RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

Awww, sorry to hear that Gibbly. I hope that they are able to fight it off. I've never owned a rat so I'm not sure what you can do for them. When my guinea pig would get sick, I would give him plain yogurt and that seemed to help. You could try that maybe (if you haven't already)? That's all I can think of. I hope for the best. **hugs and sends good vibes your way**
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by TCStarwind »

I have a woe, though it's rather insignificant on a combined scale.

My mp3 player absolutely refuses to charge. It was just fine until I tried to charge it this weekend (I only need to charge it around once a week), and the software doesn't even recognize that I've connected it to my computer. Hopefully, I'll be able to troubleshoot it and get it working again, because I can't get through life drawing without it. D:

Edit: My dad reminded me of a wonderful little trick. I hooked it up to another computer, and it charged. So the problem lies with my laptop. I think it may have to do with me uninstalling Norton, because it kept two of my three browsers from working before I did. :/
Last edited by TCStarwind on 25 Nov 2008 03:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

Hell froze over today guys....I got a B on my math test!


I'm gonna frame this thing. ^_^

A small woe: I've been gaining a lot of weight lately. :x (When else would I be able to plug a pic of me with a new hairdo?)

November 2008:Image

Maybe it's all in my head; Everything looks (and fits) the same, but every year I do this damned yo-yo thing. (And I'm not talking 10 lbs. It's more like 25-30 lbs every year. I can't stay under 196, and have been as much has 240. Up and down from 215 to 240 for the last 18 months now. I'm at my 'high' weight now, which is normal around the Holidays, but I can't complain entirely. I mean I did reverse Type 1 diabetes 100%. (Now I'm just borderline A1C because it wouldn't kill me to get on the treadmill every once in a while.) I'd just like to be at a stable 175.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Tom »

I have a yay! The university of Warwick have made me a conditional offer to study maths there. :D I've applied to 5 universities, and seen 3 of them; Cambridge, Warwick and Bath. Bath is my least favourite, but will also be making me an offer (as I letter I received told me). I liked Warwick a lot though, so provided I get the grades, I really wouldn't mind going there. Cambridge interview is drawing close rather quickly, alas...

I really should go see Bristol and Imperial...
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Slugawoo »

Not sure if this is an achievement or a woe. Let's see...

Our neighbors have been gone for at least 4 days, now. I think they went somewhere for Thanksgiving, but hell if I know. Anyways, one of their dogs had been wondering around for the past three days, apparently. (I've been at college, so I don't know the whole story.) So we finally picked him up. My mother put him in the basement because she was afraid he'd attack our dogs. ...Because he's a pitbull.

Of course, that pissed me off, so I brought him in today while she was at work. No dog should have to be in that cold, disgusting basement. He gets along with our dogs like he's lived here all along. :\ He's boney, has some patches of fur missing on his back, and flinches when we so much as rip a paper towel of the roll. And his stomach's all red, like her has frostbite or something.

But the people next door have, we think, three dogs. My mother thinks they're keeping the other two in the barn while they're gone. So basically... there's two more dogs out there in the freezing cold. We don't know if they're being fed and given water. Apparently, someone's been stopping by to feed the horses. But the horses belong to someone else who just pays to keep them there, soo... yeah.

tl;dr: Saved one dog. Two more out there. We're calling the ASPCA on them tomorrow. :\
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Gibblywibbly »

I thought I'd give an update from my last post.

Unfortunately, on November 24th, I lost my little Rayman. :( He was just not strong enough to pull through something like this.

Teddy is still fight, he's fighting harder than I've ever seen a rat fight something, but he is about 2, and I don't know if he can just keep it up. :(
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

Sorry to hear that Gibbly. **hugs** I hope your other guy makes it through. My thoughts are with him.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by TCStarwind »

Aww, hearing about sick or abused pets makes me sad. :< I really hope everything works out for you guys.

Yay: My mom bought me some nice snowboots. Sandals+snow= broken necks. Now I'll be able to walk. :D And I got myself some cool gloves, too.

