Attitude achievement

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Attitude achievement

Post by EofS »

This will probably seem pretty minor to most people here. But I just did something impulsive on Neopets for the first time in 2540 days.

2541 days ago I was idly browsing the pound and spotted a 22 hour old yellow aisha with a name I liked. 2539 days later he was still yellow. Originally he was going to be spotted, I even chose his petpet based on ability to paint it spotted (that pppb is in my SDB to this day...) Once upon a time I was going to paint him orange. I came so close - found a fairly expensive nerkmid on the ground, sold it for 70k which was about what the brush would cost. But then I decided to buy my friend an Iron Lupe Sword with the money instead. (Man I miss that economy ;0) Then I was going to paint him pirate, but I balked at the 500k price tag. (I knooow...)

Today I was fiddling around in the NC Mall trying to work out how to use my free Neocash. And I suddenly found his pale yellow coat so... bla. It looked very pale next to his bright blue snowager hat. So I wandered over to NC to look at aisha colours and was reminded how nice the camo is.

Less than an hour after that, I had a camouflage aisha :0) From this to this:


It's silly really, I'm probably more pleased with my spontaneity than I am with the paint job. I genuinely can't remember anything spontaneous in my entire 7 years of Neopets other than adopting this pet. Everything's always planned, agonised over, planned some more... and eventually abandoned.

Now I just need to buy him the Inside the Lost Desert Background. From the Canadian BK codes I got at least one of every single background. Except the Lost Desert one. Rawr! Oh well, I must admit I do much prefer the Inside the Lost Desert one anyway. But still - free would have been nice. I like free.

(Oh yeah, is it just me or are the auctions messed up? I bid on a pb which was at "<30 mins" for at least 35 minutes. If it had actually ended at 30 minutes I would have won the auction. Mrrr. Still, I bid on a trade and had my pb within a couple of minutes, for 125k. So I can't complain too loudly.)
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Re: Attitude achievement

Post by chocolatefairy13 »

I like it when people get a pet because it's what they want, not because it's the most popular combo.
That's why I like the colors that aren't as sought after, such as Sketch, Glowing, Strawberry, etc.
It seems like everybody wants Faerie/Pirate/Baby.

Of course, I have 3 Baby pets. LOL
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Re: Attitude achievement

Post by Jessi »

I already told you congrats in MSN, but I will repeat it here xD The camo aisha really is lovely.

And chocolatefairy, i want to point out that sometimes the 'most popular combo' IS a pet someone really wants ;) I have a lot of faerie pets, but it's because I loved the pet, not cause I want to look special xD
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Re: Attitude achievement

Post by chocolatefairy13 »

Jessi, I wasn't talking about you or anybody else here! :oops:
I'm talking about the general Neo population, like the peeps on the NeoBoards who are all "BabyFaeriePirate/LOLZ!!"
And like I said, I have 3 Baby pets (Kougra, Ruki, and Skeith) because they are pets that I really wanted.

I just think that there are less-appreciated colors like Sketch or Strawberry. :D
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Re: Attitude achievement

Post by Jessi »

Oh, there's definitely less-appreciated colors xD One of my Neopets is permanently a blue xweetok ;D

I know you weren't talking about anyone here ^_~ I was just pointing out sometimes the pets we really want end up being the popular ones everyone else wants xD
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Re: Attitude achievement

Post by Cranberry »

Yeah, I have a UC faerie pteri on my side! ;) But I also just go with what I like -- my four main account pets include a mutant gelert and a shadow cybunny and kougra... not exactly pricy! I actually have a FFQ that I haven't bothered to use yet, as I'm happy with their colors.

I think your camo aisha is adorable. It's always fun to do something spontaneous and neat with your pets/account, too!
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Re: Attitude achievement

Post by Huggles »

I keep reading this as Altitude Achievement and wondering just how high you are. Oh well. Your aisha's little friend is very squishy.
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Re: Attitude achievement

Post by Ailiel »

Mmhmm Huggles, I keep reading it as "attitude adjustment" and it brings to mind being called to task in front of my parents. :P

But I totally get the attitude achievement/adjustment regarding Neo. Recently I've had one of those myself. And cute new pets are always awesome.
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Re: Attitude achievement

Post by Wingsrising »

Huggles wrote:I keep reading this as Altitude Achievement and wondering just how high you are.
Or, you know, what it was you did at altitude... :-)
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