Pet Returned Affter Four Years

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Pet Returned Affter Four Years

Post by Ailiel »

I only ever lost one pet in the pound. Some of you have probably heard me trot out the tale, as it was kind of a doozy. I decided I no longer liked the look of the faerie poogle after returning from a hiatus in early 2005. The pet had been created for the purpose of becoming a faerie poogle, which was the first faerie pet released that I really liked. I wanted a faerie pet desperately after the release of the brush, but the first few left me unenthused. But when I saw the faerie poogle, I went out and bought the brush (for 99k neopoints) and created a poogle. So back to 2005. I had four main account pets. My draik was a baby Aisha at that time, my gelert was still in lab mode (I think as a grarrl at that moment) and my ixi was a fire wocky. I looked through all the colors and decided the poogle would be perfect as a faerie draik, which was released while I was gone. This would all cost me quite a bit of neopoints, so I sent her to a side account until then. Why? Not really any solid reason. There was a big problem with this-- I didn't know the quick adopt link.

On the transfer to my side account I remember I got several neomails along the lines of "My poogle, I lost it in the pound, I love her very much, may I have her back?" But I brushed it off and went about saving for the brush (600k) and the draik transmogrification poem (1m even was the price of the auction I won). Finally I had all the accoutrement, I just needed the pet. So I attempted to transfer her back.

She was grabbed by a total newbie account. I neomailed her frantically, explaining my situation and begging for the return of my pet. I still remember the gist of what she said "Sorry, I know she's your pet, but I like her and I'm keeping her." Which I know now is really very fair, but at the time it felt unspeakably cruel. I tried to reason with her, eventually she pretended to be her mother neomailing me to yell at me (with the same punctuation, spelling, and grammar issues-- although who knows, it very well could have been her mother). She did promise that she would "take very good care of her". I realized it was out of my hands.

I did check up on her from time to time. Unlike most newbie accounts, this one was played for a time. Then she didn't log in for a year and a half. But then the account was used again, so I neomailed to see how the poogle was. But this time the account was in the hands of a cousin of the first person. She was terribly sorry for what her cousin had done, but she was afraid if she gave me the pet back her cousin and aunt would be angry at her. I told her it was fine. She seemed very concerned that I think so. It had been so long anyway, and the faerie poogle has really not been doing anything for me post-customization.

I saw recently that the poogle was always sad, never fed. I neomailed to see what was up. Apparently the account was back in the first girl's hands again. I could barely keep track anymore. But this time, I had the neomail to cousin's own account. She swore up and down that she still had the log on information, and after playing for awhile she realized that I should absolutely have my pet back. And then, yesterday, Valentine's Day, she actually transferred my poogle back to me.

I really can't believe it, after all this time, I have her back again. It's really got to be some kind of record for a pound swiped pet. She's on my old account for now, which I actually think is a pretty good place for her. And now I have no pound horror story to tell.

Edited to remove names, identifying features, etc. ;)
Last edited by Ailiel on 16 Feb 2009 01:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Returned Affter Four Years

Post by Cranberry »

So she logged into her cousin's account and sent the poogle back to you? Is the girl who originally got your poogle still actually playing? If so, I could see this causing some problems, although I hope it doesn't. Good luck... and are you going to repaint her now?
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Re: Pet Returned Affter Four Years

Post by Larkspurlane »

But I brushed it off and went about saving for the brush (600k) and the draik transmogrification poem
PG on your mind? Haha.

This is a great story. I'm glad you got her back after all that! I hope that there aren't any issues for you to keep her (re: Cran's post).
Thank you for the av and sig set!
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Re: Pet Returned Affter Four Years

Post by Paint »

Aww, that's quite the tale. I'm glad you have her back in the end (:

Many thanks to the wonderful Tiel for the set.
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Re: Pet Returned Affter Four Years

Post by varii »

Oh man, people who pretend to be their mom/cousin/best friend/little brother are the best. That's amazing that you got her back, congrats. :)
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Re: Pet Returned Affter Four Years

Post by mellaka »

Congrats, I hope everything works out.

It reminds me of when I lost my Fire Draik, even though I knew the quick adopt link, and could prove he was mine because I had a saved list of all the books he had read. I watched him move between several accounts over the years, contacted a few of them with no luck, but the one he wound up on has been frozen for a while now.
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Re: Pet Returned Affter Four Years

Post by Jessi »

I too could see this causing some problems, so I hope you avoid any repercussions this might have =/ Good luck.
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Re: Pet Returned Affter Four Years

Post by Ailiel »

Yes, I suppose it could. I'm usually pretty relaxed about stuff like this, as I figure after nine years, I'm pretty certain of the rules and their effects. But I removed all the identifying stuff as it was making people nervous.

I really think it will be fine. They were sharing the account amongst family members, not me. So if they reported it to TNT, it would likely be a simple case of "don't give your password out, don't share accounts."

There's also the fact that I've never been fully convinced that the "cousin" was actually not the same user, a few years older and more repentant. Perhaps not.

I'm not too worried about it overall. But thanks for the concern guys, I guess we will see how it settles out.

P.S. Yep larkspurlane, that MUST be it! I started writing poems and now I can't quit. :P
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Re: Pet Returned Affter Four Years

Post by Cranberry »

It's not the identifying stuff here I'd be worried about, at all -- I'd be worried about first girl writing to TNT and complaining that her cousin logged into her account and sent her pet off to some girl that (she could claim) has been trying to take her pet for years. TNT would probably freeze the cousin's account and yours... and if they really looked into it, maybe all three -- yours for receiving the pet and the other two for account sharing. But hopefully you're right and the cousins are actually just the same girl, and/or the first girl has moved on from Neo and doesn't care what happens to the pets on her old account.

(And I have also been playing for nine years.)
Anna the Red
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Re: Pet Returned Affter Four Years

Post by Anna the Red »

Awww! This is a nice story. I'm glad you got your pet back.
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