President Obama

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President Obama

Post by Joey »

So we started a bit of discussion on RL Achievements, but I figure this is cool enough for it's own thread.

I woke up early to watch the inauguration, and it was well worth it. Obama had a great speech, and the oath was messed up a little. My favorite part was actually the orchestra piece they played before Obama was sworn in:

So, any thoughts? I'm definitely looking forward to his first acts as president.
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Re: President Obama

Post by Pillow »

Ummm, I didn't watch it? ^^;;

There was coverage on the Canadian networks starting at 10 am (Ontario time), but I was too busy trying to catch a bus/not be late for lectures at the moment. At campus they have these TV screens where they can display current news, traffic and weather reports along with the time (seeing as the geniuses that designed the building put no clocks up <.<). So those were on CNN showing the ceremonies and apparently large groups of people started to gather around (not that surprising, but, um, yeah ^^;).

I got to watch a little bit/hear the highlights and some details when I got home as my mom came home early because she wasn't feeling well and had was watching it for the afternoon. Plus, the nights before on some news networks they had bits about President Obama and last night even they had a piece about how demographics and rights have changed over the years (Because he is the "first black president", which is a term I'm starting to despise with thanks to the media >.>)

I heard about the luncheon though and how it managed to slow everything down. I feel really bad for Senator Kennedy (please correct me if I'm wrong) and that that had to happen, but at the same time feel pleased that a man under his condition attended, even if he left in a stretcher.

But besides that, congrats America. You've got one hell of a President now! ^^ Even though I live up north from you, it's actually feels refreshing to see someone like him around, considering that it is such a rarity. ^^

But of course, that also makes me a bit paranoid for his actions. I hope, and am sure that he'll do the right thing, but if he doesn't, the results of his actions may be less than pleasing. [/paranoid worries]

*wonders what he'll think of Canada and the PM*
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Re: President Obama

Post by Usul_Princess »

I had to resort listening to it on the radio because I had to go to a Secretary of State appointment. But I insisted on at least hearing the speech whole thing live. And then saw the parade, and whatnot later on TV. The only thing I'd be "worried" about, is that I don't want people to totally ignore the fact that he didn't just hint at the fact that he wants public contribution to help rebuild the country, he expects it. I hate how naysayers see us as "blind obeyers". They're the ones that will put the weight of the world on his shoulders and do that whole "Where's your Messiah now" thing, should he not deliver.

...On the flipside, I want people to remember that Obama is only one man, and that he does need our help in lifting up the country. Most of the supporters are extremely educated and understood that beforehand, but there are a few supporters who expect him to totally enable us in the advancement, and they're totally missing the point about "change".

Anyone else notice that other naysayers (Fox news, bitter McCain supporters, etc.) Actually resent the fact that everyone loves him, and that they can't provoke him? It's so childish to attempt to intentionally provoke someone so you can have something to hold onto for 4 whole years. And I really don't appreciate this play-by-play the media did with his "downtime" inbetween his election win, and inaguration. Every single damn day they had something to say, attribute/relate to a man who wasn't even in office yet. I get a bad feeling that someone in the media is waiting to cash in on his first potential screw up. But I believe that his supporters will see him through every single negative aspect and challenge, which is great!

Is it just me, or does he seem to be losing weight from the whole ordeal? He's already pretty slim, so it's harder to tell. Poor thing. I would like to see some regulation enforced to knock it off with the media scrutiny so the man can do his job.

....Oh, and the best part was the crowd! 2-3 million people there, standing room only. That was beautiful. :')

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: President Obama

Post by chocolatefairy13 »

Congrats, Obama!
It's good to see America come together like this. :)
Now, I wasn't an Obama supporter during the campaign (not because of race, but because of beliefs...I don't want to start a debate here), but I respect him and am willing to give him a chance.
I was taught years ago (5th grade, I think) in my Bible studies class that you are should support your leader (president, mayor, etc.), whether you agree with their views or not.
I don't understand why people would choose him or not choose him because he's half-black.
What's the big deal, it's just a skin color?
I look at each person to see the person on the INSIDE.
I don't like the people who voted for him "only because he's black" or didn't vote for him just because "he's a black man".

As far as the stress level of being president and the media "not leaving him alone", I think that it comes with the territory.
He knew that he would be under such scrutiny, as all presidents and public figures are.
Not to mention, he has a "movie star" popularity to him.
Sadly, the media lives for scandals and other issues, so they pretty much stalk those in the public eye to find any little thing.

Anyway, congrats!

Oh, and as far as "mindless Obama supporters", that made me think of The Onion parody: shop hippies is what those in the video remind me of.
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Re: President Obama

Post by Usul_Princess »

chocolatefairy13 wrote:
Oh, and as far as "mindless Obama supporters", that made me think of The Onion parody: shop hippies is what those in the video remind me of.
"....Inability to process non-Obama related information." Classic! :D

That was one of the first Onion episodes I saw since 2007. (I thought they stopped making shows for some reason.) Comedy gold. The scrolling headlines at the bottom are just icing on the cake.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: President Obama

Post by DamionDarkheart »

chocolatefairy13 wrote:Oh, and as far as "mindless Obama supporters", that made me think of The Onion parody: shop hippies is what those in the video remind me of.
During the campaign, Fivethirtyeight had a ranking system for how likely a state was to vote Democrat in the primaries. One of the qualifiers was the Starbucks to Walmart ratio.

