RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

That's so awesome Alecko! I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything goes well!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by covet »

I have the epic, raging flu right now. My lips are chapped, my nose is sore and streaming, one of my eyes is swollen shut. In short, I am a beauty of staggering proportions.

I also had an appointment with my surgeon last thursday (also the day I came down with this lergy). I don't know if anyone remembers my having quite major surgery 1 and a half years ago. Well, it didn't work as hoped and it now looks like I may need another double surgery, on my liver and colon. The question is if I should go ahead and have it asap, or take the option of being kept under regular observation until easter to see how things go.

I just don't know. Haven't really mentioned this anywhere else.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kantark »

:Sniffs: I have the lurgy too - it seems to have hit the whole country all at once :/ Loads of people have been off work (including myself this afternoon), most of my family & friends have had it. I want to chop my nose off... grrr.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Achievawoe: I got glasses. Urgh. :( I hates them muchly, but I admit they improve my ability to see things. They really mess with my perception though, and at the price they were I ought to be able to see like Superman. Next week I have another eye appointment, likely to do more tests and talk about cataract surgery. If I go through with the surgery and everything goes perfectly, I won't need any kind of corrective eyewear. If it goes wrong but is "fixable" with a manufactured lens, then I'll have good distance vision but need reading glasses. I am highly visual and like to use my peripheral vision especially while driving. I don't want stuff messing with my eyes even if it means a chance I'll see better. I (with a friend) went to one of my favorite restaurants for a self-pity treat.

Other stuff - arm injury seems to be slowly improving and I have an MRI Friday, my sister nearly insists on getting me ANOTHER nice expensive coat (as she does with other copious extraneous clothing) when I just need to find my nice one I hardly ever wear, and the crowning YAY is that my husband is finally coming HOME this weekend!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by FaerieInGrey »

My cats somehow got fleas. I guess our new neighbors brought in a flea-ridden pet of some kind.

The vet told me to get some Capstar and sent me home with Frontline to keep it from happening again. Poor kitties hated their baths (we didn't use flea shampoo or anything since the kitten is too young, but we washed them with regular cat shampoo) and Captain (the kitten) cried while we blowdried her because she was scared.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

I got a laptop yesterday from eBay! Very early Christmas present from my parents. They had basically given this to me because I had built a dead computer (I collect them) from the inside out (Reinstalled XP, added $200.00 worth of RAM, got a nVidia GEforce 6150 video card for it, added Windows Live One care, the whole 9 yards.) Only for them to take it because their own computer broke at the time I was finished with it. When I wouldn't shut up about how they wouldn't buy their own damn computer for 6 months they finally said they'd get me a laptop worth the amount I put in the desktop.

It's a pretty nice basic laptop. IBM Thinkpad w/Windows XP, 1GB RAM, wireless and WiFi. Very clunky/sturdy and perfect for the careless! (There's no way you can forget where you left it.) The battery lasts an amazing 5 hours considering this thing was probably made no later than 2006.

This one's kindof a "RL" Achievement. A new mod on TwoJeffs Forum for The Sims 2 was created at my request. The mod is called "No Weekly report". If you play the Sims 2 and have the 'Freetime' expansion pack, your sims will tell you based on how high their aspiration bar is "Today's been a so-so week". Every week for the rest of their lives! This mod nukes that message altogether.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Joey »

So I just got the most awesome birthday present evar! My brother got me a Jayne hat! It's so super awesome and I bounced around the house when I opened it! It's really nice, came with a letter from Mom and everything! I'm gonna wear it forever!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

:) : I attended a taping of Wheel Of Fortune last night! My friend made me come over to her house for a surprise and then kidnapped me and a couple of others to Sea World to be in the audience. So look for me in March!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by WisteriaLynx »

I'm done with classes for the fall semester as of today. It should be an achievement, but it feels like a woe because I just got out of a spectacular class that I'm going to miss a lot. :(
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Slugawoo »

I have an achievewoe... I think?

I'm finishing up my last final in an hour. Yay! ...And, well, a math final on Monday if you can even call it that. My math class is such a joke. I learned everything I'm learning in that class in middle school. ANYWAY.

I think I might have failed my Animation classes. x: I never finished the final project because my flash drive got corrupted somehow and kept crashing the computer everytime I tried to get some work done.

So I decided that since my professor's a pretty cool guy and there was nothing I could do to save myself anyway, I'd hand in a file called Final_Animation.avi. ...it has Rick Astley on it. I'm sure you can see where this is going. So I handed that in and bolted as fast as I could. My classmates said I did quite a number on him and it was hilarious. x]

So that's probably a woe. We'll see when my grades show up in a few weeks. If I fail that class with any more than a C I'm switching majors. I hate animation so much right now. x: At least I went out with a bang?
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Achieveawoe: another paragraph in the story of my injured arm...

I took off work today to have an MRI done, and the results showed some interesting things including what they call a subacute fracture, so yes, "minor" as it might be, there's a broken bone involved.

