So....what do you want for Christmas?

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So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Usul_Princess »

Most of us are going through a lot of financial hard times, so I thought this list (even if it's a wishful thinking one) could generate some good vibes. No one's made this topic yet.
If you know you're making Christmas happen for someone else, post it here if they're a non-NC'er. (Wouldn't wanna spoil the Secret Santas). I expect the gift revealing on this thread to pick up after Christmas. Also, what are you planning to do this year? Andrew and I are too broke to see each other this year, but are planning for my birthday, which will help quell the devastation of no-more-insurance birthday. :|

This year I lucked out with the gift shopping, crappy economy=hundreds of going out of business sales! So everyone gets something from me this year! Yaaay?

My sister and I despise each other considerably less this year, and I'm not sure why. We never talk. But we had a very good Thanksgiving and black Friday shopping together. Like we were sisters all over again. (My dad forces us to use euphamisims for 'hate' and 'dislike'. We're only allowed to say "we don't get along" in front of our parents.) I'm really not sure why they care so much. We're in our mid-20's, and you can't force your kids to like each other. We just BS getting along for the sake of not wanting to add drama to family gatherings, and being civil isn't good enough for him either. *shrug*

Andy and I are mail-exchanging this year, and sending each other pictures/videos to celebrate with afterwards. He said he was sending me a 6 months supply of baking Brownies and Holiday cookies. But wouldn't name what else he was sending me. I've got him 7 t-shirts, and some more Transformers that he says he "collects". :)

For me I had asked for that aforementioned laptop in RL AatoW, a year of basic Neopets premium, and to have my Coach purses repaired.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Hawk »

Pirate galoshes. Or lots of books. Or food. Or a nice blanket. There are not many things I need.

And I need a new laptop because mine keeps randomly turning off (and the battery only lasts for 45 minutes) but it has been made clear to me that a laptop will not be forthcoming, so I'm saving up.

For Christmas I'm going to my grandparent's house and eating lots of real food (they only have fake food at college). I still haven't started Christmas shopping yet, but I may make sock puppets for everyone I know. It's all I can afford.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Kari »

I know I'm getting a big pile of video games, along with all the preorder extras. Other than that, I'm not sure what I'm getting.
For what I want...well, everything I want is in the big pile of video games. And I'm going home and seeing my mom and friends, so that's nice, even though it'll be cold up in PA.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Most of my current wishlist items are extremely expensive and/or only partially tangible, either online or real.

There are lots of easy and relatively cheap things I'm always up for. Neopets TCG card packs (unopened - stupid discontinuation), Subeta cash stuff, anything pretty that I can stare at even if it's a scrap piece of holographic paper (though I'm really trying to keep down my insane "junk" clutter with little success), and meals at favorite restaurants. I am always up for more DS games or even that pretty new crystal blue DS even though Brain Age which comes with it would be redundant. I'm wanting the TRU special pack of Neopets Puzzle Adventures. Books, CDs, and DVDs that people know I would like would be welcome too.

EDIT - Thanks to Ty, I've been reminded of ThinkGeek, and much of that is fair game.
I want a whole bunch of favorite toys and stuff from childhood that I STILL think are awesome and am miffed for having lost/given/sold.
I would love a bunch of various nifty computer programs, like a decent calendar, mapping type stuff (oh but yay for Google Earth being free!), a good and fun typing instructor, and some others I can't think of at the moment.
Last edited by Fjorab_Teke on 11 Dec 2008 01:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by TCStarwind »

Half of my [original] christmas list ended up being clothes (of the Nightmare Before Christmas variety). XD The other half was random stuff. Mom kept telling me to add more, so I put on a whole bunch of neopets plushies. And a trip to the mall today reveiled that I'm definitely getting the gold kyrii (I saw one and grabbed it since they're not supposed to be out intil January, slight mistake on my part).

I don't even remember what else was on my list other than Naruto DVDs and this awesome looking cell phone I saw at Target that I know I won't be getting. XD

And I finished all of my christmas shopping. :D My friend is so hard to shop for; I had to get ideas from her mom. She wanted this Ouran High School or whatever DVD set. $60 for 13 episodes, AKA not happening. I don't have that kind of money. Anime products are such a rip off. D:

As for what I'm doing on christmas, I don't really know. I requested the day off from work (never listen to people who say the busiest day for movie going is memorial day, because it's actually freaking christmas), but since it is the busiest day, that might not happen. If I do get the day off, we're probably going to open presents, visit the relatives, and then hopefully go to see the Marley & Me movie (based on the best book I've ever read).

