Google Chrome and Subeta

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Google Chrome and Subeta

Post by AngharadTy »

Okay, I've been trying to switch entirely to Chrome for a while, but Subeta is holding me back. If anyone knows a fix for this, please let me know. I think it's probably on Chrome's end, but I can't find any pertinent settings. Hopefully I'm just overlooking something, because Subeta doesn't have a great record of adjusting to problems with a browser (or maybe that's just the rampant hatred of IE and all other browsers get their fixes on the site, sigh).

My problem: Doing any quests, or training my pets, I have to refresh the main page. E.g., I do an item hunt quest, turn in the item, go back to the "gimme a quest" page, and if I just click the "gimme a quest" button, it says something like, "You haven't returned with my item yet!" I have to do a quest, turn in an item, go back to the gimme-quest page, hit refresh, and then click on the button.

I realize this might not seem like much, but it's actually very annoying, especially because refreshing makes it load all the images. It seems like a cache issue. It's driving me nuts. It did affect some other site once, which is another reason I don't think it's just Subeta. But I use Subeta more. (Too much!)

I do have one other problem with Chrome--it won't autocomplete from my address book in yahoo mail. I figure it's some passive-aggressive way to force users to switch to gmail. ;P But yahoo mail has started to suck big time in the past few months, and, in point of fact, I keep meaning to switch to gmail. I just can't think of a good username.
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Re: Google Chrome and Subeta

Post by TCStarwind »

I have a similar issue with Opera. :< Basically, anything I do ends up with a blank page with a single line of type/partial code on it, so I end up having to hit the back button when this shouldn't be a problem. This includes withdrawing/depositing/ collecting interest from the bank, clicking the gimmie-quest button, and probably other things I can't think of. I'm also having the yahoo issue, and my side-scroll doesn't ever work either.

I'm convinced that it's a browser thing. And this entire message's point is to tell you that I feel your pain. :<
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Re: Google Chrome and Subeta

Post by Seerow »

Yeah, I had similar issues with Chrome. I never tried to play Subeta with it, but on Neo if you click an item in your inventory it won't let you click another until after you refresh. Safari has the same problem for me too.
Hope Chrome gets that fixed, cause overall I rather liked the browser.
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Re: Google Chrome and Subeta

Post by Cranberry »

That's odd, Ty. I've been using Chrome for a while now, and I can do my Wiz/Saggi quests with no problems -- I've never run into the issue you're describing (my only problem with Chrome on Subeta is that the wardrobe won't work properly -- everything else that wouldn't work in IE, like editing pet's treasures or moving profile boxes around, works fine). I don't think I've changed any of the default options.
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Re: Google Chrome and Subeta

Post by AngharadTy »

Well, that just hurts my head. D=

edit--I think I got it. Maybe. After winning a quest, I *have* to click the "back" button that's provided. If I use Chrome's "back" function (I have a button on the side of my mouse that I click with my thumb to go back), it doesn't work. But the "back" link resets the button all right. It knows it's a new page that it doesn't have to load entirely from cache.

I am not sure I can change my habits quite so easily, dammit. I have that button my mouse for a reason. It's incredibly convenient. And it doesn't exactly help with pet training. First, the browser's "back" is smart because it goes to the same place on the webpage--I don't have to scroll down to figure out which pet I was training. Second, and more important, if I use the back function and train a skill that I have enough of for that level, it gives me that old "You cannot train a stat more than 2.5 times your level!" message, and the "back" function on error pages has never worked right.

Overall, god this is annoying. I was really hoping that the 1.x release would fix this issue. I'm not sure I can fix my click-to-go-back habits.
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