So....what do you want for Christmas?

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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Alecko »

I really only want money this year- but because my mum has been having fits about 'what to get me' I'm having to come up with some cheap-ish items as well. So far I've asked for a calendar and an RSPB subscription, but she's still grumbling about it. Maybe some outdoor gear for my new job.

Nothing planned for Christmas, either. I've got the day off, but my family never tends to do much to celebrate- we haven't even gone up to see our extended family for years now (though to be fair, we used to stay with my Gran and she's in a home now). We'll have a meal and if it's dry we might go for a walk but we'll mainly just hang around.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Twisted »

For Christmas I really really want a top hat to add to my hat collection.
I've already had quite a bit of art materials (oh why does overseas shipping cost quite a bit) ordered for me which I've received but I dunno what else. I'd ask for money but my family doesn't really believe in giving money for Christmas (or birthdays either) so I'll wait and see.
I also have some manga I want, but I think I'm going to have to wait on those.
If I had to have something really extravagant, I want one of those new Ipod Nano's (yellow) but depending on how something goes, I'm getting something pretty extravagant after Christmas.

I/m not doing as much as usual for Christmas. At home on the day, with my Gran coming over and going to see the extended family on the Sunday after Christmas. Probably going to be noisy because there's been a baby boom in our extended family (four in one year)
Returned for the moment...I guess.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Griffin »

I don't really need or want anything, but my parents will try to buy me something anyway. For my son I plan to get him the rest of those lame vsmile games he enjoys, a fancy diecast bus or truck that's not as likely to get lost in his 1000+ car collection, and hopefully a bundle of books. What he really needs is a slide/swingset, but it's out of the budget this year.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Alicorn »

I asked for things to keep me warm since we moved more up north in Canada. I already got snow boots cause we were dumped with snow and I didn't have any decent snow boots. I also asked for Animal Crossing for the Wii, another Wii remote, books, the new Nickelback cd and money to buy anime and manga with.

For celebrateing Christmas we are opening presents at the house and then (weather premitting) we are going to my wife's grandmother's house to have dinner there. I'm real excited about Christmas this year cause this is the first Christmas in the new house.
We came down to the states to see my family for Christmas so we already got presents from them and boy did we get spoiled. We got lots of fairy statues, a toaster, a coffee maker, an ice tea maker, leather slippers, Jeff Dunham dvds and a gift card. So we have a bit of shipping to do. ^_^"
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Slugawoo »

I know this is the "what do you want for christmas" thread, but I didn't want to make a new one. So what did everyone get? It's 4 AM, now, so it's officially Xmas~.

I got my presents last night, since my family actually celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve. And holy crap, everyone outdid themselves. I must have made 200 cookies, which everyone loved much to my surprise. And there waas more laughter than fighting, so yay. My uncle mistook me for my brother. Nice.

I got Eternal Sonata, Chrono Trigger, a black DS Lite, a new (steampunky!!) trenchcoat, a dragon shirt, and... a can of salted cashews? Lol. I also got Resistance, Bioshock, and Fallout 3, but technically they belong to me and my two siblings, too, so they arn't technically mine. But I so don't care. So many great video games. <3

I'm just really surprised. The past month has been full of WE HAS NO MONEY ARGH, and yet, everyone got a ton of stuff. Did my mother and grandparents hold up a few convenience stores while I wasn't looking? o.0; I almost suspect it was a ploy to make me not expect anything special. [/raving]
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Kantark »

IT Crowd series 1 & 2 DVD <3
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Some books, & bookends to stop them falling from the shelves.
Plenty of chocolates!
All sorts of lovely things.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Seerow »

My grandma knows I love art, so she got a pictured commissioned for me from a friend of who happens to be an outstanding artist. Rena Brouwer is her name if anyone non-local knows her. I need to get a picture of my picture (heh), but I don't have a camera at the moment. Its a kitten surrounded by flowers. You can check out some of her other work here if ya want:

Gotta say that not much topped that gift, but here's a few other awesome things I got :D
~New external hard drive as mine was full. My sister stood outside at 3am to get that for me for cheap 0_o
~Porn for Women from my brother.
~Lotta little knick knacks, which I don't need but are always cute
~Some gift cards.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by mellaka »

I was very happy to get a Wii Fit, but I already knew I was getting it since my mother told me that if I wanted it, I had to go buy my own (which involved my first Black Friday shopping trip at 7 a.m. and standing outside for 45 minutes in freezing weather).

