Tonu Day Predictions

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Tonu Day Predictions

Post by Nogitsune »

Though Chia Day is not here yet Tonu Day approaches. What colours does this pet have left?

Biscuit Image
Camouflage Image
Chocolate Image
Custard Image
Ice Image
Invisible Image
Jelly Image
Maraquan Image
Robot Image
Royal Image
Royal Image
Silver Image
Snot Image
Sponge Image
Strawberry Image
Tyrannian Image
Zombie Image

Royal could be interesting, as could Robot. Zombie also could be a nice addition with clothing. I somehow suspect a Maraquan version would end up looking like a narwhale. Tyrannian could be cool, especially if they do something like a wooly rhino. I’m not sure they’ll do a Tyrannian Tonu, though. Chocolate could be nice, and I could just see them having a candy corn horn. Camouflage could be cool in the hands of the right artist. Jelly, Strawberry, and Biscuit tend to be joke colours but might have potential. Ice tends to look blocky, Silver tends to be a shiny Grey, and Invisible’s not much to look at but all have some potential, I suppose. Sponge has lost a lot since the revamp. Custard and Snot are Custard and Snot.

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Re: Tonu Day Predictions

Post by champagnesoup »

Hmmm....I rather fancy a Maraquan Tonu as a Narwhal! I think Tyrannian could be really well done, but the most recent Tyrannian pets have not exactly excited me - I rather think TNT have gone off Tyrannian somewhat (I almost put Trannian then - now that would be interesting!).

Royal could be good - maybe have them as African tribal chiefs, like the Kenyan Masai people? It would fit in with the species and also the international nature of several Royal pets, such as Elephantes and Myncis, which I really like. Zombie, Chocolate and Camoflague are all quite likely and could be done really well - I love the idea of the candy corn horn! Jelly could be alright but is more likely to be a bit dull.

So, I am tentatively predicting Chocolate and Camoflague - but hoping for Royal!
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Re: Tonu Day Predictions

Post by Paint »

Maraquan Narwhal-Tonu looks so adorable/awesome in my head, haha. As for the other colours, Royal could be interesting but it may just end up as another blue/purple base with excessive clothes and jewellery :\ Be nice if they were creative, though. I've never been a big Tyrannian fan, but maybe they could do something interesting with that. We'll probably get colourfills though, or chocolate maybe? Hm.

Many thanks to the wonderful Tiel for the set.
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