Aisha Day Predictions

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Aisha Day Predictions

Post by Nogitsune »

Despite the fact that the Ogrin seem to be getting the shaft this year (would it really have killed TNT to release the new Ogrin colours and clothes before the long break?) Aisha Day is fast approaching. What colours might this day see?

Biscuit Image
Chocolate Image
Custard Image
Strawberry Image

Um... yeah... hopefully they'll have some really nice clothes? Barring a new (or Aisha-only) colour it looks like a fairly dismal Aisha day. Chocolate has potential. Biscuit and Strawberry might be cute. Custard is Custard. There's really not much else to say, though I'll be wondering if they'll be releasing one colour or two.

Thoughts? Hopes? Desires? Laments?
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by Michelle »

You're always so on top of these pet day prediction boards Nogitsune! ;)

-start rant-

I think aishas will get one color this year partially because the artists would have had too much eggnog over the holidays and because there's only a total of four colors left that aishas cannot be painted. If they were to do two pet colors a year there'd only be enough pet colors left for this year and th next and by then a new paint brush would have to be created
Oh TNT Viacom.

I'd like for chocolate to be released because I'm curious as to what it looks like but I'm guessing custard or a bogus color will come out.

-end rant-
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by Rah »

Ohh, I hope chocolate comes out! And that we get a nifty collar that I can zap for for my other aishas. A candy necklace maybe! That would make me happy. I love the chocolate colour most of the time.
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by Usul_Princess »

Haha, wow. They can only come in food colors! Believe it or not, I'm thinking that they may not release anything at all. Just probably tons of clothing. They might even have to adress the fact that they can't really release a decent color. I've never seen a species with so few colors left. I think even shoyrus has more available than aishas.

*really misses old redrawn aishas*

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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by covet »

Well, the news did say it would be back with a surprise on monday. New pet colour, maybe?
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by Pillow »

I'll vote for Chocolate to be released as well. If they pull it off correctly, it'll be nice ^^

But I kind of agree that they might not come out with anything at all. Maybe just a lot of shiny objects, pretty things to keep people from wondering where a new colour is.
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by TCStarwind »

I hope they go with chocolate and strawberry. I've never been a fan of food colors to begin with. :<
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by mellaka »

I'd love to see them revert the Alien Aisha since that was my first FFQ dream pet and one of the ones that changed so drastically in the redraws without the option to leave it unconverted.

Yeah, I know they won't, but that's the one pet that still bugs me the most.
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by varii »

This is why it bugged me that they released Zombie Aisha when they released the paintbrush. Poor thinking ahead on their part. I think a Chocolate Aisha would be nice. I would also be interested in a Yellow Alien Aisha.

Clothes wise I hope they get some pretty jewelry/ear accessories. I don't like how many actual clothing pieces look on aishas.

And as an afterthought, I think it would be really, really awesome if they gave us some really really awesome aisha only weapons, like lenny. I would accept no new colours and a 100% freezer for sure. :D
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by daisybell »

Michelle wrote:
I think aishas will get one color this year partially because the artists would have had too much eggnog over the holidays and because there's only a total of four colors left that aishas cannot be painted.
The colours for Aishas will have been decided upon at least a month ago, and drawn up several weeks ago too. I don't think the TNT of today is disorganised, which it may have been back when Adam and Donna were around. They were probably more spontaneous, but apart from plots I don't suppose they thought ahead as much, whereas now everything gets planned in advance.

I guess Aishas don't have a lot of potential for new colours, at least, not for me. I dislike the food colours, in general.
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by zebru »

What I hope for is that unlike with bruces and usuls, we do get collars with species. Over a year of labbing I got almost all aisha clothes I wanted (except for pirate - but that I'll leave to a possible FFQ) and I'm eager for some new ones. I'm very curious what they would do with chocolate :)
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by Kamil »

I don't suppose anyone suspects them of having a new color, that they plan to roll out with Aisha Day? Because Aishas do seem to be one of their favorite species to draw, and to draw for, so if they've been holding a new color off, looking for a particular species day, Aisha would seem like a good match.

Especially since they only have four (and here, lo, these many days later, I still almost typed 'colorfills left' x.x) colors left, none of which bring the bonus of special clothing.

I suppose they could just content themselves with drawing tons of pretty species clothing, and leave it at that.

And, like Zebru, I'm curious to see how they'd handle chocolate. ^^
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by Iggy »

We'll get Biscuit and after reading about a specie-specific color, I feel like they're going to get Clay, for some reason.


Even though only two pets come in clay and it was at release. :)
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Re: Aisha Day Predictions

Post by champagnesoup »

Chocolate could be really nice, though it probably won't be. TNT do seem to be fond of Aishas (and it's hard not to be) so perhaps a species-specific colour - I can't imagine them releasing a new paintbrush colour, though maybe Aishas could be the first pet to be available to paint Lutari Island? For the sake of the poor old Lutari I hope not - for a pet that was made such a song and dance about, the Lutari has really been ignored. Maybe Neopets Mobile hasn't gone as well as had been planned?

Anyway, back to Aisha Day - I predict chocolate, a new species-only colour or perhaps clay (though let's hope not) and hopefully some cool weapons (as my Aisha is my BD pet) or some nice clothes.
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