I was going to be able to work on Monday morning before my eye appointment, but now that's been taken over by an orthopedic appointment. *sigh* At least when they scheduled it, it wasn't a conflict with the eye appointment. I don't know how our bank account is going to handle all this mess, even with insurance. :( What timing.

Speaking of timing, it ALWAYS happens that when my husband can come in for a visit from Army craziness, something comes up. Last time it was having to move from that hellhole trailer dump, and this time it's a bum arm. :(
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

*sigh*, *rant* I just finished my math final. What can I say? I'm terrible at math. TERRIBLE. But this final may have possibly been a C average. So my final grade is probably a 2.5. It was borderline 3.0 for a while, and the final is probably a C. So I don't think it helped nor hurt my grade. Not bad for someone who fails at it.

Speech on the other hand....was on the threshold of a 4.0 (A+), now it's a high 3.0 (Solid B) because she gave me a D+ on the presentation. She hated it, and I don't know how to do powerpoint. She once again had ambiguous directions as to what she wanted. I didn't get marked down for it not being in powerpoint format, but she wanted it to be 100% on culture which is NOT in the directions. She just wanted the presentation to parallel with the paper. Part of me wants to take it to the Dean, but not if I end up gettng a 3.5 (B+) in the class . I submitted two papers that were combined 19 pages last week. (A 14 1/2 term paper on France, and 4 1/2 pages on the report/"essay" section of my final.) Along with 3 other semester papers. No one should have to work this hard for a 3.5. In graduate school, for a 4.0? Sure. In community college undergrad? No.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I got my results back!

I PASSED OPERATING SYSTEMS. I got 51%! I am so stoked.

I was worried about OS because I got 25% for the project; which was worth 40% of my mark, and 50% for the test, which was worth 20%. So I needed to get 75% in the exam to get the 50% an Australian needs to pass. And I did! It is awesome.

It means I get to do a 3/4 load in Semester 2 next year - all the units I looked at had prereqs such that I couldn't find a complete load of semester 2 units, which is fine because I was planning on taking an extra semester to complete my degree and 3/4 load three times rather than complete on time and overload.

So yay :)


On a completely different note, on the 2nd it was me and Paul's one year anniversary as I posted earlier. I bought him a silver necklace with a blank rectangular pendant on it, intending to get it engraved with something suitably nerdy on one side, and our names on the other. After tossing up a few things, he decided on Euler's Identity, which, really, is the only thing you could put on it as far as a maths student and an engineering student are concerned.

Here it is, exactly as it looks on his pendant. I constructed, printed and handed it to the guy who did the computer engraving, and he scanned it and made it immortalised in silver:

(OK, it doesn't have that vertical bar on the right; I still have no idea exactly where that came from, but it's not on the pendant)

Whilst it is awesome, it is not as awesome as what happened last night; we were having drinks with a friend due to it being his birthday, and he was wearing his chain. And two of the people there were like "ZOMG THAT IS SO AWESOME", which made us both very happy. I was so worried when I bought it for him he would think it was too mushy and/or would make him look gay and/or just wouldn't like jewellery but he liked it and now he especially likes it due to the jealousy it has elicited from others. Also, it suits him far more than even I expected it would.

It is especially good because we were like "once it is engraved we are totally going to think of something that was more awesome". And that has not happened yet and probably won't :3
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by WisteriaLynx »

Achieveawoe: I met with my parents and cousin for an early birthday-dinner type thing (achievement! And they got me a little coin-bank saying that it's savings for therapy, which is morbid-humour WIN).

And then my mom started to talk to my cousin - loudly - about my problems with my roommate in a coffeeshop full of students from my college, including my hall president. I really hope I cut her off early enough that no one successfully tuned into the conversation... we have enough problems ALREADY without her thinking I'm talking about her behind her back to her friends.

(Parents and people she doesn't know in real life are another story. I reserve the right to complain to them about the fact that I am in room-exile all day because she STILL sleeps for almost all of daylight hours.)

On a serious achievement level, I seem to be completely immune to the plague (Really Bad Flu) that has knocked out about half of campus. *knocks on wood*
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Mixed Achievements/Woes...
- Found out that my shoulder injury IS a minor fracture. Have to wear a sling. Feeling like a wet cat. Will probably be OK but is unhappy and uncomfy.
- Had my eyes dripped and poked some MORE, not fun! Squirmed like a toddler and apologized profusely for the fuss. Got cataract surgery scheduled.
- Finally got cards sent out to those of you on the list. :)
- Decided to download yet another browser. Had heard of Google Chrome, liking it MUCHLY already! NO hangups except LaunchCast (I've mostly switched to Pandora anyway). IE is all but totally unused now.
- Has a husband who is loving having "something to do" and "taking care of wifey" while in town on leave. He's driving me around too, due to arm. I feel bad he always comes home to me needing to be taken care of somehow instead of just getting to relax and have fun.

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