Glacier Swampie

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Glacier Swampie

Post by Seerow »


I can't decide if I like it or not. I love the idea and if the body was better formed, would probably like the pose as well.
However, it just seems very off. The way the front flipper attaches to the rather squat body, and the longer then usual tail just aren't doing anything for me. And the head spikes are far too huge for the tiny head.

I do like the ice detailing and markings though!
Last edited by Seerow on 15 Jan 2009 04:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by Jessi »

Gotta say... not a fan. There's something very weird about this pet here that I can't quite pinpoint, but I don't like it =/ I think part of it is the face - it just doesn't look like a Swampie nose or mouth to me. The tail is positioned very oddly, with that one piece of it visible from the front... it just looks odd. Really odd.

I know the Swampie doesn't have a lot of details, but this pet just looks really blank. I like the way the ice was shaded, but really that's about it =/ Definitely not the best of swampies nor of glacier pets.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by Sunwolf »

It's . . . huh. It looks so blank and plain, and it seems tiny, like I'm looking at it from far away. Tail is much too long. The body reminds me of a ping-pong ball, very round and fat. Markings are too light.

And I know that Glacier pets are supposed to be disdainful and aloof, but I'm getting real tired of always seeing the rear of the pet. :? It would have been neat to see the head lowered and looking at you with those awesome grey eyes. A creature can still look at you and be disdainful, right? The darkonite, ruffie, serpenth, ontra, kora, kerubi, and tigrean pull this off wonderfully without showing you its ass.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by hebdenhippy »

It's so...plain, a little disappointing really, since I like Swampies since the revamp. I ice is nice, but the lack of line tapering on the body really bothers me. The body looks very short, too. Oh well. Anyone know who drew it?
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by Jessi »

Rachel, I believe Squidiot drew this. I gathered that from someone in comments asking if it was done by the same person who did the Hoarfrost items (which was Squidiot) and someone else confirming it.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by Sarivonne »

hebdenhippy wrote:It's so...plain, a little disappointing really, since I like Swampies since the revamp. I ice is nice, but the lack of line tapering on the body really bothers me. The body looks very short, too. Oh well. Anyone know who drew it?
I've been noticing a trend lately of new pets coming out without line tapering. It's driving me insane. The ice is shaded nicely. and maybe that's a reason the pet is not working. The ice is so nicely detailed, it makes the simplicity of the swampie almost bland. Something about the way the tail is connected to the body isn't working for me.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by Tiki »

It's alright, for what it is. Swampies have incredibly simple designs to begin with. I wish they had tried a spiraling ring of ice going up the tail to add detail and visual interest, along with making the head spines smaller. The top one in particular looks so forcefully squashed in the box.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by stinkbomb »

Even for a basically simple pet, this is really a let down. You have the ultra simple pet fighting against the seemingly excessively detailed spikes. It just doesn't work, for me. Swampies are fairly boring to me on a good day, but it seems as though there was plenty of potential here to come up with something a bit more inventive and/or creative than a white butt shot with some random ice spikes protruding. Just...boring.

And man, if you take off the head the body & tail look like a blasted sperm cell. Maybe thats part of what has me saying errr.. the body is so cramped and bulbous and then the tail that never ends.

I don't know. Not a pet I would own anyway, and definitely not a color I would waste sP on acquiring.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by Ayasha »

My thoughts on this pet have been pretty much stated by everyone else. The ice and eye look lovely, but the overall blandess of the pet is disappointing. Not that swampies are particularly interesting in design to begin with, but yeah.

Also, do the markings look really light on anyone else's computer or is it because my Dad's laptop is really bright? I know the markings are supposed to be light, but these seem to blend into the white areas of the Swampie.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by TCStarwind »

What everyone else said. And is it just me, or is the fin connected too far down the body. I want to like swampies, but unfortunately, the only decent color they have is galactic. The rest of the redraws need to be redrawn since they're still in the old style of eons ago. :/
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by Mayhem »


I looked at this and literally said "wow, ugh" out loud. The pose is awful, the crest is awkward and bent to fit into the frame, and the whole thing is just a blob. I realize there's not a lot to work with there in the first place, but dang.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by firost-the-dragon »

its... meh.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by Goldenchaos »

Now all I see is a giant sperm with a penis. D:
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by Pillow »

As much as I like some Swampies (especailly the DM) and a lot of Glaciers, this doesn't cut it at all.

I kind of like the pose, but on a different pet. The Swampie just does not have the right anatomy and design to be like that without looking weird. And with the super lengthy tail, it makes me think that it used to be a Serpenth that ate something really big in one go and it got stuck half way. I like that the tail is being curled around, but seeing it on the other side of the pet throws it completely off.

I like the shading though. That and the ice are the only good points I can really say about it. But the ice markings should not be that faint. I can see them perfectly fine on my desktop, but while I was at my college, I had to squint and go "Are those the markings?" to notice them.
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Re: Glacier Swampie

Post by Huggles »

I'm not digging this either. There's not very much to work with, so what would be small problems on more complex pets turn into big ones on swampies. I think the overall problem I have is with the body being much too big for the head. The pose makes it look much heavier and lumbering. I'll stay content with my current blue swampie.
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