RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Madge, seriously? O___o Because if I'm converting your Australian dollar to our American dollar right, it's coming out at like, 77 cents a gallon. Seriously?

The other day I filled up my tank for under twenty bucks *_* It was amazing. I almost hugged the gas pump.

ETA - Ahaha, nevermind, I realized you probably get your gas in liters (... litres?) so it's more like $2.89 a gallon. Geez, I was gonna say, I want your gas @_@
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

Yeah, it is per litre. I was thinking of converting them to gallons but then I was like "nah, I probably came out as being condescending by converting the drink volumes to ounces" :P

Also, my desktop died, but has been revived with a new power supply. I'm almost dissapointed it was the power supply though, because we had a spare one, and I need a new computer. I think I'm going to buy a new one anyway.

And for some reason my laptop can't connect to the wireless at my house, and when it is trying to connect, the 3 other computers in the house get kicked off the internet for some reason O_o. It's very odd. And it never used to happen!

And I have a geomechanics exam in three hours! It's going to be exciting!

It's especially funny because I know how to travel between the two or three different graphs and get the answers, but I have no idea what they mean. I know they're the pore pressure or effective stress differences, but what do they mean?

Ah well, nobody said cramming was a long-term strategy!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

Maybe it's a router problem, Madge? The wireless connection issue, that is, not the geomechanics. I may be a geologist, but I was never great at that, sadly.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

My brother hypothesises that it's because both my laptop and another computer are set to get their IP addresses automatically and he thinks that only one computer per network is allowed to do that, which doesn't sit right with me.

It could be the router - I know the laptop couldn't see the wireless at all when it was channel 13, so maybe if I keep cycling through channels it might fix itself. It's a pain though, because changing the channel disconnects all the computers (which reconnect automatically, but still), and then I have to log onto the router page again.

Woo geomechanics exam in an hour and half. I'm gona go grab lunch.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

Fjorab_Teke wrote: I also wanted to post a reply to this rather amusing typo. :) I love amusing typos. I wish I made more of the good ones again myself; I used to be a pro.
Alicorn wrote:When I worked at Wal-mart, it was $0.75 for a bottled of name brand pot and $0.25 for the off brand can pop back in the lounge.
Lol! That's what happens when I post at 2 in the morning. I should avoid that. ^_^"

In other news, I'm now offically an aunt. (Well technically I'm already and aunt. My half sister has a daughter. But I only saw her at Christmas get togethers and she only saw me as a cousin. So I never felt like an aunt there. But I digress.) Yesterday my sister had a baby boy. He's 7.6 lbs and is 19 inches long. Everything went smoothly and there were no complications. I can't say I'm super excited about it (unlike my wife). I think mostly cause I still can't believe my sister was pregnant (she's my younger sister). Also because of just the situation. She's 20, living at her husbands parents place and her husband is only 18 and dropped out of high school at 17. He works at a fast food place but luckly they got on welfare. So I can't really be excited, I'm more worried for her. I think once I see and hold the baby I'll become more excited about it.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »


That exam was SO RUDE.

They've been the same all the way through (the past FOUR YEARS), and then they decide to make the first half the same again, but the second half completely different. As a result, the techniques I memorised fucked me up and the fact I didn't know what any of the things I did meant resulted in me not being able to figure out exactly what p and q' are. Oh well. It's over now and I probably killed the first half.

And I got my operating systems project results back, got 11/40. This is not good. I need to get 30/40 in the exam in order to pass the unit. Shitshitshit!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by WisteriaLynx »

I lost my flashdrive.


I hope there was nothing embarrassing or important on it, but I don't remember.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Achievement: My husband is safely back in the USA!! :D Poo that he's in Kansas, but at least we're on the same continent, phone calls will be more frequent, he's out of that mess overseas (for now), and he'll be coming home soon! :D

Achieveawoe: I went to the ophthalmologist (eye doctor) today after all this time of avoiding a visit. I figured with my new insurance, a little bit of $$ in the bank, and more desire to see things like street name signs and behind-the-counter menus while waiting in line, I could see if there's something that can be done so I can read things at a distance. I learned lots of things, including a vaguely suspected but still surprising diagnosis - I have cataracts! They're not major, they just give me the above problems and also give me center-vision glare blindness in bright light. And I've had this problem for as long as I can remember; it's just gotten a little more problematic recently. Otherwise, my eyes are fine. I COULD opt for surgery, but if something goes wrong I'll have to get fixed lenses and thus get glasses for close-up reading. Grr. This way, if I just leave it alone, they may or may not get worse, and glasses will be for driving (argh! field of vision interrupted!) and reading other not-near stuff. Not happy, but at least it's not as bad as it could have theoretically been.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Some of you already know this, but on Thursday morning Lindsey and I said goodbye to our little Ani. The tumor had spread all over by then, and she was starting to act very uncomfortable and sad. We were glad she was able to go peacefully.

It's been very hard. She was only a year old, and we should have had many months, maybe even years, ahead with her. Still, we have her lovely sister, Curry, to keep us company, plus all our other little girls.

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Aww :( *HUGS Jessi and Lindsey*
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

This isn't my week. I just spoke to my mom, and my grandpa died this evening. He was very old (well, not -very-, I guess, but over 80) and has been very sick a long time, so it's kind of a relief... but still, not my week.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I'd say not, Jessi. :-( *HUGS*

It's not been my week, either. I think I'm falling apart. :P
Last night I was playing laser tag, at my own insistence, and I tripped over something in a "closet" area and instinctively tried to "catch" myself as I fell. I hurt my shoulder pretty badly. :( I'm not sure yet how serious the injury is, but I have a suspicion it's a torn rotator cuff. If so, it doesn't sound too hopeful I'll have full use of my dominant arm again. I can very gingerly and carefuly and LIMITEDLY use it, but everyday things have been a struggle for the past 24 hours. It seems to be getting ever so marginally better, but I don't know if that's just from me discovering what hurts and what doesn't. I can't lift my arm high or away from my body much at all. :-/

I'm going to see if I can schedule a doctor appointment in the next day or two, but it likely won't be with my trusted family doctor because I'd like it checked ASAP. If so, this will be my third doctor appointment of some kind within a week or so. Sheesh.

At least my husband is in the USA and can call me more often now. :) In less than a month, I'll actually get to see him!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by FaerieInGrey »

Sorry to hear, Jessi. :(

Things have been kind of up and down, here. Jay was fired again, so I had to pick up shifts so now I'm working 7 days a week, day and night. We almost got evicted from our apartment (over being two weeks late on rent, which I hardly think is evict-worthy) and a bunch of other horrible stuff, but I think we're good again now.

And I just got a big promotion :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

Sorry to hear about your losses Jessi. **hugs tight**
Ouch Fjorab, hope you feel better.
Congrats to you Faerie! **hugs all around**
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Gibblywibbly »

Aww Jessi, she was beautiful. It's never right when they go that young.

And on that note, I hate to hijack it, but I need some good vibes sent over this way. A virus has hit my rat cage and while the younger boys seem to be fairing alright, one of my older boys, Rayman, isn't looking that hot right now. He's had respiratory issues for a couple of months now and this has just completely made him crumple. Teddy, who is about 2, seems to be starting to succumb to the nastier effects of it too. He's an old man, I don't know if he can fight it off. :(
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