I'm feeling lazy today so haven't tried it out yet.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Alicorn »

I got spoiled. XD Here's what I got...
-New Nickelback CD (which I'm listening to right now and can't get enough of)
-Animal Crossing: City Folk (loves it!)
-New wii remote (now I can do multi player!)
-the 3rd Dexter book (now I just need the 2nd one)
-Sims 2 expansion packs (I now have all of them, just in time for Sims 3 to come out, yay! XD)
-chocolates, lots of chocolates

It was real fun. I didn't sleep a lot on the night before Christams because I was excited. So I was up nice and early. I got to play Santa (which I love doing) and we got everything open. Then we hit the road and went to my wife's dad's side of the family gathering. Open presents there and then had a nice big dinner. Then today my sister in law came to spend a couple nights and we opened some more presents with her. So we've been quiet busy. It was great though. I hope everyone had fun filled holidays as well. ^_^
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

So far I've gotten
- a fair load of money (we're not really close with my husband's family, so mutually there's no idea what people would like) - at least it's very useful
- a nice new coat (that I didn't really need, but it's more formal than my other nice one that I haven't bothered finding and it has a hood)
- a big notebook with pages about my baby niece (which I feel bad for not liking, as I'm not comfortable with babies, the pages are cheesy, the outer pictures are obnoxiously "OMG BABY CUTE!!SCARY!!" and it's just one more thing to carry around)

So yeah, I'm a bit of a scrooge this year so far. I can't think of anything fun-but-practical for people to get for me, and I'm way too darned picky even though I always appreciate the attempt. Stuff I'm not picky about, well, I really don't need to carry around more useless fun shiny things because I have more stuff already than I care to move around (and we're going to still be moving around in small living quarters for a while). The things I'd really like are far too expensive and/or ambiguous or just have to wait until we're settled somewhere permanent. :P I haven't had the Christmas party with my side of the family yet, and I'm not expecting anything fun or fancy aside from the coat. If they ask, I might say the Neopets game (buying specifically from TRU), the pretty light blue DS (expensive and redundant though), or MicroSD cards for my cellphone. I don't know yet what computer programs would really be worth getting. I'm still such a kid when it comes to wishlists, but the practical side of me is bah-humbugging it all.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Usul_Princess »

Alicorn wrote: -Sims 2 expansion packs (I now have all of them, just in time for Sims 3 to come out, yay! XD)

Heheh, I have all but 3 stuff packs now. Now I'm off to get some more RAM because this game is a memory hog. This is a picture of my son and the neighborhood girl playing pillow fight before Santa comes.


I got spoiled too. In addition to my laptop I got $150.00 from my parents. A multipack of designer lipgloss from my sister. And 2 gigantic 100 piece art sets in those wooden boxes with a hard cover sketch pad. (And a love letter, awwww.)

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Wingsrising »

My big present for this year was an iPod Touch. I'm loving the iTouch... cutest thing ever! I'm hating iTunes. I've never had an iPod or used iTunes before, and most of my music is in wma format, so getting my music onto this thing is like pulling teeth.

Other gifts include BBC's Planet Earth and Blue Planet on DVD, a new cookbook and some new knitting books, a new Enya CD, a nice new bathrobe (my old one is about 14 years old and getting rather ratty), and a cordless screwdriver.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by TCStarwind »

I got a good amount of stuff this year. XD Including but not limited to: fuzzy slippers, 5 neopets plushies, Wall-E and Eve plushies, 2 Nightmare Before Christmas tshirts (something I also ranted about in my DA journal for a while), Naruto DVDs, Planet Earth DVD set (is the Blue Planet series good, Wings? I've never seen it), and some money and gift cards. And I haven't even exchanged presents with my friend yet. :o
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by Alicorn »

Usul_Princess wrote:
Alicorn wrote: -Sims 2 expansion packs (I now have all of them, just in time for Sims 3 to come out, yay! XD)

Heheh, I have all but 3 stuff packs now. Now I'm off to get some more RAM because this game is a memory hog.
Sweet! I only have 2 of the stuff packs. I wouldn't mind getting the others but I really can't get myself to pay the same price for the stuff packs as I did the expansion packs. They were both going for 15 bucks in America and I really think the stuff packs should be at most be 10 since you get less with it. But whatever, I can live without.
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Re: So....what do you want for Christmas?

Post by TCStarwind »

Alicorn wrote:Sweet! I only have 2 of the stuff packs. I wouldn't mind getting the others but I really can't get myself to pay the same price for the stuff packs as I did the expansion packs. They were both going for 15 bucks in America and I really think the stuff packs should be at most be 10 since you get less with it. But whatever, I can live without.
Come to think of it, there's always Ebay. There's so much Sims stuff out there that you can probably get expansions and stuff packs rediculously cheap there. I can't beleive I've never thought of this before. I really want those stuff packs, too, but they're $20 each around here. The only reason I don't have them (and the last two Zoo Tycoon 2 expansions) is because I refuse to pay that much for something that only adds to the game. All my Sims stuff was borrowed from my friend or given to me for Christmas.
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