Woe: I just finished making a powerpoint for a final I have to present tomorrow. I wouldn't normally be complaining about this, but giving a 10 minute presentation to everyone for a class we've done next to nothing in (save for a few completely random homework assignments) is a bit excessive, I think. And it has to be about my personal artwork, that I make outside of school (all of which is complete shit and practically embarrassing to show to a room full of people, most of whom I don't know too well). At this point, I don't care if it's 10 minutes or not (which it probably isn't), and I'm hoping the pictures I did put in will jump-start my brain on what I'm supposed to be talking about, because I didn't make a script for myself. *headdesk* Yay for procrastination.

Edit: I'm typing this from class, guys! The teacher for the class I have to give a presentation for has decided not to show up today. \o/ Which is both good and bad. Good because I don't have to give my presentation until possibly next week (or maybe even not at all), but I'm pissed because I spent all week worrying about it and three hours on that damn shitty powerpoint. :<
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

yays abound for me the past two days :D

Yesterday was me and Paul's one year anniversary, and so we went out for dinner and saw a movie and all sorts of fun stuff, we had a very good time, and I wore a dress, which is unheard of, but it is fun to dress up and go to a restaurant and act all fancy. On the way back, we were leaving the train station and this random 40-ish guy comes up to me and says, like "Wow! What a dress!" and I giggle and say "Thanks" and he goes "You are the most beautiful woman I've seen the past 3-4 days" O___O; He seemed actually nice and genuine and stuff rather than creepy, and I had Paul with me and knew there were two transit guards not far behind us so I was not scared. It was like, wow.

(The dress had quite severe cleavage so this explains the thing)

And then I went to work today (student internet support office) and I talked to this student who wanted to know if her student email could be forwarded to gmail. I said no, but gmail has a feature to check her email for her, and walked her through setting that up (it is not something we offer, but we pride ourselves on going above and beyond), and she said I was fantastic, it really made my day :D. And I also got about 3-4 thankyou emails from people whose emails I answered. Even though we don't reply to the thankyou messages, they really do make my day and I like them and such.

And I even get thankyou messages from the form replies I send out! :D (though I usually add a little extra to them to make them sound friendlier or to address the user's exact wording of the problem)

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »

Computers must hate me. I've had terrible luck with them over the years. My Mac just got a new hard drive early last week and already its acting up again, though thankfully a new hard drive isn't in order. I was burning some of my old cds to Itunes, and some of them were scratched but didn't really think too much of it. Well, now the cd is stuck in the drive and it won't eject. Possibly even worse then just that is the fact that it keeps trying to eject itself roughly every 30 seconds, even after being restarted and shut off. Looks like its going back to the store tomorrow, and I sure hope this is under warranty.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jamie »

Nice Achievements: I've graduated high school!! I was very happy with my results as well. I just have to wait until next week or so to find out my OP. Which I'm extremely worried about, I need a 7 for the course I want to do...

Also, I've got a great new job at a resort to get me through my gap year, so now I have two which means a lot of money! (but a lot of tax).
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

Ack! I'm sitting in my room, adjacent to the laundry room, wondering why the washer hasn't stopped running when I step out of my room into a lake that fills my laundry room and kitchen. Doh!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Wingsrising »

Two people were murdered in my apartment complex last night. :shock: It was two buildings down from the building I live in.

The first I knew that anything had happened was when I saw the building taped off with police tape as I left to do errands this afternoon. I didn't find out what happened until I came home this evening to my Internet, but I figured that nothing that involves police tape, mobile crime unit vans, and news trucks could be good.

The person they think killed them (who un-reassuringly remains at large) apparently knew them, so it's not like it's a random killing and is presumably unlikely to come back and start murdering random people he doesn't know, especially with the cops parked out here.

Still doesn't really make me feel warm and cozy and safe, you know?

(Ironically, this is really a very safe town.)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

That's *horrible* Wingsrising.....
Do you live alone? I hope that you can travel in numbers as often as possible.
My grandmother's next door neighbors were murdered several years ago (maybe 1998.) And the news cast interviewed her about it. And she lives alone. It's a genuine worry I have for anyone one who is in proximity of danger like that. Stay safe. :(

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alecko »

Damn, Wings. o_O Not entirely sure how to respond to news like that.

In other news......I just logged onto Hotmail and found an email there from the curator of the zoo I had an interview at, back in September. Offering me a job. As bird keeper. Sweet Jesus. It's open now, but hopefully they'll get back to me tomorrow and we can start sorting things out properly.

Maybe by then it'll have sunk in. Maybe.

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