And I talk a lot. :<
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Joey »

My list consisted of a lot of manga. I pretty much asked for a whole bunch of serieses that I started late on and have a ton to catch up on. Also asked for a bunch of video games, and I got Wii Music for my birthday :D

I'm waiting til after finals to do my shopping, it's gonna be a nightmare...
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Aurinona »

I honestly didn't really have anything I wanted that badly. My family pestered me for a list anyway, so I threw out things like a toaster oven and some DS games that might be okay.

What I would REALLY like would be the motivation to finish all of my handmade projects that need to be done by Christmas... I have four dragon ornaments to make, a fleece throw to knot together (quick project, but haven't done it yet), some paintings to make for my brother, and I should probably knit some fingerless gloves for my sister. Can I accomplish this in the next ten days? We shall see.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Usul_Princess »

TCStarwind wrote:
She wanted this Ouran High School or whatever DVD set. $60 for 13 episodes, AKA not happening. I don't have that kind of money. Anime products are such a rip off. D:
Or anything endorsed by Cartoon Network for that matter. I had momentarily thought about asking for both 'Robot Chicken' seasons 1 & 2, and remembered Andrew paid $75.00 for his copy back in April. Considering how far you can make that amount of money can stretch these days, I'll just leave it alone and get it on my own watch.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Joey »

My best advice for anime buying is to buy online and on sale. RightStuf's got the Ouran set for $35 right now, which is still pretty ridiculous, but better then $60. If you wait around long enough a bunch of the boxed sets get knocked down to $30 or $25.

Just my two cents as a long time anime collector :D
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by lavender »


Yes, that is my #1 need. Other than that... um... DVD's? I'm a TV DVD whore. Yeah. I may add a Playstation 2 (which is something both me and my oldest sister can share). I never make a big list, which usually results in getting stuff I don't really want (but will pretend to like!). One of my sister's always makes good lists, though. She can always think of so many things she wants. I guess I feel greedy if I ask for so many things. :?
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Spivsy »

All I've asked for this year is an iTouch, and 5 or so dvds. I've asked for money from relatives, because it's easier.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by FaerieInGrey »

I would love to just get money, since I'm having some huge money issues that aren't likely to work themselves out soon.

On tangible items that I want:
-Pheonix Wright DS game
-Nail polishes
-A crock pot
-Cool barware
-Books of the wedding planning, French, Spanish, deaf-culture, dystopian, or cat variety (I haven't read a single book for pleasure in all of 2008)
-A pretty calendar to replace my 2008 Provence one
-A crossword puzzle book for my long nights at work
-Foldable, lightweight, small bookshelves
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Slugawoo »

All I asked for this year was Chrono Trigger for the DS and Eternal Sonata, since it finally came out on the PS3. I bought Shadow Hearts and Dr. Horrible for myself this week, so they'll get here when they get here...

If I remember, I'll ask my mother for a rice cooker. I really need one now that all our pans are too mis-shapen from being dropped too much. x:

My family's probably going to my grandmother's house for Christmas Eve. But I don't know for sure if it's happening this year. None of us really have the money for it. :\

I'm going to buy some chew treats for my dogs like I do every year, though, definitely.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by TCStarwind »

Joey wrote:My best advice for anime buying is to buy online and on sale. RightStuf's got the Ouran set for $35 right now, which is still pretty ridiculous, but better then $60. If you wait around long enough a bunch of the boxed sets get knocked down to $30 or $25.

Just my two cents as a long time anime collector :D
Thanks, Joey! :D I'll email the link to her mother, since I ended up getting her some other stuff. $35 is better than $60 or $43 on Amazon. :3
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Jessi »

I did most of my Christmas shopping online this year - specifically Ebay. We haven't even been near a mall yet (although we did go out on Black Friday, and bought clothing for ourselves since there were good sales at places we shop at).... although we're going to the mall today, mostly to get ideas for Lindsey to give her family.

I can tell I'm getting old, because I only ask for practical things for Christmas anymore, heh - for the most part. I told my parents I wanted a few more dishes to go with the dish set they started me on as a wedding gift, a new hand mixer (i have a lovely stand mixer but it's rather impractical for things like a quick box cake mix, for example), some other kitcheny gadgets and a new comforter for our bed.

Lindsey knows about some other things I want: some games for my DS, some clothes, some DVDs, etc. We set a budget for each other to spend, and last year it worked out really well; a small enough amount where it didn't eat away our savings, but large enough where we managed to get each other lots of good gifts.

Our budget is a little small this year though, since so much of our planned Christmas money - for both gifts and for traveling (we go to Chicago every year) was eaten up by Wyn. Which is fine - Wyn is healthy, and that's all I really wanted for Christmas.
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