Dream pet achievement!

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Dream pet achievement!

Post by invsagoth »

So I've always wanted a maraquan draik. Since the darn things came out, I have fawned over them. Couldn't ever afford the brush. Still can't. Go me...

Anyway. From the Return of Sloth plot I worked my butt off and did that blasted code thing by hand and continued until about the end. I ended up with enough points at the end to get the zapper thing. I agonized over what to get. Were there any robot pets I wanted? Not really. What if something came out that I wanted? I really wanted Ylana's blaster, but then I couldn't get the zapper. I couldn't get both. I left it until about a month ago, when I had decided that I was going to get my dream pets. I was introduced to the idea of trading. I went to the dreaded neoboards. I actually had a draik that I adopted from here, a green draik, from a girl named Foxx. This was on the other forum, before we switched to this new one because the other one died. I don't know if she's still here or not? I don't recall seeing her any more afterward.

My draik had stayed green as boochi bait up until just now. I always wanted to paint him, but I never knew what to paint him that I could afford, and I've never had a darn FFQ. :P But I had a plan. I would make him a robot, and trade him for a maraquan! It was a great plan I thought. So the girl that I traded with was very excited as a robot draik was her dream pet, and a maraquan pet was mine! I think it worked out well. While waiting to trade, she squee'd over perfect petpets (hers was a robot noil), backgrounds, and everything like that.

I apologize for the length. But I finally have one of the pets that I've wanted for so long! I squee every time I look at her. :3
Thank you to Jazzy for the av!
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Re: Dream pet achievement!

Post by TCStarwind »

That's so awesome! :D Go you. Stories like this are always so fun to hear.

I really wish I'd had enough points for the zapper (and maybe I did, I really can't remember), but I got the blaster instead thinking that selling it would get me that much closer to my royal kyrii pair. XD And only afterwards is when I want to get a robot kyrii. Figures.
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Re: Dream pet achievement!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Congrats!! I'm glad both of you got dream pets out of the deal! :D
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Joined: 02 Feb 2006 03:54 am

Re: Dream pet achievement!

Post by invsagoth »

hehe, thanks guys!

After the time I've spent on the neoboards to trade, I almost feel silly saying "dream pet", I picked up the term off the boards... You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.. heh :P

Oh, that pet you have up for adoption? The christmas grarrl? Totally my dream pet! I will love it and hold it and call it George, and I will never trade it away! *turns around and trades it for something else as soon as they have it*

Or "Oh you with the incredibility expensive/UC pet UFT? Could you consider my badly named yellow skeith? It's my dream pet!" (Often for this it seems they want it either as a trophy pet, or yet another thing to trade up with).

So on and so forth. It gets kind of annoying, and it rather loses it's meaning.

My dream pets are the a select few that I've wanted for a very long time. It seems like most people's dream pets are whatever pets happen to be UFA (or UFT). :P
Thank you to Jazzy for the av!
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