Has anyone seen the new White House website? It's crazy awesome and there's a blog.

I was up at 6:30 to vote for Obama so I'm very happy for him to finally be President.
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Re: President Obama

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I am VERY PLEASED with Obama so far. I'm still actually in a little shock, as if it's not real.

Seeing all the things he's already got moving is amazing. He's already telling lobbyists where to shove it, putting out positive ads to encourage people to contribute to their communities, making everything transparent if there's no need for secrecy, and encouraging a reformation from government to the public. And I believe that he's really trying his best to reach out to everyone - religious conservatives, non-Christians; young, old; "gender normal," LGBT; USAmerican, allies and non-allies overseas (as in diplomacy not threat of war) - EVERYONE.

I'm one of "them crazy liberals," a relative oddity from my home area where of course McCain pretty well dominated. So I'm just all giddy, even though I think McCain is a true patriot and hero I would have been very uneasy with him in office. There are a few issues I personally would love him to take a stronger and more inclusive approach on, but I think the political climate of this country is best served with him going moderate on those and paving an easier path to acceptance.

It's interesting to see how happy people in other countries are too with his Presidency. It's almost like a revolution all over again, but publicly in our government, in a direction that is an attempt to overthrow what's gone so horribly wrong in the past.
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Re: President Obama

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Ooh, a double-post! I just wanted to share some links I found interesting. :)

The White House - the official site that DamionDarkheart referred to (just be sure not to go to .com if you want to revisit!)
The Obameter - track how many promises Obama is keeping from his campaign, by the St. Petersburg Times (has some other nifty political statement-stats too)
How the votes shifted from 2004 to 2008 - New York Times site, November '08 (interesting how "Democrat" and "Republican" outlooks have flipped)
Presidential approval ratings from 1945-2008
Past elections 1948-2004, by state - BBC site March '08
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Re: President Obama

Post by AngharadTy »

Thanks for the links! I hadn't seen the Obameter. Haha. That's a good idea!
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Re: President Obama

Post by Huggles »

It still hasn't quite sunk in for me. Ask me what I think about him in 4 years, and I may be able to babble something almost coherently. It probably doesn't help that while he won Ohio, he lost my county, unsurprisingly. I can't help but feel that even if things change, hopefully for the better, they won't here. Anyone have an extra long couch in a dark room? I bake cupcakes.
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Re: President Obama

Post by Teragram »

hehe it always blows my mind when I think about. Or like when I see him on tv. because it sounds like a whole different world when he is talking. He sounds smart. somehow that makes a huge amount of difference. I will admit that it is possible my standards have been lowered by the last guy.

but I totally went to the inauguration! and stood out in the cold for hours and waited for buses and stood in unimaginably big crowds and got pushed past by more people than I can count (there were moments where I just wanted to scream STOP TOUCHING ME. haha I did say it out loud at the end of the day once and some lady was like "remember, Obama is love." so, you know, good times. it did help.) but it was amazing and incredible and yes that poem was very dull. The crowd was amazing, the total unity of spirit. And the singing. fun.
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Re: President Obama

Post by DamionDarkheart »

Meghan shared this with me and I couldn't resist.

Barack Obama is tired of your motherfucking shit

"There are white folks, and then there are ignorant ass motherfuckers like you."
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Re: President Obama

Post by Huggles »

Oh my gods. BWAHAHAHAHA! It's obvious he's never actually used any of those words more than a couple times in his entire life. He could be reading the phonebook with the same amount of emphasis.
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Re: President Obama

Post by Usul_Princess »

Damion, that was grand!! haha. Same tone, same pitch....everything!

I was just thinking the other day...Do you realize how much money one could make if there were some legal way to make an "Obama Live Cam". This would shut up all his hypnotized fanbase, (The extremely irritating fans of course.) and possibly regain others' sanity back as the creepy-obsessed idolizers cease to talk to you anymore about it because they're preoccupied with his every move...

"*Shhh...* The cook is serving him his Peach Cobbler in the private quarters on a floral china-pattern....He's using a bio-degradable fork to ingest it....."

I hate running into creepy fans. You can't help but wonder how you, and the adjacent weirdo have the same admiration in common for the President, but you're not wetting yourself about keeping tabs on him.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: President Obama

Post by Teragram »

I feel like the media is the one with this fetish, and it's mostly because they are confused and disoriented that they can't report on the election and polls anymore. I mean, did I ever say to myself, "Hey, I wonder what his kids have for lunch at their school?" or "I wonder is he likes trail mix and guacamole?" but now I know anyway!

Anyways, I haven't met anyone that crazy or weird about their admiration for Barack. None of the people I meet that admire and like him aren't obnoxious, creepy, or hypnotized.

Hahaha, My favorite was "You ain't my bitch. Buy your own damn fries!"
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