so fat :P (OK, we Australians have actually recently become the fattest, and we all know I'm doing my part what with my BMI hovering on the edge of underweight)

At my uni in Australia (where the drinks are relatively cheap), a 375ml (~12.7 oz) can is $1.80 (US 1.2), and a 600ml (~ 1 pint,20.3 oz) bottle is $2.80 (US 1.86).

And our vending machines never give out free drinks :(. A girl I know once bought a packet of chips and the DAMN THING GOT STUCK, so I bought a chocolate bar to hit it and hopefully make it fall down into the delivery chute, and the CHOCOLATE BAR LANDED ON TOP OF THE CHIPS.

Whoever dislodged that would've been very lucky. And I hate them for it.

Also, the Computer Science Students Club which I'm president of sells the 375ml cans for $1 because we're just that awesome :D

And perhaps the guy keeps jacking up the prices because his machine keeps dispensing two cans?

And whilst I'm making this post needlessly long, the University Computer Club has an INTERNET snack machine (the oldest in the world, but the 2nd to ever be made). I'm 25km from uni at the moment and if I wanted to make a coke come out of the machine, I could! Once a friend and me were talking on the internets, he asked me to pick something up for him, and to thank me he dispensed me a coke FROM THE COMFORT OF HIS OWN HOME.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »

Geesh Madge, and I thought the $0.65 for a can of pop at my work was bad XD It used to be $0.50 until about a year ago when one machine was raised and the other wasn't. I still don't understand that move but whatever.
Luckily the food I buy from the vending machines usually is on the bottom so I can get it unstuck thanks to a handy spoon, but if not its quite fun to rock the heck out of the machine until it spits it out.

Sorry to hear about your friend Fjorab :( I can't imagine what it must feel like to go planning on meeting somebody only to find out they won't be there.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

That's very sad, Fjorab ;_; I'm sorry to hear about that.

As for the price of a can of soda, in the break room when I worked at Wal-Mart, it was only $0.40 for a can. It was ridiculous (...ly awesome.)

My new job's breakroom has cans of soda for $0.55 each, which isn't too bad. Oddly enough, the machine here often spits out two cans of Sprite, too o_O Sprite specifically. How odd.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

Coincidentally, today my friend told me about a machine at her college that counts dollars twice and spits your dollar back out at you resulting in free soda. Pretty cool.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

I'm so sorry to what happen to your friend Fjorab. My thoughts are with you. Also sorry to you Jessi. My thoughts are with you too. **hugs both**

Seeing all the different pop prices is something else. When I worked at Wal-mart, it was $0.75 for a bottled of name brand pot and $0.25 for the off brand can pop back in the lounge. As for free stuff from machines, the best I had gotten was a extra quarter.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Thanks for the kind words everyone. :)

And yes, it was specifically the Sprite on this machine too. I just happened to be the one who consumed it most often.

I also wanted to post a reply to this rather amusing typo. :) I love amusing typos. I wish I made more of the good ones again myself; I used to be a pro.
Alicorn wrote:When I worked at Wal-mart, it was $0.75 for a bottled of name brand pot and $0.25 for the off brand can pop back in the lounge.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

Awwww, I'm sorry Fjorab. I honestly wish I could say something more useful aside from my sentiments.

Re: pop ....Wow. I'm so desensitized about paying $1.50/per 20 oz, I forget what people outside Michigan pay. Hell, we don't even sell 12oz cans here outside of your place of employment. (In there it's $.50/can too, but you have to have the privilige of a job to have "premium" pop discounts.) Yeah we have our $0.10 deposit, but I guess when you live in a place where it's normal to get ominious/wary when you have extra money in your paycheck you tend not to realize you live at ground zero of Economy zone.....(Or how badly you seem screwed over compared to everyone else)

...I seriously freaked out this morning after filling up gas when I saw I had an extra $20.00 in my pocket because my wallet wasn't fully depleted like normal. :D

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I am freaking out at the moment because every time I drive past my local petrol station it is getting CHEAPER. It was $1.40 not so long ago and the other day it was $1.18 O__O I remember it being $1.16, like, a year ago.

Also, this is an RL achievement I really should've posted about earlier: I'm using premium 98 petrol in my car for the last 6 months or so, and it has been GREAT, I am getting 50% more out of it, meaning I have to fill up less! It only costs 10% more to get 50% more mileage, so I am way behind it. It took about 3 tanks for it to show up though (the first tank I did 10% better and was like "meh").

Of course, it differs by car (For the record, I have a 3 year old corolla; your mileage may vary). Hahahaha.

And two days until the end of exams! I think I can pass Geomechanics and I am very worried about Operating Systems because my project was such a piece of shit.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jamie »


I've finished High School! I've done all of my assignments and my graduation is tomorrow, and my formal (prom) is on Friday night. I can't believe it's all over, it's so surreal.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

Congrats, Jamie! You just wait till you start living in the real word / higher education, it is so much more awesome than stupid old high school :D

In other news, my computer has died. It was making an odd whirring noise and occaisionally freezing and this sort of escalated into randomly resetting and then into freezing in the login page and refusing to have the internet work and having to run checkdisk for five minutes every time it restarts.

But I needed a new computer anyway, and as a Student I am very miserly, so I am going to buy a new one!

Goodness knows I need to think of a new name, though. First it was Ferdinad, now Claudius. I'm not sure if they follow a theme, though, which is a bit annoying. Claudius was from Hamlet, though (I got him 3-4 years ago, which is why he is dead now, it was his time).

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